The Fourth Master's Favorite Concubine from the Qing Dynasty

Chapter 114 Searching Tong Jia’s Mansion

Chapter 114 Searching Tong Jia’s Mansion

Before Kangxi finished speaking, Liang Jiugong knelt straight down.

After all, it would be disrespectful for others to hear this.

What is above is not only the collusion between Longkodo and the Cao family, but also evidence that Longkodo is working behind the scenes for Yinhu, the Eight Belles.

What's more, in order to guard against the Cao family, Longkodo also hid various evidence that the Cao family sent large amounts of silver to the Prince's Mansion.

It seems that the Cao family is planning to hedge its bets.

But Yinzhen can also understand, after all, the Cao family's entire honor and disgrace is tied to Kangxi.

Because of Kangxi, the Cao family is as glorious as it is today.

However, Kangxi's various favors fostered the Cao family's ambitions.
Naturally, he also thought about the next emperor's merits in following the dragon, and wanted to please the future emperor in advance.

Therefore, he bribed the prince with a huge amount of property and listened to the prince's instructions and dispatches.

But what the Cao family didn't expect was that the crown prince's position was not secure.

The prince had angered Kangxi a few years ago and was deprived of his position as prince.

Therefore, later on, although the Cao family wanted to end things with the prince, how could the prince give up? The Cao family was so powerful now.

Therefore, Cao Yin continued to threaten the Cao family in private, but Cao Yin did not dare to refuse openly due to the crown prince's power.

But privately, he was looking for various ways out, so he took Longkodo's path.

However, it was precisely because of Qingyou's reminder that Yinzhen knew that Long Keduo was doing so many tricks behind his back.

On the surface, he supported himself and was respectful to him, but privately, he secretly took refuge in Yinsu.

Later, after Nalong Keduo saw that Yinhu had lost the Sacred Heart again, he wanted to turn around and please himself.

He even erased the evidence of his crimes, fearing that he would find out.

However, Longkodo would not have thought that Li Si'er, whom he favored, would secretly hide his letters.

If it weren't for Qingyou, who mentioned this woman today, Yinzhen wouldn't have paid much attention to such a woman in the back house.

It would be difficult not to find this evidence.

If the evidence was gone, this matter would not be investigated so quickly.

This Li Si'er really made a bad move.

However, Yinzhen was somewhat suspicious of the Cao family and married his second daughter to Babeile as a side Fujin.

He also betrothed his eldest daughter to his fourteenth elder brother. Was he also thinking of making a three-way bet?

The prince, Ba Beile, and the fourteenth prince all made a bet. In the future, no matter which one succeeds, it will ensure the prosperity and wealth of the Cao family in the future.

But there is another point that Yinzhen is curious about today. Longkodo's wife Hesheli Fujin has never come forward. Moreover, Yinzhen doesn't look very good when he looks at the fifth princess, Princess Wen Xian.

The fifth princess and Yinzhen were brothers and sisters. After the fifth princess was one month old, she was sent to the palace of the Queen Mother Renxian to be raised by the Queen Mother herself.

Although Yinzhen doesn't have much contact with her, he still loves this sister very much. Moreover, the fifth princess was also very popular with Kangxi.

Not only did she not have to marry far away to Mongolia and get married, she could stay in the capital, but she could also marry into the Tongjia family, the uncle's family.

This is a very lucky thing for a princess. After all, princesses of the Qing Dynasty either married Mongolia to promote friendly relations between Mongolia and the Qing Dynasty.

Or they would marry courtiers to show the royal family's sympathy for the courtiers.

As for Princess Wen Xian, not only could she stay in the capital, she could also marry a man with a distinguished family background.

At that time, Tong Guowei's grandson Shun Anyan was in the capital and was also a well-known talent.

It can be said that the combination of Princess Wen Xian and Shun Anyan is truly a match made in heaven, a talented man and a beautiful woman. But now, Yinzhen looked at Wen Xian, who had just been married for more than a year, but his face was no longer as delicate as it was in the palace, and he was a little haggard.

Combined with this, Yinzhen is really worried about Tong Jia's reputation of doting on his concubines and destroying his wives.

Therefore, after Yinzhen and Kangxi reported the matter of Tong Jia Mansion, they incidentally mentioned the matter of Hesheli Fujin.

I want to use Kangxi's help to check the Tong Jia family's backyard. If it is really true and Yinzhen is wrong, this matter will not cause any harm.

But if it is true that Tong Jia's house has treated the princess harshly, and all old and new grudges are settled, Yinzhen will never let Tong Jia's house go.

Kangxi listened to Yinzhen's report, although he thought it was a trivial matter.

But after listening to Yinzhen's words, he decided to investigate first to see how many dirty things happened in Tong Jia's Mansion.

Seeing that Kangxi continued to listen, Yinzhen went back to his house to rest. After all, he had to do too many things that day.

Afraid that Qingyou was still worried about what happened during the day, he came to Qingyou's yard.

I want to pick these things that I can talk about and talk to Qingyou to calm her mind.

After dinner, Yinzhen and Qingyou chatted at the table.

Before Yinzhen could speak, Qingyou asked first.

"Fourth Master, why did you suddenly rush to the jewelry pavilion today, even though I often leave the house during this time.

But the route is not fixed. Going to the Jewelry Pavilion today was just a whim. How did Fourth Master get there so quickly? "

It's not that Qingyou doesn't know good from evil and repays kindness with hatred.

However, at the beginning, when Qingyou left the house, Yinzhen proposed that escorts should be arranged to protect Qingyou's safety.

On the spot, Qingyou refused.

Although, Qingyou felt that there was nothing bad to say to others about what she had done.

However, Shantang is still in the early stages of preparation, and at this time, it still relies on Qingyou's own efforts.

If the guards sent by Yinzhen follow him, they will definitely reveal his whereabouts to Yinzhen in detail.

If you talk to Yinzhen about this matter, if Yinzhen agrees with your philosophy, he will definitely help you a lot in this regard.

But if Yinzhen doesn't agree, his plan will only fail.

After all, although these actions of mine may seem fine now, in the long run, they may have an impact on the current mentality of men being superior to women.

If Yinzhen is stubborn, he will definitely try his best to hinder himself.

Qingyou didn't dare to bet on the possibility of this matter.

This is the restriction that must be controlled by others in ancient times. Yinzhen can be regarded as Qingyou's husband.

Women must obey their husbands when they get married, and women have been taught since ancient times that they must be virtuous and virtuous, and study women's virtues and precepts seriously.

Managing common affairs in the backyard and educating children are the greatest achievements.

And when he shows up outside, he still does such "treasonous and unethical" things.

Qingyou didn't know if Yinzhen would agree.

Therefore, Qingyou didn't want to tell Yinzhen about this at the beginning.

Wait for Qingyou to work harder and start the Shantang matter step by step.

After the shantang is on the right track, he will explain to Yinzhen together.

Yinzhen didn't expect Qingyou to think so.

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