Chapter 115 Tragedy
Yinzhen naturally heard Qingyou’s voiceover. Although he was very angry, he patiently explained,
"This jewelry pavilion is a property in my name. I was able to arrive in time today because someone recognized you in the pavilion.

I saw that Li Si'er, who is usually the most arrogant and domineering, has entered the isolation ecology. If you are bullied, the servants will come to the house and notify me.

But it just so happens that I am free today.

That's why he arrived so quickly. Do you have anything else to ask? "

The tone of the last sentence in my suggestion was already filled with anger, and he hurriedly went to coax Yinzhen. After all, if it hadn't been for Yinzhen, today's matter probably wouldn't have ended so quickly.

Li Si came over as soon as I saw him today. Lu Chuanwen said that she was such an arrogant and domineering shrew. Although Qin Yong was not afraid of it, but to confront such a person, on the one hand, he lost his dignity and disdained to deal with such a person. On the one hand, he was entangled with Li Si'er here, and he made people laugh for nothing.

But if you want to say that you are afraid of Li Si'er, then you definitely won't be afraid.

Although Qingyou usually takes Ruyi out, Qing is also very concerned about her personal safety. Going out with two weak women was also dangerous in ancient times.

Therefore, Qingyou's space is equipped with many weapons, and Qingyou also asked his second brother to send several guards with strong martial arts skills to protect him secretly.

Sending these guards to the shantang can also protect the safety of the shantang. After all, they are children and women who are powerless.

When the baby girls in the charity hall grow up, these guards can also teach them martial arts. They don't need to be very advanced, but at least they can defend themselves.

Therefore, when facing Li Si'er, Qingyou originally wanted to teach her a lesson. However, Yinzhen arrived suddenly, and then the matter was handed over to Yinzhen.

But this is also good. Qingyou gave Li Si'er a lesson, which was just a physical pain for her.

Li Si'er's nature will not change, and he will still do evil after he recovers from his injuries.

However, if this matter is handed over to Yinzhen, everything Li Si'er has done over the years will be clearly investigated.

Even Longkodo, who was supporting her, was dealt with at the same time. No matter how arrogant Li Si'er is in the future, he probably won't be able to be arrogant anymore.

Yinzhen seemed a little angry tonight, and Qingyou was tortured quite a bit.

The next day, Qingyou didn't get up in the morning, and was teased by Tuan Tuan Yuan, saying, "I'm so old, and I'm still lazy in bed."

Qingyou couldn't say anything. The culprit who caused him to be like this had already gone to court.

Qingyou became angry from embarrassment and quickly sent Tuan Yuan Yuan and the others to study in the front yard.

Kangxi sent people to check the backyard of Tong Jia's Mansion, but the people he led turned the Tong Jia Mansion upside down, and no trace of Hesheli Fujin was found.

I couldn't help but feel a little suspicious for a while, so I asked the people in Tongjia's Mansion. One moment they said that Hesheli Fujin had returned to his parents' home, and the other moment he said that he went to the mountain to burn incense and pray to gods and Buddhas. Hesitating, there is no truth at all.

The guards sent people to check out the two places people were talking about, but they did not evacuate the troops from Tong Jia's mansion.

Just when this matter was in a state of anxiety, one of the guards accidentally stepped on a stone slab under his feet, revealing a secret passage underneath.

When everyone saw it, Tong Jia's mansion was really thoughtful. Since they had built such a sophisticated mechanism in the mansion, they wouldn't have been discovered if they weren't careful.

However, Tong Jiafu has worked so hard to create this mechanism, so there must be something big underneath.

Therefore, the guards went into the underground passage as if they had been given blood.

However, not long after, the guards came out with pale faces.

At the same time, he also gained a concrete understanding of Tong Jiafu's cruelty. I didn't expect that the people in this mansion could do such things that were worse than pigs, dogs, and animals.

The guards did not dare to delay and immediately reported the matter to Kangxi.

Kangxi also did not expect that Tong Jiafu would do such a cruel thing.

The guards discovered a "human pig" underground.

All his limbs were gone, and his hair was a mess and was fixed in a bucket.

It feels cruel just thinking about it, not to mention that this group of guards saw it intimately.

Kangxi was furious when he heard the news from the guards.

This Hesheli Fujin was considered a noble girl after all, and she was also the niece of Mrs. Tong Guowei, so she could only watch helplessly being treated like this.

This Tong Jia Mansion is really lawless.

Moreover, the guards also reported something that Wen Xian's situation in Tong Jia's mansion was not very good.

Kangxi thought about how Tong Jia's mansion could treat Mrs. Hesheli like this.

Not wanting Wen Xian to stay in that wolf's den, he ordered everyone in Tong Jia's house to be imprisoned and brought Princess Wen Xian to the palace.

Princess Wen Xian was sent to the Queen Mother's bedroom, and the Queen Mother looked at the princess she had raised with her own hands. She had only been married for a year and was already so haggard.

He quickly asked Wen Xian about his situation in Tong Jia's mansion.

Previously, the Queen Mother felt that Wen Xian could marry in the capital, and also in Tong Jia's Mansion, which was undoubtedly an excellent place for Wen Xian.

In addition, she was not the emperor's biological mother. Seeing Kangxi's kindness to Tong Jia's mansion, he did not want to interfere too much.

Thinking that Tong Jia's house was also Kangxi's maternal family, he didn't dare to do anything to the princess.

But now, looking at Wen Xian's current appearance, the Queen Mother felt really sad and blamed herself in her heart for not caring more and asking about Wen Xian's situation in Tong Jia Mansion.

Princess Wen Xian seemed to see the Queen Mother's self-blame, and quickly comforted her: "Grandma, actually I didn't receive too much harsh punishment. It's just that my fourth brother put Nalongko in prison yesterday.

Tong Jiafu wanted me to beg Fourth Brother. When I heard that Fourth Brother was the most fair and selfless person.

It was impossible to avenge private revenge as Tong Jiafu said, so he did not agree to their request.

That's why the people in Tong Jia's house treated me indifferently. I didn't suffer much. Grandma, don't blame yourself. "

The Queen Mother heard that Wen Xian was still only concerned about his own body and said nothing about his own affairs.

He quickly and solemnly asked Wen Xian what his situation was in Tong Jia Mansion. How come it only took you a year to get married? He has become haggard and looks like this.

Under the pressure of the Queen Mother, Wen Xian finally revealed the truth.

This Shun Anyan was indeed a handsome young man with outstanding literary talents. For example, Kangxi's investigation showed that he had no concubines around him, but he only found out after Wen Xian married him.

The Tongjia Mansion took advantage of the fact that she was Kangxi's maternal wife. Not only did she set rules for herself, she also had to serve her parents-in-law every morning and dusk.

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