Chapter 139 Good thing
Although she didn't know why she said that about Cao Gege, Qingyou still listened patiently.

"That Cao Gege is really nice and doesn't care about any sisterly feelings.

After learning about this incident, not only did he not sympathize with his sister's situation, but he also told his fourteenth brother what she wanted to do as soon as possible.

My younger brother is a good person. He directly took this opportunity to insert his own hands into it, which led to what it is now. "

Qingyou also sighed after hearing this, if only Nabeile and Guo Luoluo Fujin had not done so much.

He couldn't reach the current situation. In the final analysis, it was just his own fault.

As he spoke, Qingyou dropped the topic.

"By the way, what did the Mongolian prince, Fourth Master, say to you that day?
Why wasn't it agreed upon then? If Hong Zhou wins the game, tell me!
Why are you now silent at all? "

Seeing that Qingyou still remembered this matter, Yinzhen couldn't help but blocked Qingyou's mouth.


After a long night, Qingyou forgot about this matter.

Thinking about it afterwards, since Yinzhen didn't want to say anything, he didn't ask too much. It had nothing to do with him anyway, so he didn't want to take such a trick.

In fact, the Mongolian Crown Prince at that time did not say anything. He was just praising Yinzhen and his side Fujin for their great relationship, love and sweetness.

In the Mongolian tribe, side Fujin and Fujin have the same status.

They are all wives, so there is no hierarchy like the Qing Dynasty.

Seeing Qingyou's nervous look at that time, he couldn't help but tease Yinzhen a few words, but in fact it was nothing.

It's just that Yinzhen was a bit thin-skinned and embarrassed to say it. Kangxi and the Mongolian prince were also laughing at this at that time.

The grassland is warm and cheerful, simple and kind. Qingyou stayed here for a month and fell in love with it deeply. However, now that Kangxi had spoken, he had no choice but to return to the capital.

After returning, Qingyou's mother-in-law brought some shocking news to Qingyou.

His eldest brother is about to get married, and he is the last one to know.

Qingyou couldn't help but feel a little sad, even though he knew that he was in the grassland, and the news was inconvenient.

If he really waited for the news to reach the grassland, he would most likely have already set off back to Beijing.

But as the last person in the family to know the news, Qingyou was still a little unhappy.

It has nothing to do with anything else, it's just that in front of his mother, Qingyou is still the little girl who likes to act like a little girl.

Of course, Qingyou's mother-in-law could see that Qingyou just wanted him to coax her, so she coaxed her a few words along with Qingyou.

Qingyou quickly asked who her eldest brother was getting married to, and why he hadn't heard anything about it before. He was going to get married within a month of leaving.

Could there be some hidden secret in it?

Qingyou's mother-in-law saw that Qingyou's thoughts were wandering further and further.
"Don't worry, your eldest brother took the initiative this time.

The relationship between the two of them is not bad. However, you know the candidate for the marriage. "

When Qingyou saw her mother-in-law saying this, she couldn't help but recall it in her mind.

However, after much thought, Qingyou still didn't have a suitable candidate.

Most of those who gave handkerchiefs before getting married have already gotten married, and now most of them have children.

And since I got married, I have been living in this back house every day and don't often go out to socialize.

Not to mention meeting any girls of the right age. But what E Niang said today must be someone she knows and is familiar with.

However, Qingyou couldn't figure it out even if she tried to scratch her head, so she started to directly ask herself who her mother was.

"She's the daughter of Mrs. Fang, the woman you associate with."

Speaking of Mrs. Fang, Qingyou knew that Mrs. Fang came to Yinzhen because of the sunscreen.

And I not only gave her sunscreen, but also some other skin care products I made.

Unexpectedly, he was loved by Mrs. Fang, so the two of them also had intersections.

But I didn't expect that my future sister-in-law would be that Mrs. Fang's daughter.

However, Qingyou suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked his mother-in-law.

"Is the father of Miss Fang who is getting married the same Mr. Fang that my eldest brother married back then?"

"Yes, it's that Lord Fang. Ever since your elder brother saved that Lord Fang.

Mr. Fang has always been grateful. Not only did he visit at home, but he also continued to support his eldest brother in his official career. After these two visits, the two families became familiar with each other.

However, it was Mr. Fang who took the initiative to propose this marriage, saying that he wanted to ask your eldest brother's opinion.

You also asked your eldest brother to come back to your home and ask us, the aunties, what we think.

As a result, when your elder brother came back and told me, his ears were burning red.

When I saw this, I knew that your eldest brother was in love.

Moreover, I have also met that girl Fang, who is a real lady.

And if you really think about it, our family is still ahead, so there is no reason to disagree.

Moreover, your eldest brother and that girl are in love with each other, and they hit it off immediately, which means they are getting married.

As for time? It is indeed a bit hasty, but you also know that your eldest brother is not young.

What I said before was that he would start a career first and then get married, so I didn't force him to get married in a hurry.

Now that his official career is smooth, there are also candidates for marriage. There is no reason not to hurry up. "

Qingyou was right, even though he was the youngest among his siblings.

But because she got married relatively early, she already had two children, and the eldest brother didn’t even have anyone to serve him, so it was time to get married.

Qingyou hurriedly asked E Niang when the marriage was scheduled, and she would definitely come to congratulate her in person.

"On the sixteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, my second brother sent me a letter not long ago, saying that I can come back to the capital to spend the New Year this year.

It was about that time, and what I thought was that just enough people could gather together, so that everyone could have a lively table.

I also asked your second brother to take a good look at it, so that he would not be in a hurry to get married alone outside.

That's the frontier. If you're not careful, you'll be dead. Although E Niang wanted to urge him to get his wife as soon as possible and start a family and leave offspring.

But more importantly, it is to let him feel some concern in his heart and let him know that someone is waiting for him. In this way, he can also be somewhat missed on the battlefield.

Lest one day, we suddenly hear the news that he was wrapped in horse leather. E Niang and Amma are too old to hear this.

Qingyou's mother cried as she spoke.

When you raise a child, you know that your parents are worried. After you gave birth to Hong Zhou and Tana, you also know that the most important thing in a mother's heart is her own child.

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