Chapter 140 Double Happiness
I understand the reluctance and concern I feel when my children are away from home. Especially in such a dangerous place for my second brother.

Naturally, E Niang was more worried, but she remembered what Yinzhen had told her before, but she hadn't really seen it yet.

Therefore, Qingyou didn't want to reveal it to his mother-in-law, lest she waste time rejoicing.

She could only comfort her, and Qingyou's mother soon calmed down.

"Why didn't you see my two little grandsons today?

I really miss them. I haven’t seen them for a long time, and I don’t know if Tuanyuanyuan has grown taller. "

Qingyou was still in a sad atmosphere just now, but now she saw that her mother-in-law walked out quickly, and she was still a little jealous.

As expected, they are relatives of another generation. Since the birth of Tuan Yuanyuan's two children, the ladies' attention has shifted from themselves to the two children. They care about whether they have enough to eat every day. Have you grown taller?
However, these two children were very close to their grandmother. After not seeing her for a while, they began to ask Qingyou why their grandmother hadn't come to see them yet.

Especially Yuanyuan, her little mouth looks like it has been covered with honey.

She was so coaxed that her mother was so dizzy that she wished she could give everything she had to Yuanyuan.

"My fourth master happened to be free today, so he took his brother and sister out for shopping.

Or Yuanyuan said that after entering the palace in the next year, she will no longer be able to feel free and comfortable.

I wanted to take advantage of this time to take a quick look at the lively scene outside. To put it bluntly, I was just having fun, but the prince was also spoiled by them, and he happened to take them out today when he was free. "

After Qingyou's mother heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It seemed that she wouldn't be able to see her two children today.

"Okay, you can have a good rest. Mother is getting ready to leave now. The house is also preparing for your eldest brother's marriage, and there are some trivial matters that I need to deal with.

This is not because you are back. Come over and take a look. Now that you are well, I feel relieved.

It's getting late now, so E Niang left. You are fine in the house. If you need anything, just tell E Niang and don't wrong yourself. "

When Qingyou heard what E Niang said, a wave of warmth flowed in her heart. She had been married for so long, but this E Niang still treated her as a child.

Fortunately, I am still the original "Qingyou".

Not long after sending E Niang away, Yinzhen also returned to the house with his two children.

"If I had known, I would have asked E Niang to wait a little longer. E Niang really wants to see these two children."

Before Yinzhen could say anything, Yuanyuan spoke first.

"Where is my grandma? Yuanyuan misses her grandma too."

"Your grandmother has gone home, but in a few days it will be time for your uncle to get married. Then I will take you to see your grandmother, okay?"

Speaking of uncle, both Tuan Tuan Yuan and Yuan Yuan also have an impression in their hearts.

"Is that the uncle riding the big horse?"

Yuanyuan asked, seeing that Yuanyuan still remembered the love image of her elder brother parading on the street three years ago.

"When did your eldest brother get married? Whose daughter is this?"

Yinzhen usually doesn't care about these things, so he was a little surprised when he heard Qingyou said that Geng Jin was getting married.

"Speaking of which, I only found out today that my future sister-in-law is Mr. Fang's girl.

It was Mr. Fang whom my elder brother saved on the road. "

When Qingyou talked about Lord Fang, Yinzhen still didn't understand, but when he mentioned the Lord Fang that Geng Jin saved, Yinzhen suddenly realized that he was Fang Zhidong's daughter.

"It's really fate. When is the date set?" "On the 16th of the twelfth lunar month, my second brother is said to be coming back soon, so we can catch up. I only found out after my mother told me."

Yinzhen thought for a while and said: "Just in time, I don't have much to do at that time, so I can go with you."

After hearing what Yinzhen said, Qingyou still couldn't believe it. Not to mention how busy Yinzhen is on weekdays, whether he can find time that day.

Just Yinzhen's act of accompanying him was inconsistent with etiquette. And Yinzhen is such a rule-abiding person.

The royal family is a place that emphasizes hierarchy. Yinzhen has been exposed to it since he was a child, so he naturally has these rules and etiquette engraved in his bones.

To the royal family, Uranala Fujin was the wife that Yinzhen Mingming was marrying, and she and others were considered concubines.

Naturally, one's own maternal family is not counted as Yinzhen's maternal family and the relatives with whom she can interact.

But now, if Yinzhen wants to do this, it will be a shame for himself, and it is extremely honorable for Gengjia Mansion.

But if this matter goes wrong, it will fall in front of the courtiers and become a reason to attack Yinzhen.

"Fourth Master, isn't this a bit against the rules?"

"It's nothing. Since I said it, it's not a big problem."

Seeing that Yinzhen said this, Qingyou nodded in agreement.

"By the way, do you still remember what I told you not long ago?"

"Of course I remember it, but I didn't see any further details after that, so I thought it couldn't be done."

"No, no, no." Yinzhen became convinced.

Seeing that Yinzhen still had something to say, Qingyou ordered Ruyi to take the two of them down.

Qingyou wanted to see what Yinzhen could say.

Recently, there has been no transfer order to the capital.

Because she and E Niang were worried, Qingyou and Yinzhen mentioned something before. At that time, Yinzhen said that there was still a vacancy for a general in the camp on the outskirts of Beijing.

The former general had a relapse and said goodbye to Kangxi to go home to recuperate.

Although this matter is not as prestigious as the second brother's work as a general on the frontier, it is not a blessing to be able to live safely in the capital.

Yinzhen said he would put it into operation, but he hasn't heard anything yet, and Qingyou thought it was a scam.

However, listening to Yinzhen's tone, I'm afraid there is still a turning point here.

"What I told you about the camp on the outskirts of Beijing is really not going to work anymore. The Emperor already has a suitable candidate."

Before Qingyou could be disappointed, Yinzhen spoke again: "However, there is a vacancy for the governor of Sichuan.

That was a big official, so there were a lot of people squatting there. Originally I thought this matter was so easy to operate, so I didn't tell you.

But he was really lucky. That kid Hong Zhou had caught the emperor's eye before, so he couldn't help but care a little more.

I heard Geng Yin's name from Hong Zhou. In addition, he also lived up to his expectations and made great achievements in battle. Now he won another battle on the border.

At this moment, before I could take the initiative to mention it, the emperor appointed Geng Yin to be the governor of Sichuan, and he would take office later this year.

I'm afraid that when he comes back this time, he will be able to stay in the house for a few more days, so that you can see more of him. "

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