Chapter 141 Getting married
Hearing what Yinzhen said, Qingyou was very excited. This could be the governor of Sichuan, and this was a high-ranking official in the border area.

This is also great for the second brother.

But Qingyou still had a question. She had just communicated with her second brother before, why didn't he mention this matter.

Moreover, for such a big thing, how come there is no news at all.

Yinzhen spoke with a guilty conscience: "You also know how important this is.

Therefore, Huang Ama specifically requested that this matter should not be spread to outsiders, and for this matter, the most suitable candidate for this matter was Nian Gengyao, Nian Fujin's elder brother.

But because of this person, he is very happy. Therefore, I tried my best to protect him in front of the emperor.

But regarding this matter, it is not too late to publicize it after the order is issued.

Maybe it's because of this that your second brother didn't say anything. "

After hearing Yinzhen's explanation, Qingyou understood that this was what later generations would call low-key.

Wait until you have obtained everything, the tangible benefits, before talking about it. This will also prevent people from scheming.

Moreover, this matter can be regarded as snatching this job from the hands of brother Nian Bei Fujin.

So if Nian Fujin knew about it, although Qingyou was not very afraid of facing Nian Fujin.

But if something like this can be avoided, it would be better to avoid it.

Qingyou was even more looking forward to what was going to happen next. It had been a long time since she had seen her second brother.

Although we exchanged letters, we really haven't seen each other once since we came back.

Can't help but look forward to it.

Although Qingyou was the favorite of the group when she was young, because Amma and E Niang were usually busy with other matters, it was the eldest and second brother who brought up Qingyou.

But after what happened to Amma, his house began to be closed, but even so, some friends would inevitably add insult to injury.

Qingyou was still young at that time and couldn't stand the cynicism of those people.

But Qingyou also understands that E Niang and her eldest brother are already busy enough during this period.

I couldn't cause them any more trouble, so I had to endure it myself, but the second brother could see Qingyou's sadness.

Relying on his skill and boldness, he took Qingyou to secretly beat those people's black sticks.

This matter is really lucky and has never been discovered by others. This matter has also become a little secret between Qingyou and the second brother.

As they grew older, although Qingyou and her second brother became a little distant, the friendship between them never changed.

Looking forward to looking forward to it, time passed quickly, and the second brother finally came back.

When Qingyou heard the news, the second brother had already returned to Geng Jia's mansion.

Although Qingyou is very anxious, it is almost time for her eldest brother to get married, so she plans to wait until the wedding day to see her second brother again.

On the day when her eldest brother got married, Qingyou originally wanted to go to the house with Yinzhen.

But Yinzhen is too busy with things, so Qingyou can only go there first, and then Yinzhen comes after.

On this day, Yinzhen also gave Tuan Yuanyuan and his two children a day off, so Qingyou took Tuan Yuanyuan's two children over first.

When we arrived at Geng Jia's house, even the outside of the courtyard was hung with red cloth and satin. There was a joyous atmosphere. You could tell how happy the family was at a glance.

Qingyou also heard that E Niang was distributing food and other things for free outside the city to accumulate virtue and gain blessings for her elder brother.

Order people in the city to distribute copper coins along the way. As long as others say something, if they say auspicious words, they can get lucky money.

Qingyou came quite early, and the eldest brother had just packed up at this time. Looking at the handsome eldest brother in red clothes in front of her, Qingyou felt in a trance.

Qingyou didn't know why, but it suddenly came to his mind.

If, what if, if...

At that time, Empress Dowager De Fei did not submit her name. Instead, as her mother wished, she crossed out her name from the list of candidates for the palace.

With my eldest brother's intelligence and talent, even if he doesn't reach the level of Tanhua, it is more than enough to win a Jinshi.

Then climb up step by step, and you can get what you want.

My second brother is also very skilled in martial arts. With his own ability, he should be able to carve out a world.

Even if Geng Mansion does not raise its flag and becomes Geng Jia Mansion, its future will not be bad.

With Amma and E Niang pampering me, they will definitely keep me until the end before getting married.

At this time, I should still be a young girl who knows how to go out of her way, watching her eldest brother get married and welcoming her future sister-in-law with great joy.

All of this is somewhat pleasant, Qingyou thought in her heart.

If this is really the case, then I am afraid that Ama and Niang would not only save themselves until the end, but also find someone for themselves.

Although his talents and family background are not very outstanding, he is very good at treating people, and he can be a couple for the rest of his life.

Even if the husband and wife cannot share the same feelings, they can still respect each other as guests and spend their lives together hand in hand.

It's not like this now, even though it looks a bit glamorous to others.

But I know that no matter how noble my status may seem, I am just a plaything in the eyes of others.

Maybe Qingyou thought a little sadly, but that's the fact.

A concubine will always be a concubine.

Ulanala Fujin will always be Yinzhen's legitimate wife, even if Ulanala Fujin is no longer there in the future.

Kangxi would also refer to a noble girl from a famous family again, instead of allowing Kangxi to straighten the concubine, whether it was himself or someone else.

Thinking of this, Qingyou felt a little sad, but now was her eldest brother's happy day, and Qingyou didn't want to dampen his eldest brother's interest.

He hurriedly said that he got up a little early in the morning and was a little tired now, so he went back to his yard to rest for a while.

As for Tuantuan and Yuanyuan, let Ruyi take them back to their own yard to sit for a while, and then take them out later when the ceremony begins.

However, Qingyou's mother-in-law stopped Qingyou, "Since you are tired, go back and rest first, and let me take care of you first."

It just so happens that it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the two of them, Tuan Yuan Yuan. "

Qingyou was about to say something when she was interrupted by E Niang.

"Okay, okay, go back and rest quickly. I see your face is a little pale."

Qingyou couldn't say anything anymore, so she had to go back alone first.

As for Ruyi, leave it to E Niang and take Tuan Yuanyuan to the two of them.

There are many things in the house today, and E Niang has to pay attention to everything.

I'm afraid I can't spare my energy to take care of Tuan Yuanyuan. With Ruyi helping E Niang, Qingyou can feel relieved.

Moreover, Ruyi is attentive and can also help with the decoration.

For this reason, Qingyou left the two children behind.

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