Chapter 142 Second Brother
After Qingyou returned to the yard, she didn't lie down to rest immediately.

What I said just now was just a reason to excuse my mother-in-law.

I don't know why, but facing today's big day, Qingyou does feel a little emotional in her heart.

Therefore, at this time, Qingyou wanted to be alone alone to clear her thoughts before going out to meet the guests.

Otherwise, if someone sees you when you go out, it will cause trouble for your elder brother.

This is a rare happy day. People say that there are three joys in life: meeting an old friend in a foreign country, the night of flowers and candles in the wedding room, and the time when the gold medal is named.

The eldest brother has achieved his first achievement in life, and now on his second happy occasion, Qingyou also wants his eldest brother to be happy.

Besides, Qingyou sat in the yard and blew the wind for a while, and then she understood something.

My thoughts just now were just mediocre thoughts.

Things have developed as they are now, and there is no need to think about how wonderful it would have been if it had not happened.

But think about how you should do things in the future, and don't feel too much about what has happened.

Every path you take in life, you will never make the same mistakes again.

All I have to do now is look forward, and I am already better than most people.

You should be grateful to have a new life, start again, and enjoy all this.

You should not even think about what would have happened if you were greedy.

"Yo yo yo, whose little girl is this sitting here? Why is she sitting here alone on this big day, meditating secretly?"

A man's words may give people a sense of frivolity. But if you listen carefully, there is nothing frivolous about it.

Rather, it was because of the closeness with some joking.

Qingyou's eyes lit up, and all her thoughts just now were interrupted.

He turned his head in surprise, because he knew it was his second brother's voice, and he was the only one who dared to be so generous.

Because of things that happened when he was young, the eldest brother's originally stable character became more serious.

He looks a bit like the teacher in the school hall, although Qingyou is close to this elder brother in his heart.

But there are some respectable and terrible emotions in my heart.

Therefore, Qingyou's heart is more biased towards his second brother who wants to teach him.

Not only was the second brother's character unaffected by the events in the house at that time, he was also lively and cheerful.

Every day I take Qingyou to explore various snacks, teach Qingyou martial arts, and help her defend herself.

The second brother said this at the time: "Letting you learn martial arts is not to help you defend yourself, but just to strengthen your body and have a good body.

Because as long as I am here, no one will bully you, and I will always be by your side to protect you. "

The second brother at that time spoke firmly, assuring Qingyou like an adult.

Since then, the second brother has always adhered to his promise. No one dares to bully Qingyou. When he meets others, he will protect Qingyou from any harm, no matter whether he can beat him or not.

When he grew up, his second brother would bring all kinds of rare gadgets to Qingyou when he went out.

Therefore, Qingyou is very close to her second brother and does not feel unfamiliar at all.

"Okay, okay, stop it, stop it, you are the mother of two children, and I am still a handsome young man in my prime, don't ruin my handsomeness."

"Hmph, I'll just cry on you and make you embarrassed to see anyone in the future."

As he spoke, Qingyou laughed.

After Geng Jiayin saw Qingyou smiling, he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. After all, Qingyou will always be the carefree little sister in her heart.

Now that she is back, although her clothes are a bit gorgeous and her jewelry is richer than before, there is still some sadness between her eyebrows, which makes Geng Jiayin very distressed.

But at the moment, there isn't much that can be done. I can only make Qingyou laugh by imitating the way she did when she was a child. However, although this trick is a bit bad, the effect is very good.

At the same time, he was also thinking about what made Qingyou so sad.

But now is not a good time to ask. I might as well stay in the capital for a long time and find out slowly.

Thinking of a possibility, Geng Jiayin's expression changed a little.

Others say that Qingyou is the side blessing Jin of Prince Yong's Mansion, with infinite scenery, but only he himself knows how difficult it is for Qingyou.

It turns out that Qingyou was a much-loved little girl in the Geng Mansion, and she was raised to be simple and ignorant of the world.

But worldly things happen to cause trouble, and the simplest person enters the intrigue and intrigue of the palace.

I don’t know how much suffering I have endured along the way.

If it was really Yinzhen who bullied Qingyou, Yinzhen would look good no matter what.

But if it is the other women in the backyard, it is not convenient for me to do something to the woman, but I can do something to the family behind them.

Anyway, no matter who he is, he will always make those people regret and embarrass Qingyou.

This is also the last thing that I, as an elder brother, can do for Qingyou.

As for Qingyou bullying others, Geng Jiayin dared to ensure that his sister would never do such a thing. She had been pure and kind since she was a child.

If Tan Tan hadn't been bullied too much by others, Qingyou wouldn't have taken action.

At this moment, Qingyou didn't know that his second brother's thoughts had already gone further and further away.

Qingyou followed her second brother to the front yard.

At this time, the eldest brother should have set off and picked up the bride.

And Yinzhen also took care of the matter first and came to the yard.

Next to Yinzhen were two people, Tuan Yuanyuan, and Ruyi was following behind them.

Qingyou and his second brother stood to one side to watch the ceremony.

Maybe the current atmosphere is too relaxed. Qingyou no longer wants to be a fujin in Prince Yong's mansion, but wants to be a carefree young lady in Geng Jia's mansion.

Yinzhen may have noticed that Qingyou's thoughts did not come over, but instead she was preparing to watch the ceremony with Tuan Yuanyuan on the other side.

Immediately afterwards, the eldest brother and his sister-in-law came forward to salute.

At this time, although the bride was covered with a hijab, her appearance could not be seen clearly.

However, Qingyou looked at the figures of the two and found them to be extremely suitable.

Thinking of it, although he had met Mrs. Fang before, she was also an extremely beautiful lady, and Mr. Fang was also an elegant gentleman.

As the girls between them, it must be good.

My eldest brother is also handsome and handsome, so the two of them must be perfect for each other.

Seeing the eldest brother and the bride bowing side by side, the two of them were filled with an atmosphere of happiness.

Looking at the two people in front of me, I didn't notice the clear look in their eyes.

There was a lot of envy in his eyes, and Yinzhen who was standing next to him saw all of this clearly and truly.

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