Chapter 143 Studying in the Palace
It looked like the salute was almost finished, and the eldest sister-in-law had already been taken down by the servants.

The new house in the house specially prepared for the eldest brother to get married has already been decorated.

The bride was taken to the new house, while the eldest brother stayed to drink with the guests.

And Qingyou went down, ready to accompany the bride.

My mother-in-law has said before that the bride may be a little nervous when she first arrives.

So I specially asked Qingyou to go and comfort him and give him some food.

After Qingyou heard it, she immediately agreed.

I have long wanted to know what my future sister-in-law will look like, and now that my mother-in-law explains it like this, I am just in time.

Qingyou ordered his servants to prepare some food that was easy to eat and easy to digest.

After all, the bride still loves beauty on that day and wants to show her best family.

Then eating should not be too troublesome, otherwise it will cause trouble.

Qingyou found Yinzhen and led Tuanyuan to the backyard. After all, Yinzhen can be regarded as the most distinguished guest among today's guests.

There will definitely be many ministers drinking around Yinzhen, so they won't disturb Yinzhen's communication.

I happened to take my two children with me to see what my future sister-in-law would look like.

When we arrived at the new house, my sister-in-law was already sitting there.

Qingyou brought the food delivered from the small kitchen and stood in front of her sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, my eldest brother specially ordered the kitchen to make this. Please hurry up, I must be very tired from the journey."

Qingyou's words were correct. Although E Niang asked him to bring it, his eldest brother also knew about it.

I also specifically told Xiaojian about some of the future sister-in-law’s dietary preferences.

Although my eldest brother is usually a bit boring and doesn't like to talk, he pays attention to details.

Qingyou looked at the bride taking off her hijab, and immediately became interested. This sister-in-law had the appearance of a very traditional, classical woman.

Gentle and dignified, he matches his eldest brother very well.

"Thank you, Madam Shu. I happen to be a little hungry right now."

Qingyou watched her sister-in-law eat the food in front of her little by little, she was a little cute, almost too cute.

No wonder the eldest brother is so excited, this sister-in-law is too cute.

Qingyou estimated the time, and when she felt that the time was almost up, she quickly ordered people to pack everything up, and then her sister-in-law put the hijab on and packed herself up.

In an instant, the new house was exactly the same as when Qingyou first came here.

At this time, Xipo and the noble lady from the aristocratic family also came with the eldest brother.

The elder sister-in-law was removed from the hijab by the elder brother under the blessing of Xi Po.

Qingyou looked at the eldest brother who made him dumbfounded, and it was a bit funny. This eldest brother has been a bit serious since he was a child.

This is the first time Qingyou has seen him look so dull. He really matches his sister-in-law. The two of them are exactly the same cuteness.

Everyone was praising the bride for her good looks, and Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan also said that her aunt was good-looking, and everyone burst into laughter.

Next, Xipo brought a plate of dumplings and fed them to her sister-in-law.

"Alive or not?"

"Sister." The sister-in-law said shyly.

Everyone laughed, and after the next ceremony was completed, Qingyou took Tuan Yuan to the banquet.

On the way back home at night, Yinzhen held Qingyou's hand tightly for some reason.

Although Qingyou didn't know why, she tried her best to break away, but she couldn't get away anymore, so she let him go.

Yinzhen at night was even more normal. This night, Qingyou had no sleep all night.

The days passed in such a dull way. Since the second brother came back, he often came to the house to teach Tuan Yuan Yuan.

The two people and this second uncle have become a team from the beginning.

The second brother had told himself in private before that Tuan Yuanyuan and both of them had talents in martial arts.

It's just that on the surface it looks like Tuan Tuan is better and better, but privately, Yuan Yuan's talent is better.

Although she has some limitations and lacks strength, Yuanyuan's talents, skills, and martial arts are all very good.

If you cultivate it well, you will definitely achieve great results in the future.

Qingyou was also very happy after hearing this. She knew Yuanyuan and was different from other daughters since she was a child.

Compared to playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, Yuanyuan actually prefers practicing martial arts and enjoys a free life.

After all, the Forbidden City is still restricted.

It’s New Year’s Eve that happens once a year.

This year’s New Year’s Eve is somewhat the same as usual, but also somewhat different.

Those things remain unchanged, but after today, Tuan Yuanyuan will be six years old.

After this year is over, the two children of Tuan Yuanyuan will go to the palace to study.

In fact, parents hope that their children will excel and achieve something.

But when the day actually came, I was still a little reluctant to leave. Once I entered the palace, I wouldn't come back for half a month.

Even if he comes back, he will only be able to spend another day in the mansion and have to go to the palace again.

Although he was still studying in the Shang Shufang during this period, he also went to the palace of Empress De Fei every day.

Speaking of this situation, Qingyou was still a little worried. Concubine De's favoritism was well known to everyone.

Even though Tuan Yuan Yuan and Yuan Yuan were very cute, they could not stop Empress De Fei from being partial.

How could Qingyou feel relieved like this?

Although Yinzhen said that he had already entered the palace and made an agreement with Empress Dowager De to take care of the two children.

Concubine De also agreed, but Qingyou was still a little worried.

No matter how worried she was, the time to enter the palace had come, and all Qingyou could do was prepare a lot of things for the two of them.

Even though everything is available in the palace, Qingyou still has to prepare everything to avoid missing something in the palace and making it difficult for the two children to speak.

Qingyou also brought some common medicines she prepared to the two children.

Compared with the large and small packages that should be prepared before, Hongli's side seemed a bit pitiful.

Hongli's words really hurt Uranala Fujin's heart.

Now there is no other suitable candidate for Uranala Fujin Welfare.

Wu Gege, who was looking forward to it before, only gave birth to a little one.

Little Princess doesn't seem to be taken very seriously, because Yinzhen hasn't given her a name yet.

Therefore, Uranala Fujin's calculation failed.

I can only temporarily hold my nose and raise Hongli, but with Uranala Fujin's character, he will definitely find the right time to get rid of this white-eyed wolf around him.

Therefore, the package Uranala Fujin prepared for Hongli this time seemed a bit shabby.

But it doesn't matter, after all, Hongli has achieved what he wanted.

I just don't know if this trip to the palace can achieve Hongli's goal as expected.

It will still end in vain, and even the support of Ulanara Fujin will be lost in the end.

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