Chapter 191 Discovery
The little eunuch was wearing night clothes and sneaked into Tana's residence.

In the place where Tana put her things, she rummaged around and touched them without moving too much, for fear of alarming others.

Suddenly I felt something. When I took it out, I saw it was a small purple porcelain bottle, which looked very noble.

This seemed to be something my master requested, so I took it directly and went back to deliver it.

This time I came here because my master's life at home outside the palace was threatened, so I had to do this.

I hope I can make my master happy this time, and that the days to come will be easier.

"Master, this is what you asked your slave to find. It is hidden in the secret compartment of the eldest princess's bedroom. It must be something valuable."

"Okay, I understand, you go down first."

It was the second princess Mingyue who spoke.

He was originally dissatisfied with Yinzhen's imperial edict to help Meng himself, but since the emperor's order could not be violated, he had no choice but to accept it.

That's why I couldn't bear it. Tana was indeed more favored than herself. This was something Mingyue couldn't win no matter how hard she tried.

They are both the daughters of Huang Ama. Tana and she are going to support Mongolia, and the ones chosen for Tana are the best among the tribes in Mongolia.

I couldn't bear it anymore. Mingyue had already asked people to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to inquire. Tana's dowry was one hundred and twenty-eight yuan. The dowry box was full of rare treasures that she had never seen before.

However, watching the relationship between Tana and Zatulu during this period of time made Mingyue feel like being bitten by ants.

Although the ninety-eight-carat dowry seemed extremely precious to outsiders, it was considered an ordinary thing by the royal family.

There was so much pain that it hurt my heart just to think about it.

Although it looked unremarkable, Princess Tana really paid great attention to her. The maids and servants in the palace began to speculate whether the imperial concubine had secretly given Tana something personal.

The one I chose for myself was a little unknown person.

Over the years, Mingyue has just accepted her fate. But, this time!

Everyone is going to Mongolia, so Tana can stay in the capital and complete the most important thing in life under the auspices of her parents and brothers.

All the best wood and materials are used, and there is also a team of good guards, who take orders from Tana alone and are dedicated to protecting Tana's safety.

But as for myself, I just follow the rules of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Today I heard that Tana went to the imperial concubine's courtyard and stayed there for a long time. When she came out, her eyes were red and she was holding a small wooden box in her hand.

But he could only set off alone to Mongolia, a place he was unfamiliar with.

The contrast between these two people is simply cruel, and this is how Ming Yue's face is severely punished.

Everyone speculates that the imperial concubine has been in charge of palace affairs for such a long time and is also valued by the emperor. The imperial concubine's Arma is also the head of the House of Internal Affairs, so she must have a lot of good things in her hands.

When this biological daughter gets married, the imperial concubine will definitely have to provide some support in private.

But there is nothing wrong with this. On the night before a girl gets married, her mother will teach her the skills and give her one or two items from the bottom of the box. What the Imperial Concubine did was indeed a bit normal, and everyone secretly speculated on what good things the Imperial Concubine had given her.

This was spread to Mingyue's ears.

Mingyue thought that they were both sisters, but Tana wanted to be better than her in everything, be favored more than her, and do everything she could to outdo herself.

Even his biological mother-in-law was sent to the cold palace by the imperial concubine, and he was also given the title of Master Wuya.

On weekdays, Wu Yashi only regarded herself as a transparent person without a trace of affection, let alone buying a dowry for herself or saying anything considerate.

Thinking of this, Mingyue rushed directly to Tianling Gai with anger, and her anger overwhelmed her reason.

Mingyue didn't have much sense. In a blink of an eye, she ordered a eunuch to go to Tana's place to see secretly what good things there were. It would be best to steal one or two.

When she woke up, Mingyue realized what she had done and wanted to chase the little eunuch back, but she didn't know what she thought of and sat down.

Mingyue comforted herself in her heart, it was okay, no one would find out, she was looking for a young eunuch in another palace.

It was by accident that he secretly took some of his own money and sent it out to the palace to treat his younger brothers and sisters.

That time, Mingyue didn't say anything, but secretly investigated the little eunuch behind her back.

It was indeed as he said, his family was poor and he could only sell himself to get into the palace. This time it was indeed his brother who was sick and had a fever and had no money for treatment, so he broke the palace rules and secretly sent money out.

Mingyue also grasped this point and unscrupulously ordered the eunuch to do such a dangerous thing.

If things go well, she won't lose anything, and she will still find out what good things there are. When this matter is discovered, Tana will leave the capital, even if she wants to throw it there. Nor will I think of it happening to myself,
If the matter was revealed, the young eunuch would not reveal it for the sake of his family's life, so this matter can be said to be foolproof.

Mingyue had planned everything in her mind and then acted.

But this matter went very smoothly as Mingyue planned.

When Mingyue got the small porcelain bottle, she was a little puzzled. In such a big box, there was only such a small bottle, and it didn't look anything special.

However, Mingyue didn't dare to underestimate the secret method that was created by fighting in the harem, so she asked her servants to quietly experiment.


After Tana went back, she really didn't find anything missing from her palace. The main reason was that the poison given by Qingyou was too important. Tana didn't want to use it privately, so she placed the porcelain bottle alone and put it aside. I didn't care anymore.

Tana's marriage ceremony was held with great grandeur, far exceeding that of Princess Gu Lun, and could be compared with the prince's marriage.

The Ministry of Etiquette did not expect to organize Tana's wedding in such a public manner. It was still Yinzhen's order, and he kept being picky about it.

In accordance with Yinzhen's orders, the Ministry of Rites continued to change the rules and etiquette, leading to the current scene.

Qingyou looked at Tana, who was wearing wedding clothes and walking hand in hand with Zatulu, and felt a trance in her heart.

Tana has gone from being such a tiny little girl to being such a bright and flamboyant girl now, and today she is getting married again.

It just feels like a lifetime ago.

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