Chapter 192 Reporting
Over this long period of time, Qingyou went from being hesitant and confused at the beginning, to integrating later, and now to Tana's marriage.

We have come step by step, and every step is not easy, but now we see Tana getting married, and in the future Hong Zhou and Hong Yan will also get married and live their own lives.

She was the one who brought them into this world in the first place, and now that she can see that each of them is about to reach consummation, Qingyou can't explain how she feels in her heart.

But seeing Yinzhen next to him, he was obviously about to cry, but he held on and held his hand tightly under his robe. Qingyou suppressed the emotion in a moment.

"After you get married, it will no longer be your business alone. You must not be petty.

The most important thing for a husband and wife is to tolerate and understand each other, so that they can stay together for a lifetime. "

After talking to Tana, Qingyou turned around and talked to Zaturu again,
"I know that you like Tana at this moment, but the hardest thing in the world to believe is the human heart.

Time is passing by, and people's hearts will be on one side, but I hope you remember that Tana will always be the princess of the Qing Dynasty. If you dare to treat Tana wrong, I will treat you a thousand times. Ask for it back. "

Although Yinzhen didn't want to speak harshly like Qingyou, he always stood firmly in front of Qingyou and expressed his support for Qingyou's words with firm eyes.

Zaturu quickly said,
"Please don't worry, Madam, I have always been good to the princess in my life, and I will never let her down in the slightest.

This matter was of great importance, so Mingyue did not dare to be careless and asked her personal maid to go out of the palace to handle this matter in person.

The subsequent wedding went smoothly, and Tana and Zaturu completed the marriage ceremony under the watchful eyes of everyone.

However, Mingyue comforted herself a little when she thought of what she had done a few days ago.

Seeing Zatulu say this, Qingyou didn't say anything.

However, Qingyou believes in Tana's vision. If one day Zatulu violates his own oath, even if Tana will not punish him, Qingyou will punish Zatulu no matter what method he uses.

After finishing it, it was time for Tana to leave. Qingyou and Yinzhen watched the newlyweds walking further and further away, leaving the capital and embarking on the road to Mongolia.

Time went back a few days ago
Mingyue waited in the palace for several days before the doctor outside the palace found out that there was something wrong with the medicine.

And these oaths made by Zatulu have no guaranteed value.

Now, what Zatulu said at this moment may be true and come from the heart, but time is not old and people's hearts change.

Especially the rich ones, who would have thought that the imperial concubine who now looks graceful and luxurious could actually do such a thing.

All the ministers present today can be witnesses of my oath.


The palace maid also knew that the way the bottle of medicine came from was inaccessible, so she secretly went to a little-known medical clinic with her face covered.

Maybe it’s because the medical center is too small, so it takes a relatively long time to get checked out.

At this time, Mingyue was also present, but looking from a distance, she could see the two people having a close friendship. The jealousy in Mingyue's heart and eyes almost overflowed uncontrollably.

Now they are just watching, feeling proud, but who can say for sure what will happen in the future.

If I, Zaturu, violate this oath. It will definitely cause me to be struck by thunder and lightning, and I will never have a good death. "

Mingyue, who received this reply, was also stunned on the spot.

This pill is really too exciting.

This elixir is not as beneficial to the human body as I imagined. For example, it is a magical medicine that can drive away all kinds of diseases.

Others may not know it, but Mingyue already knew it under the influence of her mother-in-law.

When Qingyou was in the palace before, her own skills in refining medicines brought her great benefits. Therefore, the imperial concubine gradually became a side Fujin.

Now that it's time for the imperial concubine's daughter Tana to get married, anyone would guess that the imperial concubine must have prepared good medicine behind her back.

After all, Mongolia is bitterly cold, no matter where it is, it is not as good as the capital.

Thinking about it, you know that Mongolia is definitely not as good as the capital, so you must prepare a lot of good medicine to be able to rest assured.

Now, the imperial concubine did bring this bottle of poison to Tana, which shows that there must be some shady secret during this period.

Unfortunately, Mingyue's own wedding is approaching, and no matter how much she wants to expose the imperial concubine's conspiracy, she has no time to do it.

However, at this time, Mingyue thought of someone.

My second brother Hongli, although he was still young at the time, had heard about it.

The second brother's biological mother, Niugu Lugege, didn't know what kind of disease she had or whether she was infected with something dirty.

Niu Gelu Gege suddenly fell ill and died suddenly, which also frightened the people in the palace.

It stands to reason that Niu Gulu Gege is in the best health. However, if something unexpected happens, Niu Gulu Gege suddenly becomes ill, which no one can predict.

Therefore, at that time, Hongli lost his biological mother, so he adopted her under the name of Queen Uranala.

Although this incident was a good thing for Hongli at the time.

However, Hongli now has great regrets about the early death of his biological mother, which is why Xiaoniu Gulu came into the house.

The medicine in Mingyue's hand now matches the symptoms Niu Gelu Gege had before his death.

Although I don't know if the imperial concubine did this, but now that the medicine is in my hands, it is not, and it will become yes.

Thinking of this, Mingyue immediately planned to send someone to send a message to Hongli, but something came to mind and called him back.

It does not mean that Mingyue does not want to give the medicine to the current Xiaoniu Gulubin.

After all, it would be more convenient and faster to leave it to Xiao Niu Gu Lu if we are both in the palace.

But this matter is important. I still don’t know if Niu Colu will be of the same mind as me and work together to deal with the imperial concubine.

After all, one is a concubine, and the other is a deeply beloved imperial concubine.

The gap between the two is that Xiao Niu Gu Lu is afraid that he will not do this.

However, Hongli was different.

After all, no matter how high the status of the imperial concubine is, she cannot be compared to the serious prince of the current Qing Dynasty.

Brother Hongli will definitely help him.

Mingyue herself was standing by and could see clearly that there would definitely be a bloody battle between her second brother and her third brother in the future, and the future would definitely be a bloody one.

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