The Fourth Master's Favorite Concubine from the Qing Dynasty

Chapter 20 Peeping at the Emperor's Traces at Night

Chapter 20 Peeping at the Emperor's Traces at Night
This move not only caused the Migui man to lose his own child, but it also did not completely bring down the prince. It was just that after the criticism, there was no further step.

How could the Migui people who had suffered heavy losses accept this, so they made another plan on the way back to Beijing.

So on the way back to Beijing, news came out that Crown Prince Yinreng had spied on the emperor at night, which completely angered Kangxi.

But according to Amma, who was privately interrogating the eunuch who was serving in the tent at that time, he didn't see clearly who it was. He just saw an apricot-yellow figure in a daze and shouted in surprise.

In fact, the prince was not caught at that time, but the guards outside the tent said that when they chased him out, they vaguely saw a four-clawed python dragon embroidered on his robe. Now all the evidence points to the prince at that time. Prince - only the prince is qualified to wear apricot robes, and only the prince can embroider a four-clawed python dragon, while other princes can only embroider seven dragon claws.

At that time, all the princes present, Prince Baylor, drew a clear line with Prince Yinreng and accused him of treason. Only the thirteenth prince at the time insisted that the second brother of the prince was wronged and hoped that the emperor would investigate thoroughly. But the next second, the people in the palace The eunuch dug out the bright yellow dragon robe from the clothes box that the Thirteenth Brother was traveling with.

Kangxi naturally did not believe that his beloved Thirteenth Prince had any rebellious intentions, but at that time, the Miguiren were present and sang along with Li Xu, Eldest Brother and others. In a few words, the incident was determined to be that Prince Yinreng and Thirteenth intended to rebel. After the incident was revealed, They still fight like trapped beasts, trying to play the family card to dispel suspicion.

The Holy Emperor was very angry at that time. He detained the two of them overnight and did not allow anyone to inquire about them.

But when Amma was looking for clues afterwards, she unexpectedly found a corner of apricot-yellow clothes that had not been completely burned five miles away from the tent camp. Amma did not say anything about it at the time, kept the evidence, and handed it over to the police afterwards. In Yinzhen's hands.

After everything was settled, the Fourth Master had the opportunity to arrange for people to start investigating the matter. He believed that the focus of the matter was related to the eldest brother Yinzhi, but as the third brother Yinzhi revealed the curse of Yinti Shu's frame-up of the prince was revealed, and the eldest brother's power collapsed. Ba Beile, who finally gained the advantage behind the scenes, also appeared.

After Yinzhen's painstaking investigation, the truth of the whole matter was finally restored.

As Qingyou Ama found out, the first half of the whole thing was a conspiracy between Migui and Li Xu and others, but the mastermind of the second half of the thing was indeed the well-hidden Babeile. After all, being able to find a figure similar to the prince's and being able to put the dragon robe into Thirteen's box without anyone noticing is not something that just a courtier living in the harem and stationed in Jiangnan can do. It is certain that the eldest brother was indeed wronged, but he was not that innocent. The eighth elder brother has been quietly developing his own power behind the eldest elder brother.

What happened this time was that the eighth elder brother used the eldest elder brother's hand to win over the prince, and then forged evidence and placed it in the eldest elder brother's house, and revealed the clues to the third elder brother.

Killing two birds with one stone, he successfully plotted against the two princes.

As for why the Migui people used their children's names to plot against the prince, it was not that Li Xu and others thought that the favor of introduction could firmly hold the Migui people in their hands.

Migui had three sons in his life, and the second son, Yin, was praised by Kangxi for being both civil and martial arts. Even martial arts were taught by Kangxi himself. This makes it difficult not to make the Migui people think about it.

Because she was the emperor's favorite concubine, Migui people naturally understood a truth: the most taboo thing for an emperor who has entered his twilight years is that his sons are all strong, but he is beginning to be unable to do what he wants, and his sons are all eyeing his throne.

But the Miguiren's children are different. The emperor's favor is not yet taboo, and coupled with his own favor, he may not be able to compete. Just as Li Xu handed over the introduction, the Miguiren took the risk.

In the letter Qingyou Ama sent to Qingyou, she only explained the truth about the eighteenth prince's fever. But this was enough to keep Qingyou away from this kindhearted person praised by the harem, and also happened to avoid a plot against Qingyou. ——————————————————————————

On the way back with Ruyi, Qingyou slowly made up her mind. It was just a hug, it was no big deal. Qingyou thought in her heart, besides, she already has a child, so why should she be so shy?

Qingyou, who thought this way, gradually calmed down and went to the Old Summer Palace in the mood. Anyway, Yi Yi had just taken the token to enter the garden and started strolling around the garden slowly.

On the way back, I was still in the mood and picked a handful of flowers. If you don’t plow your yard, it will be white.

As soon as she entered Songhezhai, she saw Yinzhen sitting at her desk. Seeing Yinzhen's calm look, Qingyou thought of the scene in the study again, and her face suddenly turned red. She felt what she had done before. Construction was in vain again.

If Yinzhen was really that calm, that was not the case. What Qingyou didn't see was that Yinzhen's ears also turned red.

And what Qingyou didn't know was that after Qingyou left, Yinzhen couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, and even forced himself to concentrate. After a while, what appeared in front of his eyes was the happy face of Qingyou hugging him. At that moment, Yinzhen Zhen was also very satisfied in his heart.

After staying in Yinzhen for a long time without any results, I got up and came to Songhezhai. I thought I would see Qingyou as soon as I came here, but I heard the servant said that Qingyou took the servant to visit the garden, and I felt It was a mixed feeling, and I could only sit at the desk and wait for Qingyou to come back after playing with the children.

Looking at the blushing Qingyou, Yinzhen felt relieved. He stood up and looked at each other, an ambiguous feeling rippling between the two people.

Suddenly, a crisp "Ama" successfully woke up the two people.

The one who made the sound was not Tuantuan, who had been able to call people before, but had been too lazy to speak, but Yuanyuan, who had been unable to speak clearly before. This clear voice of Ama successfully aroused Yinzhen's fatherly heart, and he quickly picked up Yuanyuan. Yuan started to coax, "What did Yuanyuan call just now? Are you calling me Ama? Call me Ama again, come on!"

Yuanyuan was also very proud and shouted "Ama~Ama~Ama~" Yuanyuan's voice became louder and louder each time.

Yinzhen was very happy holding Yuanyuan, but Qingyou became jealous next to him. He obviously spent the most time with the children, but the first person Tuantuan called was "Grandpa Huang", and the first person Yuanyuan called was "Grandpa Huang". What's wrong is that "Ama" just doesn't have her mother-in-law.

Tuantuan seemed to notice the unhappiness of E Niang from home. The person who had always been too lazy to move suddenly started calling "E Niang" and opened his hand beside her, gesturing for Qingyou to hug her.

Qingyou hugged Tuantuan, feeling full of satisfaction.

The two of them held a child in their arms, and the inner room was filled with warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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