Chapter 21 Conspiracy
Here, Miguiren's age is actually less than thirty as Qingyou guessed. Miguiren Wang entered the palace in the 15th year of Kangxi. At that time, Miguiren was only 20 years old, but now nearly years have passed.

Although they are still pampered and favored, they are not as good as those young girls who are in their flowering period. It is also because of this that the secret nobles take risks and are eager to get rid of a few older brothers.

Ever since Migui met Qingyou in the garden, he has been sending messages to Qingyou incessantly, inviting Qingyou to have a small gathering.

Although Qingyou doesn't understand what Miguiren's plan is. However, out of caution and Ama Xinli's noble approach, Qingyou expressed "Thank you for the invitation."

Although Qingyou was very resistant to Mi Guiren's invitation, Mi Guiren was still nominally the concubine of Prince Yong's palace, and the words of Mi Guiren's invitation made her feel like old friends at the time. Invitation, no matter how reluctant it is, after all, the Qing Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, so you have to go once or twice out of ten.

Unexpectedly, during these two gatherings, accidents happened.

Because the original person was framed and pushed into the lake, which led to Qingyou's time travel, Qingyou was able to push away the boating tours on the lake and flower viewing banquets invited by the secret nobles.

This time, the Migui people had newly obtained lychees from Lingnan. In addition, the melons and fruits in this courtyard were ripe, so the Migui people proposed to hold a harvest feast.

Qingyou has pushed Miguiren's invitation many times, so she had to go this time.

Unexpectedly, this banquet invited not only himself, but also Nian Bianfujin, whom Qingyou had not seen for a long time.

Since the last time she met outside Yinzhen's courtyard, Qingyou felt like she hadn't heard or seen this young Fujin for a long time.

Qingyou originally thought that Nian Fujin was recuperating these days, but when he saw it, Nian Fujin not only had a rosy complexion, but also had a slight bulge in his lower abdomen.

Qingyou also gave birth to a child, so she understood it at a glance.

It seems that Fujin is not only pregnant this year, but also looking at her belly for a long time.

She had just been in Rehe for summer vacation for more than a month, and judging from her belly, she must have been pregnant for more than three months, so Nian Fujin must have been pregnant at home.

Fujin Nian was sure to know that she was pregnant when she was traveling. Otherwise, not only was there no news about Nian Fujin during this period, but she wouldn't even leave the yard.

Thinking of the fact that he saw Nian Fujin in front of Yinzhen Courtyard, he probably wanted to announce the good news to Prince Yong. It seemed that he had indirectly disturbed Nian Fujin's good deeds, Qingyou guessed in his heart.

At this time, Qingyou didn't realize that this banquet was specifically for him.

At the beginning of the banquet, the Mi nobles ordered people to serve lychees as tribute from Lingnan. This was worthy of the poem's praise of "a red concubine laughing". It was transported from Lingnan to the Rehe Palace, except for the emperor's own leftovers. Yes, what was given to the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager, and what was left to everyone in the harem was only one or two for the favored concubines.

Because Yinzhen had performed well on an errand some time ago, the emperor specially ordered someone to give Yinzhen three lychees.

Yinzhen was impartial on the surface, leaving one for himself, one for Nian Fujin, and one for himself. But in fact, Yinzhen left his share to himself, saying it was for his children.

I accidentally threw the two lychee cores into the soil in the space. Who would have known that two lychee trees had grown in the space after two days of absence, and the lychees were densely hanging on the branches. It seemed that they were paying tribute to the lychee cores. The lychees are even bigger. Qingyou experimented a lot before she dared to taste it herself.

It was simply astonishing. Not only was it bigger and redder than the tribute lychees, but none of the lychees in later generations tasted better than this one. Therefore, behind Yinzhen's back, he secretly added lychee supplements to his children, but he didn't dare to eat too much, for fear that the children would get angry if they ate too much.

The Miguiren received two lychees as a reward from Kangxi, and the flower-viewing banquet held on this occasion did not appeal to Qingyou at all.

But in order not to sweep away everyone's interest, after all, this thing is quite attractive in front of others, Qingyou had to look like she was interested in it.

Soon Miguiren revealed the theme of the banquet, "I am extremely honored to have received lychees from the emperor. Therefore, the theme of the banquet is to hope that everyone can compose two impromptu poems on lychees. , the winner’s prize in the end is a lychee.”

Soon the minister Fujin who was attending the banquet started.

The concubine was the first to start the conversation, and Fujin, who looked unfamiliar, began to say, "Jiangyi Mountain is running day and night, and the cage is still fresh when it is first revealed."

Someone soon picked up: "It reminds Aunt Feng of the late Qing Dynasty and recommends lychees to the new world."

"There are no more precious fruits in the world, and the jade snow skin is covered with crimson gauze."

As for why everyone is proficient in poetry, it is because the people attending the banquet are basically the official Fujin or side Fujin of the mansion, and there are no common people like Fujin or Gege at all.

Although Qingyou was also a Shushu Fujin who was granted the imperial edict by Kangxi himself, the people sitting here are all upright royal people. Maybe they don't have anything on the surface, but in their hearts they feel that Qingyou is not worthy of being seated. Such arrogance is also shown by them. No one is willing to take the initiative to talk to Qingyou. Instead, he kept smiling with Nian Fujin.

However, Qingyou doesn't care very much. This kind of lady diplomacy is not suitable for her in the first place.

When it was his turn, he casually said a well-known saying, "When the concubine in the world of mortals laughs, no one knows it's a lychee." Then he fooled him and passed.

Nian Bei Fujin is indeed a famous and talented woman. She once said, "When the lychees are ripe, they are the color of cockscombs, and the shochu has the fragrance of amber when it first opens."

Not only did she win applause from everyone, but she also made everyone sigh that she is indeed a "talented woman."

Naturally, the last lucky draw was none other than Nian Beifu Jin.

After that, there were the usual singing and dancing performances at banquets, and they passed by eating and drinking.

Qingyou thought that this banquet passed by in an ordinary way, and it was no different from the ones she had attended before, so she didn't take it to heart.

If there is anything different, it is that everyone at the banquet barely conceals their indifference to themselves, but they don't care very much. No matter how much they look down on themselves in their hearts, they still have to salute and greet them. Besides, their It's respectable, but it won't get you a promotion or a salary increase. Not to mention that he would not be able to live longer in this dynasty.

In that case, why should you care about the opinion of not wanting to fuck others? If you have this time, why not hug your two children more often. After all, they are the real little angels who can warm your heart every time.

Just when he was about to forget about this incident, the storm appeared and was directed at Qingyou.

(End of this chapter)

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