Chapter 22 "Miscarriage"

After the banquet, Qingyou originally planned to go back to Songhe Zhai directly, but at this time, Nian Fujin stopped Qingyou.

"Sister, you see it's still early, why don't you go and sit in my Changchun courtyard. I can't keep the lychees that the noble man has given me to myself. Just come to my courtyard and let the two of us share it."

Qingyou had just finished attending the banquet and was a little tired, not to mention. My original soul age is already 30 years old, and this body is already 19 years old. Being called sister by a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl who is still young, I have to change to call her sister. It is really incompetent to accept it, besides, I am just a girl. Lychee, eating it in half is too shabby. There are not only many of them in my own space, but they are also big and sweet. Isn’t that delicious?

Qingyou was not interested at all, so he went back to Songhezhai without agreeing to Nian Bianfujin's invitation after the banquet.

Qiu Shuang, who was next to Fujin on the side of Nian, said: "Master, this concubine Fujin has no food and salt, what should we do next?"

Fujin's thoughts returned to the past few days.

That day, I had just been pregnant for three months, and wanted to tell Yinzhen the good news as soon as possible, but unexpectedly I was stopped by Su Peisheng. If he was busy with government affairs, there was nothing to say, but why did Na Shu As soon as the concubine Fujin arrived, Su Peisheng eagerly invited her in and visited the Old Summer Palace.

This is no longer a question of pampering or not, but a matter of Nian's face.

There are no secrets in this garden. He did not enter Fourth Master's yard, but Qingyou did. Qingyou, who has not seen the garden yet, is just like his own, coming and going freely. If this spreads, he will Where should I put Fujin's face on this side, and where should I put Nianfu's face on this side?
What's more, the current Geng Qingyou is no longer someone like Gege who can be manipulated casually. Instead, he has been given a title by the Holy Father and is on the royal jade plate like himself. I couldn't move for a while. After the twins grow up, E Niang, who is so favored, and has the blessing of being praised by the saints, will not be able to stand out as her own child.

Therefore, when the Migui came to him, he agreed without hesitation and set up a plan for today.

I usually observed that Shushu Fujin was a very fond of eating. What's more, when I noticed that the Fourth Master got lychees, Mr. Geng's eyes lit up. He thought he was hiding it well, so he proposed that. This banquet was used as an introduction, leading Mr. Geng into his own courtyard, claiming that "Ms. Geng was jealous and pushed her." The courtyard was filled with people from her own family. Even if Mr. Geng wanted to explain, he couldn't make any excuses.

Although this plan is rough, it is useful, not to mention that the secret noble person who is ultimately in charge of the overall situation will help him. Who knew that Geng was so vigilant.

"It's nothing. You can escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth grade."

Within a few days, news came out that Nian Fujin had been drugged and almost had a miscarriage.

After all, he is the son of Fourth Master Yinzhen. Yinzhen rushed to Changchun Court after getting the first news.

It didn't take long before someone came to invite Qingyou and the first-class maid Ruxin beside her.

As soon as Qingyou heard Ru Xin's name, she knew that the matter was not that simple, and it must involve her. After all, the one who always followed her was Ru Yi, and few people noticed that Ru Xin was the most important and trustworthy person to her. maid.

Qingyou Ming Ruyi kept the Songhe Zhai, took good care of his two children, and went to see Aunt Zhang if anything happened.

Then he felt relieved and followed Ru Xin.

As soon as I entered the Changchun Courtyard of Fujin, I saw that the servants in the courtyard were very nervous, giving people a feeling that a storm was coming. Sure enough, upon entering, Qing Yougang saw Nian Fujin lying on the bed with a weak look on his face.

Before he could speak, Qiu Shuang, who was beside Nian Fujin, started to get angry.

"Shu Shu Fu Jin, what did my master do to make you so intolerable to her? My master is not good enough to you." I saw Qiu Shuang kneeling on the ground, sobbing.

If Qiu Shuang was not targeting herself, she would really praise her. In a few words, she not only convicted herself, but also portrayed herself as an ungrateful villain.

Qingyou spoke slowly, "Then tell me what ungrateful things I did." Qingyou emphasized the four words "ungrateful" and deepened her tone.

"Ever since I found out I was pregnant, my mistress has listened to Dr. Chen's instructions and drank a bowl of anti-fetal medicated meal at 10 noon every day. After my mistress drank the medicated meal at noon today, I suddenly felt a huge pain in my stomach and even started to bleed from my body. If the doctor hadn't come quickly, my master's pregnancy would not have been saved, but the doctor said that now he can only rest in bed, and he doesn't know what will happen in the future." After saying that, Qiu Shuang started to cry.

Qingyou said, "Then what does this have to do with me? Why do you say it was me?"

"At this time, Shushu Fujin, why are you still pretending to be innocent here? Liu'er, who is responsible for preparing the medicinal diet today, has already confessed that the abortion pill was given to her by Ru Xin, who is by your side. This evidence is conclusive, what else do you want? Can’t deny it.”

"Then tell me where the conclusive evidence comes from. Liu'er's words alone can accuse the maid next to me. I was the one who instigated it."

"Liu'er has already told you that it's Liu'er who contacted Ruxin next to you, and he also took the golden hairpin next to you as reward. I'm afraid this style is unique to you in the backyard." Qiu Shuang said He presented the gold hairpin in his hand.

"Su Peisheng, go get it and take a look." Yinzhen said.

Qingyou thought in her heart, she really knows herself well. She usually likes gold. She not only likes gold jewelry but also likes to add her own ideas, because her gold hairpin is unique.

This hairpin is still my favorite these days, and I wear it often these days. The imitation looks so similar, I'm afraid a lot of effort was wasted. I wonder if there is any imitation essence, Qingyou thought in her heart.

"Master, if you look carefully at the end of this hairpin, you will know if it is me."

When Qingyou was imagining these hair accessories, because some of her ideas were not clearly communicated, she gave each hairpin a design drawing, but the most similar thing about each picture was that there was a capital "M" at the end, which meant The work is to commemorate his days in modern times. The Fourth Master happened to see these drawings at that time, and he was still asking why every picture has such a pattern?
The explanation I gave at the time was that because I had grown up in the house since I was a child, and I also liked the stories about famous mountains outside described in my travel notes, I didn’t have the opportunity to go out and see those high mountains, so I thought of such a pattern to express my joy.

At that time, the Fourth Master didn't say anything on the surface, but later on he sent him travel notes describing the great rivers and mountains, screens, and some knick-knacks for several days.

Sure enough, I didn't find such a mark on the end. After all, I usually wear it on my head, and I take care of all the jewelry carefully, so I won't let people get close to it so easily.

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Shuang began to enlarge his moves again.

(End of this chapter)

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