Chapter 31 Jin Feng
"Master, the yield per mu is 1500 kilograms."

Obviously Kangxi and Yinzhen were also surprised by this number.

Regardless of his identity, Kangxi went down to measure it himself. "Okay, okay, okay," Kangxi said repeatedly, dig out the rest quickly.

Everyone was also very excited. After all, it was related to their future rations. After a busy day, everyone would harvest half of the land, weighing 30 catties.

After hearing this, Kangxi was very happy and said that he wanted to stay at Zhuangzi for dinner. Qingyou heard that and hurriedly went to prepare.

Since I want to stay in Zhuangzi, it must be for potatoes. There is nothing new in Zhuangzi at the moment, so I have to cook some game, but potatoes are delicious in anything.

In the evening, Kangxi saw a large table with dishes that were different from those of the imperial meal. He couldn't help but sigh. The fourth man, a common man, was indeed very smart. This large table basically had some potatoes.

Yinzhen was so modest that he said: "There is nothing new in Zhuangzi. I hunted these prey in the mountains with my men. I hope Ama will give me a taste." After saying this, Yinzhen took a bite one by one.

Although this is Yinzhen's Zhuangzi, after all, the emperor's safety needs to be taken very seriously. Although these things were prepared by his own family, just in case, Yinzhen tasted them first and stopped the eunuch who was tasting the dishes. Be close to each other. Moreover, Kangxi had already ordered that in Zhuangzi, father and son should be treated as normal.

Kangxi didn't say anything, but asked about the two children.

Upon seeing this, Qingyou replied: "I saw that the potatoes in the village were ripe, so I asked someone to make mashed potatoes for the children. I was afraid that the children would make noise and disturb the emperor. At this moment, the two children are afraid Eat in the room.”

After listening to this, Kangxi said: "We are all a family. If you want to disturb us, please bring the children over. I haven't seen these two children, Tuan Yuan Yuan, for a long time."

After Qingyou heard this, she could only ask someone to bring the two children over.

As soon as Tuan Yuanyuan saw Kang Xi, she shouted excitedly, "Grandpa Huang, Grandpa Huang." Kangxi smiled happily and quickly put both children in his arms.

While teasing the two children, he asked: "I remember these two children were born on New Year's Eve. Now, they are almost one year old. When do you plan to take the children back home? I will be in the palace at the end of the year." I saw my two little grandchildren here."

After hearing this, Yinzhen replied, "After all the potatoes here are harvested and enough seeds are left for next year's farming, I will take my concubine Fujin and my children back home."

After Kangxi heard this, he thought for a moment, then said nothing more and concentrated on enjoying the food.

After eating, Kangxi and the children said goodbye and returned to the palace. After all, there was still an early morning court tomorrow.

After the emperor left, Qingyou asked Yinzhen: "Don't you have to go to court tomorrow? Why don't you leave with the emperor? It would be more convenient." Yinzhen said: "It's not easy to come to Zhuangzi. Let's accompany you first. You, come out early tomorrow, it’s no big deal.”

Qingyou just wanted to laugh in her heart. After a long time, she looked at Zhuangzi, but she would come over every now and then, which was much more often than what she saw at the palace. Moreover, Yinzhen's thoughts are simply those of Sima Zhao, and everyone knows it.

Yinzhen asked his servants to take the children back to sleep, and took Qingyou into the room.

Early in the morning, Yinzhen went to the morning court refreshed, leaving only Qingyou who was sore all over and still sleeping. After all, Qingyou had just started to sleep when the sky was still dim.

On the way back to the palace, Kangxi asked Liang Jiugong: "I remember this Gengshu Fujin. Is it Geng Qiu's sister or did I give him a title because of Geng Qiu?"

Liang Jiugong returned from the side, "Your Majesty, you have a very good memory. That's it."

Kangxi didn't say anything after hearing this, but issued an imperial edict the next day: out of the Jin Dynasty, Shu Shufu Jin was granted the title of Shu Side Fu Jin, and he was rewarded with a hundred taels of gold and silk and satin.

Everyone in Zhuangzi was very excited. After all, Xi Fujin was considered half the master of the palace. Not only could he go out for diplomacy, but he could also visit the palace at the end of the year. This was a big deal. Moreover, my master was granted the title of Jin, which was an unusual honor. This honor represented the emperor's regard for his master. How could he not be happy about it. There is also a titled Fu Jin, whose status is greater than the other Fu Jin. In the palace, apart from the prince and Fujin, he is the biggest master. As the tide rises, all boats are lifted, and people like him can also get real benefits.

After receiving the imperial edict, Qingyou was also very confused. He didn't know how to get the title of Fujin. Moreover, according to the etiquette system, a prince only had two Fujins. This etiquette system was so easy to break.

If Kangxi had heard this, he would have complained bitterly. What do you mean by not doing anything? These potatoes are a major event that benefits the country and the people. At least, it can make the people full. In the face of natural disasters and man-made disasters, at any rate It's a bit of a guarantee, but in a big way, it can maintain the rule of the Qing Dynasty. How dare the third prince Zhu to make trouble? The appearance of this high-yielding crop in the Qing Dynasty means that the dragon spirit is in the Qing Dynasty. The princes of the previous dynasty, that's all It is a paper tiger, and it will be famous for generations to come.

If Yinzhen wasn't already the iron-hatted king with no title, it wouldn't be Qingyou's turn to take the credit. As for the two children, it would also be good for the two children if their biological mother's status was higher. Reunion is not only born with this blessing. Moreover, how could Kangxi not like a child like Tuantuan, who was round, lively and energetic?

Qingyou had no idea that she was taking advantage of her two children, and Jin was appointed as Fujin. But this does not hinder Qingyou's good mood. The emperor has rewarded her with so many things. After calculation, she can be regarded as a multi-millionaire.

Time passed in a hurry, and it was time for Qingyou to return home. A vast team of carriages set off from Zhuangzi to the capital.

Qingyou looked at the Zhuangzi getting smaller and smaller outside, and was very reluctant to leave. Seeing this, Yinzhen said, after the new year, I will take you to the hot springs in Huangzhuang. Qingyou became excited all of a sudden. He had never seen a hot spring before. He quickly asked the fourth master why he had not heard of it before.

Yinzhen replied that there were hot springs before, but they were relatively small and I had never been there very often. Now the emperor has rewarded a large imperial village because of his meritorious service and the potato incident. The hot springs in it are also very good. big. You can take Qingyou there when there are not so many things to do after a year.

Hearing this, Qingyou's mood immediately improved a lot. Taking a bath in the hot spring, hehe, the royal family would still enjoy it. Thinking of this, Qingyou is no longer so repelled by the next journey back home.

(End of this chapter)

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