Chapter 32 Returning home
Outside the mansion, it was still Uranala Fujin and the princesses who were waiting for the fourth master to return to the mansion. But this time, not only the fourth master got out of the car, but also Qingyou and his two children followed closely behind. I haven't seen Qingyou for about two or three months. At first glance, Qingyou seems to be much more beautiful, and her face is so white that it almost reflects the light.

And even after giving birth to two children, it did not affect Qingyou's slender waist at all. It seemed that she could hold it with one hand, but her breasts seemed to be a lot fuller. Everyone's teeth were about to be crushed when they saw Qingyou, and their jealous eyes couldn't be suppressed. Qingyou was like a 28-year-old girl after giving birth.

Obviously they are the same age as Niu Hulu. The current Niu Hulu looks several years older because of Hongli's poor health. They are all much older than Niu Hulu, so Niu Hulu has always been proud that his appearance is far superior to others. Looking at it, Geng looked like he had just entered the house, his eyes were as if they were tempered with poison, and he stared at her fiercely. With Geng.

Geng seemed to feel Niu Hulu's eyes, and looked up with a provocative smile. Don’t think that you don’t know. Although you have only mastered the purchasing power of the kitchen in the past few months, you also took this opportunity to investigate the truth about why you fell into the water in the first place: it was Niu Hulu who not only bribed the person in charge of the garden at the time, The person avoided him, then moved the garden stones, put a little oil on the edge of the lake, and ordered someone to push him into the water from behind. Because everyone around him was pushed away by Niu Hulu, it was delayed. The best time for treatment was missed, which led to his death in the lake and his arrival in this dynasty.

Although Niu Hulu Gege's incident was done very covertly, and even the perpetrators were dealt with, he still found the truth from clues.

Qingyou didn't know why Niu Hulu Gege took action, but the death of the original body was inseparable from Niu Hulu. She must avenge this, regardless of whether she would be a queen mother in the future or whether her son would become emperor. Kangxi is still in power now, and the fourth master will still be in the future. Even if the fourth master will die early, Qingyou believes that he has his own spiritual spring water, and coupled with the various health prescriptions he learned from the medical encyclopedia, he does not believe that history cannot be changed.

While the fourth master is still alive, no one knows how things will develop in the future.

When Yinzhen saw that Qingyou seemed to be looking in a certain direction, he also looked over. Niu Hulu was so frightened that he quickly managed his expression and showed that gentle smile again.

Qingyou returned to Lihuayuan, which had been cleaned in advance. After not coming back for so long, Qingyou was surprised to find that there was an earth dragon in the yard. For a moment, the room was filled with heat.

The maid who stayed in the courtyard stepped forward and returned: "Master, the prince said that you are afraid of the cold in winter, so he put this earth dragon on specially. This is unique in the mansion, and it doesn't even exist in Fujin's courtyard."

After Qingyou nodded, he motioned for her to go down. He called Ruyi to his side again.

"You're going to beat the servants in the yard later. I'm not in the house during this period, and I've sealed Fujin. It's inevitable that some people in the yard will be upset. I don't want to hear what I just said again. Twice."

"Yes, Master." Ruyi replied.

Qingyou went back to the room to rest. In order to go back home today, I started packing my luggage before dawn. The reunion was full of energy and I just played games with them on the carriage. Now I am very sleepy. I will go back to the room to sleep for a while. As for my own things , Ruxin will naturally tidy up in order. It was simply a feeling of happiness.

Ruxin is responsible for the arrangement of Qingyou's things in the room and her own belongings, Ruyi is responsible for the servants in the courtyard and the affairs of Lihuayuan, while Aunt Zhang is responsible for coordinating the overall situation and taking care of the two little guys Tuan Yuanyuan. Basically everything will be taken care of by these three people. Qingyou can only be a beautiful waste, just eat and sleep every day.

Of course not. Although there is nothing going on in the yard, people who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. At the moment, Niu Hulu's hatred and Nian Fujin's frame-up all need to be solved by Qingyou. Besides, since she gave birth to two children, Tuan Yuan Yuan, she must be responsible for them. Given their background, the life of the two children will not be too bad in the future, but what I have to do now is to ensure the healthy growth of the two children, be happy on the road of growth, and not go astray.

In the evening, the fourth master sent word that he was coming to Lihuayuan. Qingyou could almost imagine that when he went to the main courtyard to pay his respects tomorrow, everyone's fire would be aimed at him. During this period, the prince went to the village to look for him every now and then. In addition, there were many affairs in the court. The fourth master had not entered the backyard for the past two or three months. When he came back, he went straight to his place, which was too concentrated.

If you want to talk about why Qingyou knows this, you don't have to ask yourself. Every time Su Peisheng will tell him how difficult it is for the Fourth Master and how the Fourth Master cares about her.

To say that Su Peisheng is indeed the Fourth Master’s confidant eunuch is so beautiful. To say that the Fourth Master came to Zhuangzi for himself, I am afraid I can only believe one point, and the remaining eight points are all for Zhuangzi. potatoes inside.

Not to mention that this matter was assigned by the emperor, just because of the fourth master's character, he does everything himself and strives for perfection, so how could he not care about this thing that benefits the people.

The remaining point was given to Tuan Tuanyuan. After all, they were Yinzhen's children, and they got along with each other a lot on weekdays, so they naturally developed a sense of father-son affection.

At dinner time in the evening, Qingyou specially brought Tuan Yuanyuan over to have dinner with her. The Chinese New Year was coming soon, and the affairs of the palace became busy, so Yinzhen might not have time to come over for dinner.

Moreover, Kangxi had announced that he and Tuan Yuanyuan would have to go to the palace to see him at the palace banquet at the end of the year. The next reunion dinner would probably have to be eaten in the palace.

Yinzhen came over in the evening and was a little surprised to see the reunion at the dinner table. After all, the children were still young. Qingyou's daily rule was to eat less and more meals. The meal times for the two children were different from those for the two adults. The same thing, besides, Qingyou rarely lets her children see the food she eats on weekdays.

It is said that the children are still young and can only eat some tasteless complementary foods, but children are naturally interested in colorful things. If Tuan Tuanyuan sees it and cannot eat it, he will definitely cry. Although Yinzhen does not Qingming also obeyed Qingyou's arrangement.

Seeing Yinzhen's doubts, Qingyou explained the reason. Moreover, two handfuls of fresh spinach were found in the house in the past two days. Qingyou asked the cook to squeeze the juice from the spinach and carrots to add some color to the children's food. , Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan is no longer greedy for Qing You's food, and even feels that the food eaten by adults is not as delicious as his own.

After eating, Yinzhen and Qingyou played with the children in the room. There was so much joy in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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