Chapter 73 Longevity Festival ()
Yinzhen said calmly: "What's the hurry? What I'm preparing is still behind."

After that, he presented another gift that he had prepared.

All they saw was a seedling. Everyone thought it was very funny, but because of Prince Yong's face, they all held it in tight.

Prince Dunjun, also known as Tenth Prince Yin, did not care about this and continued to speak: "Fourth brother, don't try to fool us. We have gone to the fields with Huang Ama and done farm work a long time ago. This is obvious It's just an ordinary seedling in the field.

If you really can't come up with it, we are all brothers and won't laugh at you, but you won't fool us with such a thing. "

Yinzhen did not pay attention to Prince Dun, but raised this to Kangxi for a closer look.

After Kangxi listened to Yinzhen's words, he also observed it carefully. At this time, he saw that there was indeed something different. This Miaohe plant was taller, with thick stems, wide leaves, and slightly darker color, while the plants that Kangxi usually saw were Relatively short, with thin stems, narrow leaves, and slightly lighter color.

Kangxi noticed this small difference, but he didn't know what the difference was, so he looked at Yinzhen and asked him to continue.

"This seedling is a little different from what we usually see. After many experiments in the Chen family, if this seedling is planted, the yield per mu can be doubled.

Huang Ama, look, does this Miaohe plant have more and larger ears than the ordinary Miaohe plant? "

When Yinzhen said this, he was like an old farmer who was familiar with farming, without the identity or pretensions of the emperor's elder brother at all.

But it was indeed the case. Things turned back to Qingyou coming to Yinzhen's yard.

When Qingyou walked into the yard, Yinzhen was still worried about the birthday gift for Wanshou Festival.

Qingyou breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Yinzhen. After all, what Qingyou holds in his hand is also very important.

Seeing Yinzhen like this, Qingyou said immediately: "Master, I have something here that may come in handy."

With that said, Qingyou opened the red cloth on the plate in his hand.

Yinzhen is indeed familiar with farm work. He can tell at a glance that this one is different from the ordinary Miao He. This one seems to be taller.

Then he started asking Qingyou what was going on.

Qingyou replied: "I used to go to Zhuangzi to relax, so when I was passing by the suburbs, I accidentally saw a seedling Hehe with slightly different surroundings.

I didn’t know why for a while, but I became interested.

So he ordered his servants to watch over them privately, without thinking of going out to pick them.

Then, when I had forgotten about this matter, a servant came and replied, saying that the grain produced by this seedling was a little more than that of the one next to it.

At this time, my concubine became interested and ordered someone to study this magical place. If they could understand it, they would be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold.

As the saying goes, a lot of money must be brave. After many experiments by experienced farmers, they finally discovered the secret, which is 'hybridization'. '"

Speaking of this, Qingyou also had a small relationship with Yinzhen.

Sure enough, Yinzhen asked, "What is hybridization."

Qingyou replied: "The principle of hybridization is the hybridization and complementation of two kinds of rice that are the same but different." Seeing Yinzhen's puzzled expression, Qingyou slowly took a sip of water. He continued,

"This thing sounds miraculous. When I discovered the seedling, the experienced farmer could not cultivate such a tall plant no matter how hard he cultivated it. However,
A servant in the back house asked if we should bring some experienced farmers to see the place where the seedlings were found.

I thought this was a better way than wasting my time here.

So I asked my servants to take some experienced farmers to that place to observe carefully, and I really found something different. "

Seeing that Yinzhen was interested, he slowly said: "Those experienced farmers are indeed capable and experienced, and they immediately discovered the key to the problem."

"What is it?" Yinzhen asked.

"It's bees. Those old farmers discovered that there were a lot of flowers planted there, so there were a lot of bees there, and the seedlings on both sides of the river were of different varieties.

Therefore, those old farmers speculated that the bees might have brought the pollen from those seedlings to another seedling, causing a slight difference, which is equivalent to merging the advantages of the two plants together.

Following this idea, those veteran farmers started many experiments. No, it only took two days to succeed.

As soon as I heard the news, I quickly came to tell you the good news.

If this method can be vigorously promoted, food production can be doubled.

I think this Miaohe plant can be regarded as the best birthday gift during the Longevity Festival. "

After Qingyou finished speaking, she received Yinzhen's excited eyes, and she wanted to go to the village to observe immediately, but at this time Qingyou stopped Yinzhen and said another thing.

"Master, don't be anxious about this matter. The thing is there and can't escape. Right now, I have another thing I want to talk to you about and ask for your help."

Hearing what Qingyou said, Yinzhen also stopped. After all, Qingyou had never asked for anything before. If Qingyou took the initiative to bring it up this time, it must be something big.

He motioned to Qingyou to continue speaking.

"It's like this. Not long ago, when my concubine's mother-in-law went to clean my old house, something happened in the alley of the old house.

A group of people were beating up a person. Originally, this was not a big deal, but the servants sent by my concubine's mother recognized him. The person who was beaten was a family friend of my concubine's mother's ancestors. He should be in the Jiangnan area. .

I don’t know why he appeared in the capital and was beaten. When the servants in the mansion wanted to step forward to seek justice, they were restrained by the perpetrator, saying that the person behind it was well-connected.

The servants in the mansion did not dare to act, so they could only leave first. But after the incident, he helped the family friend to live in his house.

Only after asking this did I know the whole story. .
When I said this, I didn't mean that I wanted the prince to seek justice. But the concubine's girl is worried that Lord Jiubele will bear him a grudge like this and cause trouble for the palace. "

After listening to what Qingyou said, Yinzhen understood. Qingyou said that on the one hand, he wanted to make this matter clear in advance, and on the other hand, he also wanted to see if he could help his family friend.

Then he returned: "You don't have to worry about this. Jiu Beile will not dare to come to the palace in front of the prince no matter what."

(End of this chapter)

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