Chapter 74 Longevity Festival ()
"And just for daring to snatch things on the spot, this thing is really bad, I believe Huang Ama will not let him off easily.

And at this stage, there is such a thing. The thing that Jiubele is plotting is probably to give to Emperor Ama as a birthday gift for the Longevity Festival.

As long as he dares to offer this thing on the Longevity Festival, I will definitely expose this matter to Huang Ama, don't worry. "

Hearing Yinzhen's assurance, Qingyou felt relieved. After all, Yinzhen always kept his word.

Things turned back to the day of Wanshou Festival. Kangxi was very excited after hearing so much about Yinzhen.

"Is this true? There is such a production volume."

Kangxi's voice was filled with excitement.

Yinzhen replied, "That's true."

Because after hearing the news about Qingyou, he also went to Zhuangzi to test it. I dare not reply like this until I get the exact information.

"Good! Good! Good! You are really a meritorious minister of our Qing Dynasty!" Kangxi excitedly patted Yinzhen on the shoulder and praised him without hesitation.

Everyone's mood was also ups and downs.

Unexpectedly, it was Prince Yong who became a blockbuster without knowing it. Such a big thing happened all of a sudden.

With Yinzhen's pearls in front, the birthday gift presented to the prince next seemed a bit ordinary.

But no one was jealous. After all, what Yinzhen did this time was really big, and even they hadn't come to their senses yet.

But then, the birthday gift presented by Mr. Babeile was also very thoughtful.

What Babeile Yinshu presented was an imperial green Buddha statue. The most important thing about this Buddha statue was that it had a look of compassion, as if it really had Buddha nature.

Then Babeile Yinhu also explained: "This jade is naturally formed. It has not been carved day after day. It is naturally formed like this. It is very rare. Therefore, offering it at this time can also hope that Huang Ama can grow up." May you live a hundred years and be in good health.”

What Babeile Yinsu said was not only very emotional but also very skillful in showing the difficulty of his hard search.

Kangxi was also very moved when he heard what Yinhu said. Feeling the son's filial piety, he also praised him mercilessly.

With the gifts from Yong Prince Yinzhen and Babeile Ye Yinsu, with pearls and jade in front, other people's gifts seemed even more ordinary.

Next, Fourteen Belles came on the stage. These Fourteen Belles did not come on the stage with gifts in their hands like the others, but came up with empty hands.

Fourteen Baylor said: "And I know that there are pearls and jade from the previous brothers, so everything I take is not too rare.

So, after much thought, I came up with the idea of ​​developing a boxing technique for Emperor Ama.

This boxing technique is new to Erchen, and he would like to ask Huang Ama to test the effect of Erchen's learning in the past few days. "

Fourteen Baylor has already taken action. This set of boxing techniques is dance-like and pleasing to the eye.

I have to say that although these fourteen Baylors are not good as people, they still have some real skills in this martial arts.

Kangxi was very pleased to see his son with such a young spirit and praised him a few times.

It has to be said that among the sons of Kangxi, the only ones who stand out are Prince Yong Yinzhen, Eight Beile and Fourteen Beile.

So the prince, everyone knew that Kangxi didn't want to offend the prince, so he gave a few symbolic compliments.

Next comes Kangxi's grandsons. It has to be said that Kangxi has just passed away now, and he already has many grandsons.

Some of them have even grown into handsome young men, which makes people sigh that time flies by so fast. Tuan Yuanyuan also went up and said a few birthday wishes, using the poems that her husband had just taught. Although some people were simple, they still made Kangxi laugh.

The atmosphere of this Longevity Festival was spent in such joy and harmony.

After everyone dispersed and waited to attend the palace banquet in the evening, Yinzhen arrived in front of Yangxin Hall and asked to see Huang Ama, saying that he had something important to discuss.

Kangxi was also very energetic today, so he summoned Kangxi.

"Emperor Ama, I have something to say. I saw this jade Buddha when I traveled to the south of the Yangtze River.

That was a famous wealthy businessman in Jiangnan. It is said that this is still a family heirloom.

Erchen was also very interested in this at the time, so he proposed to buy it and promised that no matter what it was, we could discuss it.

But the wealthy businessman said that no matter what the situation, he would not touch the idea of ​​the Jade Buddha.

It is said to be passed down from ancestors, which has extraordinary significance.

Seeing that the wealthy businessman surnamed Liu was really sincere, the son-in-law stopped forcing him.

Unexpectedly, when I saw it today, it was the same jade Buddha. I wanted to ask the emperor if he could play with it again and give it to me to watch for two days. Emperor Ama was rest assured that I would definitely return it with both hands. "

As he spoke, Yinzhen felt a little shy.

After Kangxi finished speaking, he agreed.

After Yinzhen left, his face turned cold. This matter was definitely not as simple as Yinzhen said.

He asked Liang Jiugong to investigate the matter of the Jade Buddha.

It has to be said that the emperor's power is indeed very powerful. This matter will be clearly investigated within a short time.

Kangxi also became angry after hearing Liang Jiugong's report. "Okay! Okay! Okay! My really good son has done such a thing. It's really a shame for me."

Kangxi calmed down and ordered people to call Babeile and Jiubeile together.

As soon as he entered, Kangxi angrily scolded him: "Kneel down for me."

Eight Beile and Nine Beile, although they didn't know why, they still knelt there sincerely.

Kangxi threw the secret report brought by Liang Jiugong in front of the two people and said angrily,
"Tell me, as a nobleman of the royal family, you can do such a shameless thing. How much shame do you want to embarrass the royal family."

When Jiu Beile heard this, he also understood that there was a high probability that Kangxi had discovered what he had done before, but he was still holding on to a sense of luck.
Explained to Kangxi: "Huang Ama, I can explain this matter. This is a fair transaction between me and the businessman.

He didn't suffer any loss. What he is doing now is just because he knows my identity and wants to blackmail me further.

My son, I had no choice but to order people to drive him out of the capital. "

After Kangxi heard this, he became even more angry. He didn't expect that at this time, it had reached this point, and his son was still lying to him here.

Eight Belle quickly understood the situation and wanted to explain it to Nine Belle.

But was interrupted by the furious Kangxi.

(End of this chapter)

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