Chapter 75 Disposal
"Get out of here and kneel outside this hall. When will you think about it clearly? When will you come in and talk to me?"

When Concubine Yi heard that Jiubele was punished to kneel outside the Qianqing Palace, she was also very anxious. Why did this happen during these days? It was obviously fine at the beginning.

Why did the emperor become so angry in such a short period of time?

After all, it was her biological son. Concubine Yi was anxious and thinking of solutions. It must be Babeile Yinhu who takes him. His son doesn't know what kind of ecstasy he took, so he follows Babeile behind him every day.

He didn't get any benefits, but his children paid a lot.

Isn't that a child born to a humble maid in Xinzheku? However, his own son is as obsessed as a ghost, following him with all his heart.

Not listening to her mother-in-law at all, Yi Fei was hit and scolded, and she even refused to listen to her earnest advice.

Everyone in the world said that his son was an insult to the royal bloodline. He had such a noble bloodline, but he was doing such unsavory things as doing business.

She still enjoys it happily every day, but others don't know it, but Yi Fei, a mother-in-law, always knows that her son looks prosperous on the surface and holds a lot of money in his hands.

But in fact, all the money was given to Naba Beile, and I don’t know what kind of ecstasy was given to him.

The good things at the moment have never been about Jiu Baylor, but he has the ability to take the blame.

Concubine Yi was so angry and anxious that she wished she could go to Jiubele in front of the palace and beat him up, then open his head to see what was inside.

However, after all, Concubine Yi was a veteran in palace fighting and quickly thought of a way.

At the Emperor's Longevity Festival, the ancestor didn't attend because he didn't like the excitement, and was still resting in the palace. If this ancestor could be invited to take action, the emperor would probably forgive him for the sake of the ancestor's face.

Now who is going to invite the best candidate, the ancestor? After thinking for a moment, Concubine Yi chose Prince Heshuo, Yinqi.

After all, they are brothers from the same mother. Now that the younger brother is in trouble, the elder brother cannot ignore him. Moreover, since he was a child, Yinqi has been raised in the name of his ancestors. Yinqi has a certain affection for his ancestors.

Moreover, if he takes action, he can ensure that this matter will end as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yi sent someone to rush Prince Heshuo over.

When Yinqi heard the summons from his mother and concubine, he rushed over quickly. When he heard the silly things that Jiu Beile rarely did, he also hated iron.

Because Yinqi was held in the name of the Queen Mother since he was a child, although Yi Fei could go there when she wanted to, she was not raised like Jiubele after all.

Therefore, the emotions invested are not the same, so when facing the two children, although Empress Yi Fei felt that she had leveled the waters as much as possible.

But there are still some differences to some extent. For example, when Jiu Beile makes a mistake now, Empress Yi Fei's idea is that she is still young and it's okay to make a few mistakes. What I want is to continue to protect him.

When facing Yinqi in the same situation, I don't know what to do, because after all, although Yinqi was raised in front of the Queen Mother since he was a child, he still has a sense of restraint.

Therefore, she matured earlier and faster, leaving Lady Yifei no time to worry about it.

However, Yinqi didn't resent Empress Yi Fei's partiality. After all, if there is a share of Jiubele, there will be a share of Yinqi.

After all, Yinqi didn't grow up under the knee of Empress Yi Fei, so the emotions he invested were different. A certain degree of partiality is understandable.

Moreover, Empress Yi Fei was not as partial as Concubine De Fei to the point of being known to everyone. It was simply to the point of being excessive and outrageous. The Concubine De still thought she was hiding it well.

When the Queen Mother heard about this, she quickly rushed to Qianqing Palace.

Seeing that the Queen Mother had taken action, Kangxi quickly explained the cause of the incident. Kangxi said: "I am angry because of his unrepentant temper. You must know that 'water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.'

The empire of the Qing Dynasty was built on little by little by our ancestors. Now this bastard not only robbed other people's family heirlooms in broad daylight, but now that the matter has been exposed, he still doesn't know how to repent.

I keep thinking that I am not wrong. My mother-in-law, tell me, how can I not be angry with this guy?

Right now, I guess it's that worthless woman who has asked you to intercede.

If he doesn't teach him a lesson this time, things may turn upside down in the future. "

After hearing what Kangxi said, the Queen Mother also understood that she was really angry this time, otherwise it would not have been possible.

But maybe it's because people are getting older and their hearts have become softer.

The Queen Mother was there to smooth things over and said: "Xuan Ye, today is your sixtieth birthday. Don't be angry about this on this great day.

Let me see, I guess the child is still young and doesn't understand the importance. You just need to educate him well. Why get so angry.

Being angry is harmful to the body, isn't it?

Don't get angry with the two children. If they don't understand, you, the emperor, should teach them well. "

As expected of the Queen Mother, she characterized this matter as a child's ignorance in just a few words.

When Kangxi saw the Queen Mother saying this, although he was still dissatisfied with the behavior of these two people, he was embarrassed to refute the Queen Mother's face.

I had no choice but to say to the Queen Mother: "Empress, don't worry too much about this matter. Let's take good care of our health and don't worry about these things.

Are you going to a banquet with your son later?"

After the Queen Mother heard what Kangxi said, she understood that the matter had probably been revealed.

Then he walked down the steps and said, "It still doesn't work. With my old arms and legs, I don't want to join in the fun anymore. I'll just go back to the palace and have a good rest."

After saying that, the Queen Mother ordered someone to help her leave.

Since Yinqi asked the Queen Mother to take action, Kangxi could not deny her face in front of the Queen Mother.

All I could do was say that for the sake of the Queen Mother, I would let Jiu Beile go.

Let him go, but Kangxi ordered Jiu Beile to shut up and think about his mistakes, and go back to reflect on the wrong things he had done.

As for Babeile, he should go back and reflect, and don't want to attend tonight's palace banquet.

The two brothers helped him out of the palace.

By now, Jiu Beile probably understood that the cause of this incident was still the Jade Buddha.

But Jiu Beile still doesn't understand why Kangxi was so angry and humiliated him in front of so many people if it wasn't just a jade Buddha?
Because of too many doubts, I accidentally said it.

(End of this chapter)

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