Chapter 81 Found it

"Aunt Wang, what's wrong? Is there something going on?"

"Wan Niang, this is a very happy event. Do you still remember the man you picked up? That noble man's family came to find him.

People who heard about it said that he was either rich or expensive. The servants he led were still wearing silk and satin, which I heard was better than what the county master wore. And he brought a lot of servants.

Now, Wan Niang, you are going to enjoy the blessings. Don’t forget about you, Aunt Wang, and me. "

The woman called Wan Niang by Aunt Wang did not look so happy after hearing what Aunt Wang said.

He just bit his lip and said: "Aunt Wang, you are joking. I haven't even written these horoscopes yet. Maybe that eldest brother is not the person you said the noble man is looking for. Don't make fun of me here. ”

After Wan Niang said that, she hurried back, as if she was anxious to hide the man in the room.

However, when Wan Niang walked to the door of the house, she found a group of wealthy people waiting at the door.

There were also two very gorgeously dressed girls waiting at the door. One of the more gorgeously dressed ladies said: "Are you the Wan Niang they were talking about? I heard that you picked it up from the river. A man.

We took the liberty to come here this time because my husband suddenly fell into the river not long ago. After several searches, we finally got some clues. That's why I took the liberty to come here. I hope Miss Wan Niang won't take offense. "

The person who came was Qingyou Ruyi, with a team of people rewarded by the emperor. He searched for countless clues along the way, but none of them matched up. Only this one seemed to be Yinzhen, so Qingyou came in person this time. Come.

When Wan Niang heard what the noble lady said, no matter how reluctant she was, she had no choice but to open the door and let Qingyou's team in.

After entering the house, Qingyou found that the person lying in the house was Yinzhen.

It's just that the person in the house is still unconscious. It seems that he is in a coma caused by a high fever.

Qingyou didn't say anything, and asked Ruyi to feed him the antipyretic medicine he brought with him.

Seeing this, Wan Niang was embarrassed to explain: "When I saw this noble man that day, I had a high fever. I really had no choice, so I asked the barefoot doctor in the village to prescribe some herbs.

After taking it, there is some effect. It's just that the doctor said that this noble man seemed to have been poisoned, which caused a high fever that would not go away. "

After Qingyou listened, he hurriedly fed the detoxification pill he had developed before to Yinzhen, thinking that after Yinzhen woke up, he would let the imperial doctor take a look. After all, what he had studied was just superficial.

But the most important thing right now is to thank this girl Wan Niang for saving Yinzhen.

After thinking about it, Qingyou said: "This time, I really want to thank Miss Wan Niang, so we didn't bring anything with us when we came out. We can only express our feelings first. I hope you don't mind. There are elderly people at home waiting for news. Well, we can only go back first.

After we return home, we can solemnly come to thank Miss Wan Niang for her kindness. "

After saying that, he signaled Ruyi to hand a small purse beside him to the girl Wan Niang. There was not much in it, only ten taels of gold. Because I didn’t know if it was Yinzhen, I didn’t pretend much.

After hearing what Qingyou said, the girl Wan Niang didn't say anything. She just bit her lips and didn't say anything. She also refused to accept the small purse handed over by Ruyi. While talking, Yinzhen also woke up. Qingyou didn't say anything after seeing this, and hurriedly asked how Yinzhen was doing now.

"Husband, are you okay? Your trip scared me so much that I'm still waiting for you at home. I ordered people to search for you for several days, and now I've found you."

As she spoke, Qingyou winked at Yinzhen and signaled Yinzhen to follow her words.

"Madam, you have also seen that I am fine now, so don't worry any more."

Yinzhen didn't know what Qingyou was thinking. He just felt that when Qingyou called her "husband", it sounded very pleasant to the ear, and he couldn't help but want his relatives and friends to call him "husband" a few more times. But there were so many people at the moment that it was hard to say anything.

"Then since, husband, you are awake, why don't we set off and go back, so as not to worry the master in the house too much."

After hearing this, Yinzhen nodded and was about to go back.

Wan Niang spoke: "Brother, your body has not yet been fully restored. It is better not to move for the time being. Now that I have finished cultivating here, I will go on. It is better for the lady to reply and let you know first, so as not to worry the master in the house." "

What Wan Niang said was a bit teasing. Qingyou had already shown that she was Yinzhen's "wife". This girl, Wan Niang, not only calls Yinzhen her eldest brother, but also becomes his wife when she comes to her. This is a bright little idea.

And who doesn't think he knows the little idea of ​​isolating himself and being alone with Yinzhen.

Yinzhen, who had grown up in the palace since childhood, quickly understood and said: "No need to bother, I will just go back with my wife. This little injury will not happen."

When the girl Wan Niang heard what Yinzhen said, she did not force her. Instead, she changed her attitude and knelt on the ground to plead with Yinzhen: "Wan Niang knows that she is of low status and does not dare to ask for anything. But in the past few days, she has carefully While taking care of you, Wan Niang has already fallen in love with you.

Wan Niang does not dare to intervene in the relationship between you and this lady, and she knows that she is not worthy. But I hope you can take me away.

You also know that I am the only one in the house now.

Moreover, we have been eating and living together for the past few days. If I say that there is nothing between us, I am afraid that outsiders will not believe it. After you leave, leaving the little girl here alone to suffer these rumors, it is better to let Wan Niang Go to hell. "

After hearing this, Yinzhen said: "You also know that I have been in a coma these days. Nothing happened between us at all. Only those who are clean will be cleansed." Yinzhen wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Qingyou.

"If you say so, then you can come with us, but you also know that nothing happened between you. We will take you to a place where no one knows you, and you can start your life again.

But don’t worry, we will definitely leave you enough money to survive. As for the rest, we can no longer guarantee it. "

After Wan Niang heard what Qingyou said, she understood that this was probably the maximum she could achieve, but things depended on human factors, and what would happen along the way was beyond what this noble lady could predict.

After thinking this way, Wan Niang agreed to Qingyou's proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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