Chapter 82 Solution
After Qingyou saw Wan Niang's agreement, she started to go back without saying anything else.

On the way, Qingyou and Yinzhen stayed together to discuss where to put Miss Wanniang down.

Although Wan Niang was Yinzhen's savior, the address of the emperor's trip still had to be concealed, so he could not take Wan Niang to meet him in Jiangnan along the way.

Miss Wanniang seemed to know what Qingyou and Yinzhen were thinking, and kept coming to Yinzhen to make her presence felt.

It happened that Qingyou went to arrange lunch that day, which gave Wanniang an opportunity.

After seeing Qingyou leave, Wanniang understood that this was her last chance. Along the way, she saw the fourth master and the lady inseparable. Wanniang searched for many times but could not find a time when the two were separated.

At the moment, this opportunity is rare. Thinking of this, Wan Niang couldn't help but resent Qingyou for being too domineering.

Just from the material of the clothes, it can be seen that this fourth master has an extraordinary status. It is normal for such a noble man to have a concubine by his side.

What's more, she is the savior of this noble man. Wan Niang has hinted many times openly and secretly that she doesn't ask for anything, she just wants to serve the noble man.

But the lady was unscrupulous, and when she saw what she said, she became even more cautious.

Even after so many days, no one knew the nobleman's name. They could only vaguely hear that the lady and servant called him "Fourth Master".

However, such prevention further aggravated Wan Niang's inner thoughts. The noble young master must be a noble of that family, and his status was extremely valuable, so he was so guarded. If you can capture that noble man on the road, then a life of glory and wealth will definitely be within your reach.

Thinking of this, Wan Niang overcame her shame and picked up "the dress" she had sewn on the road.

It's not appropriate to call it "clothes", because the clothes are too revealing and can't cover anything, but there is also a sense of temptation that you want to refuse but welcome. If Qingyou were here, he would definitely understand that this is what future generations will say. sexy lingerie.

I have to say that this Wan Niang is really ingenious. In ancient times, it was possible to design such sexy underwear.

Qingyou is really not as jealous as Wanniang imagined, and she did all this just because of Yinzhen's intention.

Yinzhen thought that if he took some money and sent it to his servants, he would follow him all the way to the south of the Yangtze River and expose Kangxi's identity, which would probably cause big trouble.

And now, I don’t know if the identity of the pirates has been found out. That group of pirates must be an unusual ragtag group.

Yinzhen had fought against them, and his skills were definitely those of a practicing martial artist, and the royal ship the emperor was riding on had the official logo. Even if he didn't know that the emperor was sitting inside, he should know that the people sitting inside were by no means ordinary people.

Such careless behavior is probably premeditated. If I take such an unknown person back with me, I don’t know what trouble will happen.

Therefore, in order to prevent this kind of thing, it is better to nip this matter in the bud. It is better to find a place to settle Miss Wanniang, leave a sum of money for her, buy a house, buy some slaves, and warn the local area. The government took good care of it.

Thinking about Qingyou, she couldn't help but feel envious. This was simply Qingyou's ideal life. She was rich, had people to take care of her, and didn't have to worry about safety issues. She didn't have to be a lowly servant in ancient times and worry about her personal safety all the time. This kind of life is simply what Qingyou dreams of, but it's a pity that some people don't care.

When Wan Niang saw Qingyou taking the servants to the kitchen, she thought that there was no one in Yinzhen's place, so after putting on this "clothes", she put on a coat and prepared to go to the room on Yinzhen's ship. .

What he didn't expect was that there were guards guarding Yinzhen's door. Wan Niang had no choice but to say that Yinzhen called her here, and she could ask the guards to pass the message to see if what she said was true.

The guards were not convinced for a while, so they decided to go in and tell Yinzhen whether he wanted to see Miss Wan Niang. At this moment, Miss Wanniang planned to break in while the guards were not paying attention.

However, although the guards at the door were a little distracted, they were of basic quality and no Wan Niang was allowed in. It's just that Wan Niang's outer shirt was accidentally pulled apart a little while pulling.

When she accidentally saw the clothes underneath, Wan Niang screamed nervously. Because the voice was too high, Yinzhen was disturbed.

As soon as Yinzhen came out, he saw such a panic scene: two guards hurriedly knelt down to apologize for offending Miss Wan Niang, while Wan Niang was crying there, her clothes were disheveled, and she was begging for help. Yinzhen calls the shots.

When Yinzhen saw this scene, his head was pounding. If he knew his bodyguard seriously, it would be impossible for him to do such a thing. But Wan Niang needed an explanation again, and it was a complete mess. When the two were in a stalemate, Qingyou came over.

Seeing the scene outside Yinzhen's door, Qingyou guessed what happened, and asked the servants to go to the room to talk and ask carefully about the whole story.

No matter how much Wan Niang cried, the guards outside the door had already explained everything clearly. So Qingyou also knows the ins and outs.

After a brief thought, Qingyou understood what Wan Niang was thinking, and guessed that Wan Niang wanted to enter Yinzhen's room.

If something can happen during this period, it would be best to have some skin-to-skin contact. If nothing really happens, Yinzhen will be unable to argue as soon as his clothes are taken off, and Wanniang's wishes will naturally be achieved. .

But what Wan Niang didn't expect was that the guards outside Yinzhen's gate were so incompetent and vigilant that they couldn't let Wan Niang in and succeeded, and were stripped of their clothes while still outside the door.

So I cried for a while and didn't want to explain. Qingyou, who figured out the whole thing, was also confused. He didn't expect that he didn't want the bright future arranged for Wan Niang, but he wanted to do such a thing of clinging to the powerful.

Now that things have developed to this point, Qingyou is no longer easy to negotiate.

"Miss Wan Niang, why did things develop to such an extent? You must also know it well. Now we can pretend that this matter has never happened, but at the next docking station, you must pass it on. Of course, we promised before The things we gave you remain unchanged and are still given to you.

This is the best way I can think of at the moment. If you are still not satisfied, then we can only support you here and make the decision for you to be promised to that guard. After all, he acted recklessly first. "

After Wan Niang heard what Qingyou said, she also understood her little thoughts, and it was probably known to her.

Of course, the only option was the first method at the moment, so I agreed half-heartedly.

(End of this chapter)

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