Chapter 85 Mrs. Cao’s Thoughts

When Mrs. Cao saw that Qingyou didn't agree to what she mentioned, she guessed that Qingyou probably didn't agree and didn't mention it any more.

He continued to divert the previous topic with other things, and the conversation was lively for a while.

Seeing that it was getting late, Mrs. Cao said goodbye, and her relatives and friends did not say anything to persuade her to stay.

In the evening, Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan also went to school, and Yi Zhen also came over to have a meal, but this time Qing You strictly reiterated his order, so it was easier to order dishes.

However, it is actually something different. Take the braised cabbage in front of you as an example. Although it looks plain, it tastes like chicken soup, and judging from the fact that this cabbage only has the tenderest part of the cabbage heart.

However, Qingyou didn't say anything. After dinner, Yinzhen said that there were still some things to deal with for so many days, so he went back to the front yard to deal with it. It was estimated that it would be late at night, so he wouldn't come over tonight.

After hearing this, Qingyou didn't hold back. She let the two children play with her for a while, then sent Ruyi to take them down to rest.

Maybe it was because he had slept in the afternoon, so Qingyou didn't feel sleepy now, but sitting in front of the desk, for some reason, his favorite drawing book in the past could no longer be read.

Aunt Zhang saw Qingyou's absent-mindedness, and guessed that she was probably a little upset because of Mrs. Cao's visit in the afternoon. So he forced himself to speak first.

"Master, Mrs. Cao's visit today is not just a simple visit."

When Qingyou heard this, she immediately became interested. After all, she didn't feel that Mrs. Cao said anything with any ulterior meaning this afternoon. Why did she have ulterior motives when it came to Nanny Zhang's mouth?

However, Qingyou chose to trust Nanny Zhang unconditionally. After all, Nanny Zhang was more than just Nanny Yinzhen.

Before becoming Aunt Yinzhen, Zhang Moumou served in front of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang. Although she was not a personal servant, she was able to speak well in front of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang because of her youth and cleverness.

At that time, Kangxi felt that Queen Xiao Yiren was young and had never given birth, so he gave Aunt Zhang to Yinzhen as a nanny.

Later, he and Yinzhen fell in love, so after Yinzhen left the palace and built a mansion, he made a request to take Nanny Zhang into the mansion and raise her, and Kangxi agreed.

As a veteran of three dynasties, Qingyou believed that Nanny Zhang must have noticed something was wrong.

He motioned to Nanny Zhang to continue.

Nanny Zhang also saw Qingyou's interest, so she continued to analyze: "First of all, the emperor has brought quite a few princes this time.

In addition to our prince, there are also Prince Heshuo, Lord Eight Belle and Brother Fourteen.

But except for visiting Mr. Babele when she first came here, Mrs. Cao has never moved around again.

Now that I see you and the prince coming back, you personally brought your two daughters to visit.

This behavior itself is a bit flattering, that is, everyone only cares about the emperor's face and doesn't care too much.

But what Mrs. Cao meant in her words was that she wanted to send her daughter to the palace, saying that she was a slave and a maid. She was awesome. Seeing the two girls dressed up like flowers, she was afraid that they had actually been beaten. It’s just the prince’s idea.

However, if he had the intention of clinging to the rich and powerful, he would only look for the prince and the Eight Belles.

If we really talk about status, Prince Heshuo is no higher than Lord Babeile.

But Mrs. Cao didn't even look at it.

It can be seen that the plan is cautious. Moreover, the servant heard that the two girls in this house were born in a special way.

This big girl was born on the first day of the new year. So everyone said that this big girl will have great fortunes in the future.

And these two girls are even more extraordinary. They were born on March 15th, which is the birthday of Empress Nuwa.

Therefore, the government respects these two girls even more, saying that they will definitely be extraordinary in the future.

Now combined with Mrs. Cao's behavior, I am afraid that she has a big conspiracy. This Eight Beile Lord is also known as the Eight Wise Kings in Jiangnan, although he was deprived of the title of prince because he angered Kangxi some time ago.

But it also has a certain prestige in the Jiangnan area.

As for our prince, there is no need to say more. "

When Qingyou heard Grandma Zhang's analysis, she thought that she was worthy of being a veteran of three dynasties. Her thoughts were indeed meticulous. She could figure out Mrs. Cao's thoughts clearly just by meeting her face to face.

However, no matter how hard Qingyou guarded against this kind of thing, it was useless. If Yinzhen falls in love with another girl, it will be useless no matter how hard he stops her.

After listening to what Nanny Zhang said, it was getting late, so Qingyou went to bed to rest.

After Mrs. Cao returned, she also whispered closely to her two daughters.

"This Shuzi Fujin is indeed as powerful as the rumors said. With just a few words, we were fooled by our plot, but it's okay. There will be a long time to come.

If the game can catch the fancy of these two nobles, it won't help her ladylike Fujin no matter how much she disagrees. "

After hearing this, the two girls nodded again and again, obviously believing in what their mother-in-law said.

After all, you must know that the Cao Mansion is the most powerful in the local area. There is nothing that the Cao Mansion cannot do, and the two girls have been taught since they were young that they will be people of great fortune in the future.

Naturally, she is unwilling to live in such a small place. In this Jiangnan area, no matter who she chooses to marry, her status will not be greater than that of the Cao Mansion. It is better to just follow E Niang's arrangements.

There are many noble people in this capital, and at least they will enter the palace in the future. If there is any great fortune in the future, it is very likely that she will become the emperor's woman in one step.

Moreover, with the backing of the Cao family, I believe that others would not dare to treat the girls of the Cao family too harshly, so this can be regarded as a road to heaven for the two girls.

And although I have only met Lord Babele, it is rumored that Prince Yong is also a handsome man with a jade tree in the wind, and it is said that Prince Yong now has a high status in the court and is highly valued by Kangxi.

The future will definitely not be bad from now on.

Moreover, it is said that the backyards of these two masters are extremely clean. Master Babeile's backyard has only two concubines. It is also said that Guo Luoluo Fujin is not liked by Kangxi now.

From now on, if you really enter Babel's backyard, you will be the one who calls the shots in the backyard.

As for Prince Yong, although there are many women in the backyard, compared to others, he can definitely be regarded as a clean and self-sufficient person.

Moreover, most of the women in the backyard are not very high-status. In fact, they have been in the server for a long time, and they don't dare to be on top of the girls from the Cao Mansion.

The two girls thought together in their minds, and they must have their own plans.

(End of this chapter)

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