Chapter 86 Offense
During this time, Mrs. Cao and her daughters were very active in front of the Queen Mother.

Not only did he serve food with his own hands in front of the Queen Mother, but he also dressed her in colorful clothes to make the Queen Mother laugh. It can be said that during this period, the Cao sisters were the most popular people in front of the Queen Mother.

However, all this has nothing to do with Qingyou. From beginning to end, Tuan Yuan Yuan was still the Queen Mother’s cherished treasure. After all, one is the grandson and granddaughter of the Queen Mother, and the other is someone else's daughter. No matter how much you dote on them, they can't be reunited.

It's just that some people don't know what's good and what's wrong, and they insist on getting in front of Qingyou.

On this day, Yinzhen finally gave Tuan Tuan a full day's rest, so the two children, after washing up in the morning and finishing their meal, urged Qingyou to meet the Queen Mother.

Qingyou took the two children to the Queen Mother's place, and saw that the two girls from the Cao Mansion were already at the Queen Mother's place.

Qingyou's identity was there, and only the Cao sisters could salute Qingyou, so when the Cao sisters saluted Qingyou, Qingyou just nodded lightly.

Although Tuan Tuanyuan is much higher than the Cao sisters in terms of status, since the Cao sisters are roughly the same generation as Yinzhen, Tuan Tuanyuan gave a half salute to the Cao sisters.

Logically speaking, the Cao sisters should return a courtesy. After all, when it comes to status, the Cao sisters cannot be reunited. The status of the two of them is precious. However, the Cao sisters not only accepted it calmly, but also looked proud.

At this moment, even the Queen Mother's face changed a bit when she saw it. I couldn't help but murmur in my heart, these Cao sisters usually looked gentle, gentle and well-behaved, but I didn't expect that their etiquette was so bad.

It's just that the Queen Mother didn't have a fit on the spot. But the Cao sisters not only didn't notice it, but still approached the Queen Mother triumphantly.

As soon as Qingyou sat down, she heard Miss Cao Xue Ning say: "The two pairs of children of Mrs. Shu are indeed as handsome and smart as the rumors say. This little girl has been waiting for a long time, and finally got her today." See you, this see, really makes the little girl feel happy.

Although the younger daughter's brother has married a long time ago, he still has no children over the years. Therefore, the little girl is always a little jealous when she looks at other people's children.

Now that I see Mrs. Shu's children, I feel really happy. I don’t know if I’m lucky enough to be called ‘aunt’. "

As soon as Miss Cao said these words, the atmosphere in the palace suddenly solidified.

After all, although Mr. Cao is a minister who is highly valued by Kangxi, in the eyes of the royal family, he is just a slave of the royal family, so the children born to the slaves are also slaves of the royal family, but Tuan Yuanyuan is a royal heir, and he usually treats They bowed three points, which was also polite.

Now he is shameless and wants to be the master's elder. This can be regarded as treason. It's just that the Queen Mother has been cultivating her moral character in the past few years and is not willing to get angry easily.

Moreover, what Miss Cao said not only violated the taboo of the royal family, but also seemed to others to be reunited and unfilial.

After all, the Cao sisters serve in front of the Queen Mother every day, and this is something everyone knows.

But what Ms. Cao said was that she could only see her two children now. Doesn't this mean that Tuan Yuan Yuan had not visited her grandmother during this period of time. It has been more than a month since I arrived at Cao Mansion.

Among ordinary people, elders must be awake at dawn and dusk and serve them every day. The royal family has even stricter rules in this regard. After all, the royal family is a model for the world.

Nowadays, the need to govern the world with filial piety is highly praised. However, the Queen Mother likes to be quiet and does not like so many people to disturb her purity.

Therefore, it is stipulated that every first day or fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, you only need to come and pay your respects. Originally, Qingyou had the right to visit the Queen Mother, but because Ulanara Fujin was already wary of Qingyou's status in the backyard, in order to prevent Ulanara Fujin from being more suspicious, he only allowed Ulanara Fujin every time. , took Tuan Yuanyuan and two people to pay their respects.

Now that we are traveling, Tuan Tuan Yuan and Yuan Yuan are asked to go to the Queen Mother to say hello before going to the front yard to study every day, and then go to study afterward.

Maybe it was because it was too early, so if you didn't observe carefully, you wouldn't know about it, but Miss Cao's words hit home.

For Qingyou, Qingyou can show that he doesn't care if he offends Qingyou, but if it's against the two children, Qingyou will never be merciful.

Moreover, these remarks not only offended relatives and friends, but also offended the Queen Mother.

However, the Cao sisters still don't know how perfect they think their words are. That is to say, the Cao sisters, who have stayed in this Jiangnan area for a long time, think that they are the local overlords of this place.

Nowadays, when meeting noble people from the capital, although they know that they may have a higher status than themselves, they have always been used to being praised by others, so in some aspects, they will unconsciously show their arrogance and superiority.

I just thought that I had concealed myself well enough to lower my profile enough.

This is not enough for the Queen Mother and her group of people. Keeping the Cao sisters with the Queen Mother these days is just to make the Queen Mother laugh occasionally.

The Queen Mother had raised the fifth princess before, and she really did her best to raise her from childhood to adulthood, pouring in countless emotions and efforts.

But the royal princess could never escape the fate of marrying far away from Mongolia. It was okay in the past few years, letters would come from time to time.

In addition, Kangxi occasionally summoned the fifth princess to Beijing, so the Queen Mother's longing for her daughter was somewhat comforted.

But for some reason, in the early summer of this year, the bad news about the fifth princess suddenly came out. By the time the news reached the capital, the fifth princess had long been unable to survive, and her beauty had disappeared.

The Queen Mother became seriously ill because of this, so this time Kangxi took the Queen Mother out to relax and see the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, so that the Queen Mother could get over the pain of losing her daughter as soon as possible.

These are sisters from the Cao family. I don’t know where they got their good fortune from, but they actually look a bit like the fifth princess between their eyebrows.

Therefore, the Cao girl is allowed to come to the Queen Mother every day. Even if she is occasionally rude, it is for the sake of the fifth princess, so please bear with her.

But this time, the Cao sisters were really presumptuous and dared to make irresponsible remarks about the royal heirs, and the Queen Mother loved reunions very much.

Seeing that the Cao sisters were about to continue talking, Aunt Fangcao next to the Queen Mother hurriedly interrupted Miss Cao and said: "The Queen Mother is feeling a little unwell today, so I would like to ask Miss Cao and Miss Cao to go back first. Bar."

Miss Cao also understood what this meant, so she took Miss Cao and said goodbye together, but her actions seemed to be filled with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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