Chapter 94 Getting along
Qingyou and Ruyi were chatting happily when they heard a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, noble lord. I am the shopkeeper of this wine shop. This time I am bringing you some fruit wine."

After hearing this, Qingyou asked someone to come in.

Qingyou looked at Mrs. Su who came in, not only carrying the fruit wine she ordered, but also a few side dishes.

It's not much, but it reflects Mrs. Su's sincerity.

It seems that there is a reason why Mrs. Su is able to do such a big business. Although she has not tasted wine yet, her emotional intelligence in dealing with people is indeed extremely high.

Mrs. Su said: "I just heard the waiter say that there are distinguished guests in this private room, so I came up to meet the distinguished guests. I hope that the distinguished guests will forgive me and forgive my rudeness."

When Qingyou heard Madam Su say this, she quickly replied: "Why are you so polite? We are just here to take a look today. Just treat us as ordinary guests."

After letting Mrs. Su sit down together, the three of them started chatting. Strangely enough, although Qingyou and Mrs. Su had not met each other a few times, the more they chatted, the more they became more and more in tune with each other. They were almost like close friends.

Maybe after drinking a few glasses of wine, Qingyou felt a little relaxed. Now that Mrs. Su had noticed it, she didn't hide it much.

Then he asked Mrs. Su, "How did you tell that we have a distinguished status? There are only two of us and we don't have much ostentation. How did you tell?"

Mrs. Su sensed Qingyou's frankness and said bluntly: "The clothes, although it can be seen that you have dressed low-key, the material is not extraordinary.

Although this is Jiangnan fabric, it is usually only supplied to the palace. Even if these materials are not sent as tribute to the palace, it is my fault.

But the craftsmanship of this embroidery is not extraordinary. I have stayed in the capital for several years and know something about it.

This craft is definitely done by the most famous embroiderer in the capital, and the embroidery style is the popular flower and bird style in the capital, while the blue ripple pattern is popular in the south of the Yangtze River.

That's why I venture to guess that you are a distinguished guest from the capital. "

When Qingyou heard Madam Su say this, she couldn't help but sigh. Madam Su was not only beautiful and smooth in dealing with things, but she also had a beautiful heart.

Qingyou said, "So, you came here today to ask us to bring justice to you. Why don't you go to Wang's shop?"

When Mrs. Su heard what Qingyou said, she said it frankly, "I originally had this idea when I came up, but we have been getting along for a while.

But I asked Da Dian and said that as soon as I met you today, I felt that I was somewhat close to you, so I gave up this idea.

I sincerely want to make friends with you, and I also believe that our Su family wine shop will definitely go to the capital on its own strength. "

When Mrs. Su said this, the light in her eyes shone to Qingyou, and at the same time, it also made Qingyou think away all the thoughts that had been bothering her today.

What Qingyou is struggling with today is that she seems to have really fallen in love with Yinzhen, but the last thing Qingyou should do is fall in love with Yinzhen.

If Qingyou were that teenage girl, she might yearn for love, but after so many years of struggling in society, Qingyou has understood that feelings are the most useless thing.

And this was still in ancient times. In ancient times, imperial power was supreme, and even life could be regarded as a trivial matter that had nothing to do with the generals. Moreover, Yinzhen was still a prince. On the day he came across from Qingyou, Yinzhen had a group of wives and concubines. If they were really counted, Qingyou could only be regarded as a concubine. He is the third party who destroys the relationship between Yinzhen and his wife.

Who has the qualifications to talk about "two people for life"? It may be that in the past few days, after coming out of the capital, Yinzhen has been staying with himself without being disturbed by others. In this small space, Qingyou suddenly gave birth to an ordinary feeling. Couple's feelings.

However, the news that Li Fujin had given birth to a daughter, and the fact that Yinzhen favored Wu Gege, combined these two things together, suddenly caught Qingyou off guard, and only then did Qingyou understand.

Qingyou didn't know when she had fallen in love with Yinzhen, although she usually tried her best to restrain herself and even used reason to cover it up.

But this trip to the south of the Yangtze River completely made Qingyou understand that now she must face this relationship directly.

To be honest, Qingyou had not thought about it before, but after hearing Mrs. Su's bold words, she suddenly became enlightened.

Although she was already emotional, this was something Qingyou couldn't deny. But, similarly, life is not only about love, there are many more exciting things waiting for Qingyou to do.

Although there were many restrictions on women in ancient times, they could still create a world based on their own abilities.

Moreover, Qingyou's arrival in ancient times does not mean that she is helpless. Not only does he have the Gengjia clan who love him deeply, but he also has a spiritual spring space that is uniquely favored by God.

This is already more than most people, and we can’t expect too much more. The human heart is full of insufficiency. Having so many things, one can no longer force things that do not belong to oneself.

After figuring this out, Qingyou became happy.

Feeling so happy, Qingyou couldn't help but have a few more drinks with Mrs. Su. Although she was not drunk, she was still a little dizzy in her head, so she quickly left and returned to Cao Mansion.

After returning to Cao's Mansion, I didn't meet anyone along the way, so I made it to the yard smoothly. After washing, I went to bed to rest.

When Yinzhen came over, he saw the darkness in Qingyou's yard, and he was a little at a loss because usually, Qingyou wouldn't rest so early, but today it happened so suddenly.

Su Peisheng looked at Yinzhen's expression, and asked, "Do you want me to go ask this servant, maybe Shuzi Fujin has something going on today?"

Yinzhen didn't want to disturb Qingyou's news, so he stopped Su Peisheng and went back to the front yard to rest.

Originally, Yinzhen wanted to find time to spend some time with Qingyou, but he didn't expect that Qingyou would go out early and come back late in the past few days, and he never saw anyone.

Yinzhen was a little confused, so he ordered someone to check it out. I learned that Qingyou had been going to a small shop called Su's Liquor Shop these days, and got along very well with the proprietress there.

Although Yinzhen could understand that Qingyou was a little bit depressed without going out for so many days. It was rare to meet a confidant who could talk to him. It was not easy, but after all, scholars, farmers, and merchants, businessmen were at the lowest status.

If word gets out that she is getting along very well with a businessman, it will not be very good for Qingyou's reputation. Moreover, Mrs. Su doesn't know the details, and Qingyou was taken advantage of without knowing it.

So I ordered the people below to check the background of Mrs. Su. As expected, the investigation revealed something fishy.

(End of this chapter)

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