Chapter 95 Mrs. Su’s past
After this investigation, the real details of Madam Su were indeed found out.

This Lady Su is not a widow as she said, but a runaway concubine.

After Yinzhen received this investigation letter, he ordered someone to call Qingyou back from outside.

When Qingyou heard people outside, she hurriedly called herself back, saying that Yinzhen had something important to do with her.

Without any delay, he hurriedly said goodbye to Mrs. Su and returned home with Ruyi.

After arriving at the mansion, Qingyou went straight to Yinzhen's yard.

When he entered, he saw that Yinzhen's face was not very good, so he asked: "Fourth Master, what happened?"

Qingyou thought in her heart that although she often left the house during this period, she didn't seem to have done anything extraordinary. Why did she look at Yinzhen with such a bad expression.

Yinzhen spoke: "Do you know who Madam Su you usually get along with is?"

Qingyou breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but she simply thought that Yinzhen was dissatisfied with her dating a businessman.

"Fourth Master, Miss Su is a businessman, but she opened a wine shop in Jiangnan with her ability and created a world of her own. She is a rare and strange woman.

I didn't feel anything bad about my relationship with her. "

When Yinzhen heard what Qingyou said, he understood that this was the in-depth information about Madam Su that he didn't know yet, so he handed the things he investigated into Qingyou's hands.

Qingyou felt a little clueless, why did Yinzhen never answer her words, but instead handed her a stack of paper.

After Qingyou lowered his head and read it, he understood all this. It turned out that Mrs. Su was not the widow she said she was, but a runaway concubine from the capital.

Moreover, Qingyou is no stranger to that person.

The famous noble son in the capital - Prince Li. Why did Qingyou know this person? It was because of his eldest brother.

Because the eldest brother is preparing to take the imperial examination this year, Qingyou also knows something about this year's candidates.

The most famous among them is Prince Li, who is not only knowledgeable but also noble in birth.

This Prince Li was the only son of Duke Li Rong of the town, and he had a son at an old age. The Duke of the town had a wife before, but she never gave birth to a son, leaving only three daughters.

Later, he passed away due to illness, and he remarried a noble daughter. It took five years of marriage to give birth to such a son, so he was naturally an extraordinary treasure.

In such a pampering environment, Crown Prince Li not only was not spoiled, but also worked very hard to achieve success. His talent has been known since he was a child, and he is the most likely candidate to win the No. 1 pick this year.

However, Qingyou remembered that the rumors in the capital were that Prince Li was a clean and self-sufficient man with no concubines around him, making him a rare candidate for a good husband.

Why did it suddenly come out that Mrs. Su was the concubine of Prince Li and had fled to Jiangnan.

Qingyou was a little puzzled, but after getting along with Madam Su during this period, Qingyou understood that Madam Su was definitely not the kind of person who loves vanity, clings to powerful people, and also knows her own identity and takes advantage of her.

Adhering to the principle that misunderstandings should be resolved, Qingyou rushed to Su's Liquor Shop early the next morning.

Mrs. Su saw Qingyou coming so early and seemed to have something to ask herself, so she followed Qingyou up to the second floor.

Qingyou left Ruyi outside the door and decided to talk to Mrs. Su alone.

When Mrs. Su saw Qingyou doing this, she also understood that there must be something important she wanted to ask herself, that is, she roughly understood what it was.

After Mrs. Su walked in, she confessed before Qingyou could say anything: "I probably know what the noble man probably knows, so I won't wait for you to ask questions, so I will confess myself. I am indeed Prince Li's runaway concubine. But it’s not that simple.”

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Su told her story.

This Lady Su was originally the daughter of a scholar, and she was considered to have a clean background. However, Lady Su's father had always failed in the imperial examinations and was depressed, so he became addicted to alcoholism.

Even after losing all his family property, he still didn't change this bad habit. Instead, he sold his wife and daughter to buy wine for himself.

Therefore, Lady Su was sold into the Zhenguo Palace. Although Lady Su was still young at that time, she already looked like a beautiful woman.

The housekeeper's mother raised Su Niangzi as Li Shizi's maid. Originally, Su Niangzi had already accepted her fate.

After serving Crown Prince Li for several months, I felt some real affection for him. After all, Crown Prince Li was not only handsome and handsome, but also very considerate.

He treated Madam Su very well, and for a while even Madam Su was addicted to it.

It's just that I didn't expect that worldly affairs would cause trouble, and it didn't take long for the news to come out that Prince Li was getting engaged.

Mrs. Su can be regarded as a relatively lucky person. Her alcoholic father did not sell her to a brothel or the like. Instead, she entered the Zhenguo Palace and was able to live a stable life for the past few years.

But luck did not come to Lady Su this time, because Lady Su was pregnant at this time.

And Prince Li was preparing to get engaged. At this time, the news that his wife was pregnant would definitely be detrimental to the marriage.

Therefore, after the lady in the backyard found out about this, she gave Madam Su the abortion pill.

Madam Su looked at her body bleeding, but everyone around her was indifferent. No one asked a doctor for her.

I understand that this is a cruel world after all, and status levels will always exist.

In the eyes of others, I am just a toy that cannot stand on the stage.

After all, your wealth and life are in the hands of others. When others are happy, they may give you a good look and make you feel that you are still being held in their hands. But if they are unhappy and don't go your way, you are just an object. Something at the mercy of others.

Therefore, Mrs. Su's heart died together with the child.

However, in the end, for some unknown reason, Crown Prince Li did not get engaged.

But this matter has been buried deeply in the lady's heart like a thorn.

Therefore, after finding the right opportunity, Madam Su fled to the south of the Yangtze River without hesitation. Madam Su did not mention the hardships she suffered along the way, but she was very satisfied with her current life.

“In the past, when I was in the capital, I was like a bird in a cage.

Although he was raised with great care, he was still a toy to be played with.

Now, although I have some hard work outside, all this is done by my own will.

I am very satisfied with the life I am in charge of, so all of this depends on my own will. "

After Qingyou heard Mrs. Su say this, she felt as awake as holding a pot for initiation.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Su had already awakened her will at this time. No matter how difficult the road ahead was, she still worked very hard to survive for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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