Chapter 11 Who is the mistress?
"Meng Xia, is there something wrong with your brain?" Lu Xing thought that Meng Xia must have something wrong with her brain. Why did she think she was even offering tea to the concubine?
Lu Xing repeatedly insulted him, and Meng Xia became angry.

As the Duke's wife in her previous life, who dared to talk to me like this? Even the Duke would have to give me a thumbs-down.

And today, I was actually said to be mentally ill by my nominal fiancé, and it was because of a concubine who had not yet entered the house. It was really that he did not take her seriously:
"You and I are an unmarried couple. After I marry into your family, I will be the head of the family. Why not give me a cup of tea in her outer room?"

"shut up!"

When Lu Xing heard Meng Xia say the words "unmarried couple", he immediately reacted and asked Meng Xia to shut up.

But it was too late.

The audience in the live broadcast room has already heard almost everything that should be heard.

The barrage went blank for two seconds.

Then there was the overwhelming "wtf".

【Fuck! Damn it! My dear, what is going on? ? ? 】

[So after working for a long time, Meng Xia is the main palace? ? ? 】

[Laughing, I finally know why Meng Xia asked Lin Jin to serve her tea. In ancient times, concubines had to serve tea to their mistress before entering the house. Isn't this just blatantly saying that Lin Jin is a mistress? 】

[This reversal caught me off guard! 】

[Ah, no, Lin Jin is really a mistress, so how can she have the nerve to show off her affection in front of Meng Xia? 】

[This is too disgusting. What kind of talent and beauty is there? She turns out to be an adulterer! 】

But there are also Lin Jin's fans who are explaining for Lin Jin.

[The one who is not loved is the third party. Well, Mr. Lu said that the only person he likes is my Jinbao. Meng Xia is the redundant one! 】

[Now is the era of free love. Marriage contracts are just a joke among the elders in the family. 】

[Everyone can tell that Mr. Lu doesn’t like Meng Xia, so everyone knows the origin of this engagement! Meng Xia just wanted to use this marriage contract to marry into the Lu family! 】

[Master Lu and my Jinbao are a match made in heaven! 】

Lu Xing did not expect that Meng Xia would directly tell him about the engagement, and his face could not be darker.

Originally, the reason for calling Meng Xia here alone was to use the power of public opinion to get her to break off the engagement, but she didn't expect that Meng Xia would rebel and directly make the engagement public.

Lu Xing gritted his teeth and said, "This engagement is just a joke made by the elders. Why do you keep pestering me?"

Zong Xichuan and Qi Yue heard this sentence when they just passed by, and subconsciously stopped.

Qi Yue behind him bumped into Zong Xichuan without paying attention.

"Boss, what's wrong..." Qi Yue just opened his mouth when Zong Xichuan covered his mouth.

The conversation between Lu Xing and Meng Xia continued.

Lu Xing continued: "I know you are short of money now because of your brother's matter, so I want to tie up the Lu family. As long as you agree to terminate the engagement, I can pay off the gambling debt owed by your brother for you."

The barrage exploded again.

[Meng Xia also has a younger brother, but I have never heard of him. From what Mr. Lu said, it seems that her younger brother owes a lot of gambling debts, right? 】

[This Meng Xia is too disgusting. It was just a joke among the elders, but she took it seriously. 】

【Pooh! This Meng Xia is a gold-worshipping girl! too disgusting. 】

[Oh my God, Meng Xia actually has a brother who is a gambler, so did she enter the entertainment industry to make money? 】【My younger brother Meng Xia, who is a gambler, is not a good person. No wonder Mr. Lu looks down on her! 】

Qi Yue heard Lu Xing's words and whispered in Zong Xichuan's ear: "Damn it, the boss didn't expect Meng Xia to be such a person. Isn't she the money-worshiping girl mentioned on the Internet?"

Zong Xichuan glanced at Qi Yue and said coldly: "You are really good at making judgments based on just one side of the story."

Qi Yue suddenly turned into a quail: "Boss, I was wrong."

After he finished speaking, he cautiously raised his head and glanced at Zong Xichuan. Seeing that Zong Xichuan had no intention of leaving, he continued to sneakily listen to the corner.

Lu Xing molded Meng Xia into a money-worshiping girl in just a few words, and "accidentally" revealed the news that Meng Xia had a younger brother who was a gambler.

Meng Xia really admired Lu Xing's ability to confuse right and wrong.

It was obvious that the Lu family had requested this engagement, but now that the original owner's family was feeling lonely, they wanted to terminate the engagement.

And he also wants to put all the fault on the original owner. What a good plan!

As the princess's wife, she has seen this kind of insulting tactics a lot!

"What are you talking about, Mr. Lu? I will naturally handle my brother's affairs myself, so I won't bother you, the Lu family. But Mr. Lu is still messing around with other people before he has terminated our engagement with me. Isn't that right, Mr. Lu?" Should you give me an explanation? And Mr. Lu said that this engagement was just a joke between the two elders? How could I remember that the two families had exchanged tokens of love?" Meng Xia said unhurriedly.

Lu Xing glared at Meng Xia fiercely where the camera couldn't see it. The reason why the engagement had to be terminated with Meng Xia's consent was because the two families exchanged engagement tokens!

However, Meng Xia refused to return the engagement token, so the engagement could not be terminated.

Qi Yue, who was hiding in the corner and listening, looked like he had eaten a big melon. All he needed was a small bench and a handful of melon seeds.

"Meng Xia, why do you continue to be persistent? I won't like you. It's not good for both of us to keep dragging you. Can you just let me go?" Lu Xing began to play the emotional card.

It's a pity that Meng Xia has no feelings for him now.

"If Mr. Lu really wants to terminate the engagement, he should ask Uncle Lu to come and talk to me in person. After all, it is the engagement between him and my parents. If it is to be terminated, he has to be present, right?" Meng Xia still looked unconcerned. Not slow.

From the memory of the original owner, Meng Xia knew that although Lu Xing wanted to terminate the engagement, Lu Xing's father was a man who valued credibility and had always disagreed.

So Lu Xing could only keep forcing Meng Xia to ask her to take the initiative to break off the engagement.

Lu Xing's face turned dark.

Lu Xing felt that something was wrong with Meng Xia today.

The Meng Xia before was not so sharp-tongued at all, and at that time, Meng Xia's heart and eyes were all about herself, but now Lu Xing could not see the slightest trace of love in Meng Xia's eyes.

It happened that at this time, Lin Jin saw that Lu Xing and Meng Xia had not returned yet, and worried that something had happened, he came over.

Lu Xing followed Lin Jin and left.

When leaving, Lu Xing approached Meng Xia and threatened in a voice that only he and Meng Xia could hear: "Don't forget your brother!"

Meng Xia frowned in displeasure. She hated others threatening her the most in her life.

But the brother of the original owner is indeed a trouble. It seems that after this variety show is over, he will have to meet this unlearned brother.

After Lu Xing left, Zong Xichuan and Qi Yue, who were hiding aside, also left quietly.

The fact that Meng Xia and Lu Xing were an unmarried couple quickly became a hot topic on Weibo, shocking netizens.

(End of this chapter)

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