Chapter 12 Don’t damage the monitor’s reputation

After Meng Xia and Lu Xing returned, Zhao Yulin and Li Dongbai looked at Meng Xia with an inquiring intention.

They naturally knew Lu Xing's identity, but what they didn't expect was that Meng Xia also seemed to know Lu Xing.

Those who know Lu Xing are not ordinary people.

The two began to become curious about Meng Xia's origins.

Mainly because Meng Xia didn't mention anything about her family when she debuted, so Meng Xia's family background has always been a mystery in the entertainment industry.

But this mystery will soon cease to be a mystery.

After all, now that it has been spread that Meng Xia and Lu Xing are an unmarried couple, paparazzi will naturally investigate Meng Xia's identity.

Lu Xing stayed in the military camp until evening and then left.

The next day everyone started training as usual.

It was finally time to train, and Meng Xia was in a beautiful mood.

When training, it's like taking a shot of chicken blood, and the whole person is full of energy.

He even took the initiative to ask for additional training after daily training.

Qi Yue was so shocked that he almost couldn't close his jaw. This was the first time he had seen someone actively looking for trouble in such a long time in the army.

The main reason is that this person is still a girl, and she is also a girl who is rumored to be very hypocritical.

Qi Yue now finally knows what it means to look beyond the appearance of a person.

If Meng Xia didn't blush or breath after running five kilometers, and even took the initiative to ask for more training, it could be called hypocrisy.

So what are the other guests? Disabled?
Zong Xichuan did not refuse Meng Xia's request for additional training.

Qi Yue was asked to take the others back first, while he accompanied Meng Xia to practice more.

Most of the photographers from the program team went back with the others, leaving only one photographer to follow.

Regarding Meng Xia's initiative to practice more, netizens in the live broadcast room also had different opinions.

Some praised Meng Xia.

[This girl is really good. It would be a pity not to join the army with her physical fitness. 】

[Who said that Meng Xia is very pretentious? Who am I if she is still pretentious like this? waste? 】

[Lin Jin has always said that his physical fitness is very good. Compared with Meng Xia, he seems to be far behind.

Of course, some people say that Meng Xia deliberately wanted to gain a sense of presence.

[In my opinion, Meng Xia just deliberately wanted to create a character. 】

[The most annoying thing is this kind of pushy person, he can really pretend. 】

[Look, I’ll just say that Meng Xia was pretending before, otherwise how could someone change so much. 】

Meng Xia had no idea about the comments made by netizens. At this time, she was practicing very happily.

Zong Xichuan took Meng Xia to experience some training programs in the army.

Meng Xia didn't feel tired at all, but felt more and more energetic.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also completely changed their previous views on Meng Xia.

Regardless of whether Meng Xia was faking it or not, the netizens in the live broadcast room only knew that the words Meng Xia at this moment had nothing to do with being pretentious.

Meng Xia's live broadcast split screen suddenly turned into darkness.

Netizens in the live broadcast room looked confused.

【What's happening here? What happened? Why did the screen suddenly go black? 】

[Director, what’s going on? 】

[Director, director, call the director, please quickly explain what is going on? 】

[Is there something we can’t see? 】

The director immediately called the photographer responsible for filming Meng Xia's side, and the final result was that the camera was out of power.

The director immediately prepared to arrange for other photographers to be on top, but found that there were no extra photographers available at this time.

Finally the director made a decision.

Just stop taking photos of Meng Xia.

There is no way anyone can make this place crowded.

At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark, and the training soldiers had already gone back to wash up.

The photographer also took the camera back to charge it.

Only Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan were left in the entire playground.

After the last training session, Meng Xia lay directly on the grass. And Zong Xichuan also sat aside.

"Monitor, thank you for accompanying me to practice extra." Meng Xia felt that this was the happiest day since she came to this world.

She felt as if she had returned to her previous life when she was still unmarried and practicing martial arts at home with her father.

Those were her happiest days.

Thinking of the past, Meng Xia's face showed a heartfelt smile.

Zong Xichuan just looked up and was stunned for a moment.

But he soon reacted.

He cursed in his heart that he was worthless, and he was not a young man anymore, so he still looked at him blankly.

Zong Xichuan rested on the lawn with Meng Xia for a long time, and then he was ready to leave when it was almost time.

As soon as Meng Xia stood up, he felt a sharp pain in the soles of his feet. He couldn't stand still and fell to the side.

Just as she was about to fall to the ground, a pair of big hands suddenly hugged her waist.

Meng Xia was pulled into Zong Xichuan's arms.

Meng Xia's face suddenly turned red.

Although I was married in my previous life, I and my husband have always been respectful to each other and have never had such close contact with the opposite sex.

Meng Xia stood up immediately, but the severe pain from the soles of her feet still made her frown.

"What's wrong?" Zong Xichuan's cold voice came from above.

Zong Xichuan is 1.9 meters tall, and Meng Xia, who is 1.7 meters tall, can only reach his shoulders when standing next to him.

"My feet seem to be injured." Meng Xia said as she squatted down and took off her shoes.

Sure enough, both feet were shocking.

Meng Xia suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

She didn't expect this body to be so delicate. She was so excited during the training that she didn't even notice it.

Meng Xia glanced at Zong Xichuan cautiously, fearing that Zong Xichuan would be unhappy.

Zong Xichuan still had a straight face, showing no emotion or anger at all.

After a long time.

Zong Xichuan suddenly squatted down.

At the same time, a cold voice came again: "Come up."

Meng Xia realized what Zong Xichuan meant and immediately refused: "No need, squad leader, I can walk back by myself."

Zong Xichuan did not speak, but still maintained his previous actions.

When Meng Xia saw Zong Xichuan questioning whether to carry her back, she could only bite the bullet and climb onto Zong Xichuan's back.

Mainly she was afraid that Zong Xichuan would send her directly out of the military camp if she refused again.

After Meng Xia climbed up, Zong Xichuan stood up.

If anyone saw it at this time, they would find that Meng Xia's face had turned as red as an apple.

For Meng Xia, Zong Xichuan was the second man to carry her on his back.

The first is her father.

Even her husband in her previous life never betrayed her.

Although she knew that the defense between men and women in this world was not that serious, Meng Xia still blushed with embarrassment.

I wish I could reach my destination quickly.

But the more she thought about it, the slower time seemed to pass.

Although there was not much distance, Meng Xia felt that time seemed to have passed hundreds of years.

Fortunately, it was night and no one was encountered along the way, otherwise Meng Xia might be embarrassed and cook herself.

Zong Xichuan brought Meng Xia to his office. After placing Meng Xia on the sofa, he began to look for the medical kit to treat Meng Xia's wounds.

In fact, Zong Xichuan originally planned to send Meng Xia directly to the infirmary, but Meng Xia refused.

To go to the infirmary, you have to pass by the dormitory building, and the program team over there is still filming.

If Zong Xichuan passed by on his back, even though it was for a reason, Meng Xia still didn't want others to smear Zong Xichuan's innocence.

The squad leader was so kind to me, and if he brought his reputation into disrepute because of me, then I would really be guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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