Chapter 159 Familiar Taste

In fact, the reason why Zhao Yuxi came to Meng Xia to talk about this matter was partly because of what his agent said.

In addition, the director also approached him privately and promised that he would let Meng Xia appear in this romance drama.

Although it is easy to spread some scandals on the love show.

But it's really a good way of publicity for them.

And most importantly yes.

What they gave was really too much.

As the saying goes, if you don't make money, you're a bastard.

However, this matter still depends on Meng Xia's own opinion.

And Zhao Yuxi still knew a little bit about what happened between Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia.

He knew that if he took the initiative to tell his senior brother about this matter, he would definitely be kicked away.

But if Meng Xia wanted to participate in this show, Zong Xichuan couldn't say anything.

And he believes that Zong Xichuan must trust his character. This is just a job, and Zong Xichuan will definitely not mind.

Meng Xia did not answer Zhao Yuxi's words immediately.

However, Zhao Yuxi was not in a hurry, "It's still early, you can think about it slowly and just give me an answer then."

After Zhao Yuxi finished speaking, he walked aside and gave Meng Xia some time to think.

At some point, Liu Mei slipped into Meng Xia's identity again.

Liu Mei lowered her voice and asked, "What did Zhao Yuxi secretly tell you? Is he in love with you because of drama?"

Liu Mei had a gossipy expression on her face.

Meng Xia gave her a look.

But Liu Mei was just joking.

She still knew that Zhao Yuxi didn't like Meng Xia. After all, Zhao Yuxi and Zong Xichuan were senior brothers, so he couldn't pry into his senior brother's corner.

And she had long heard that Zhao Yuxi had a Bai Yueguang that he never forgot.

Meng Xia did not hide anything and told Liu Mei about Zhao Yuxi's invitation to participate in the love show.

Liu Mei fell into deep thought after hearing this.

In fact, as Zhao Yuxi said, it is a normal thing in the entertainment industry for actors who work together to star in dramas.

Many actors will cooperate with the business during the broadcast of the show.

After all, the audience still likes to talk about CP.

This can also bring them a lot of benefits.

Generally speaking, unless there are special circumstances, you will not avoid suspicion excessively.

But I won’t say much and basically just let the fans talk about it casually.

Liu Mei was deep in thought because of Zong Xichuan.

Zong Xichuan's little affection for Meng Xia is already obvious. What if he cares about it then?
Although he may not say anything on the surface, he can completely make it impossible for Lian Zong to record.

But Liu Mei felt that Zong Xichuan was not that kind of person.

Ever since Fu Yuze learned about the villa, one thing Liu Mei was sure of was that Zong Xichuan was serious about Meng Xia.

Otherwise, he can completely repay the favor.

So Liu Mei gave Meng Xia a piece of advice from her own perspective, "Actually, it's good to participate in this romance drama. On the one hand, it can promote the show, and on the other hand, it also increases your exposure.

Although you are now very well-known online, you only have one work after all, and you may not be able to receive other scripts by participating in this variety show. "

After Liu Mei finished speaking, she added, "But it's up to you. If you don't want to form a CP with Zhao Yuxi, don't participate."

Liu Mei gave the initiative to Meng Xia. After all, it was Meng Xia's own career, and it still had to depend on her own wishes.

She could only give Meng Xia some advice, and it was up to Meng Xia to decide exactly what to do.

Meng Xia actually had already thought of the answer.

She doesn't care about things like group CP, for her, this is work.

Since it is a job, I will naturally not give up this job opportunity.

After the banquet was over, Meng Xia gave Zhao Yuxi his answer.

As for the agent, Zhao Yuxi's agent has already contacted him, and now he just needs to wait for Meng Xia to agree.

The recording time for the love drama will be a week later, and during this time, the crew has also begun to contact the TV station to start broadcasting it one after another.

During this period, Meng Xia's agent accepted several endorsements for her, and she was busy until the day before the show started.

She and Zong Xichuan have basically not seen each other during this period of time. They both leave early and come back late, and they are both busy with their careers.

Soon the day came for the recording to begin.

Meng Xia and Zhao Yuxi set off from the company together.

They are the first to arrive at their destination and therefore have to wait for others to arrive.

The program adopts a 24-hour live broadcast mode, as well as later intensive recording and broadcasting mode.

There are five groups of guests in each issue.

In other words, besides them, there are eight people who have not arrived.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the guests to arrive one after another.

Among them was an old acquaintance of Meng Xia.


But this time Ou Ruoruo changed her previous style and stepped forward to greet Meng Xia with a smile.

"We meet again, Xiaoxia. I watched your drama and it was really good."

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face, so Meng Xia greeted Aurora politely.

As for why Ou Ruoruo has such a big change?
Naturally, it was because she was abandoned by the sponsor behind her, otherwise she wouldn't have participated in this love show.

Now that she had no backer, she naturally did not dare to offend Meng Xia again.

Of course, Aurora didn't dare to act like a monster anymore.

Soon, the guests were short of the last two.

Among the eight guests, only one group is a real couple, and the others are basically screen partners, or those who have been rumored to have recently been involved in scandals.

Soon, the last two people arrived.

But after seeing the two people getting out of the car, everyone was dumbfounded.

The visitors were none other than Zong Xichuan and Liu Mei.

Zong Xichuan still had an expression that said no strangers should be allowed in.

Although Liu Mei stood beside Zong Xichuan with a smile, her smile was a bit forced.

Liu Mei was very angry at this time.

Who knows she almost fainted from the fright when Zong Xichuan asked her to go to the love show together.

Meng Xia's eyes met Zong Xichuan's in the air.

But Meng Xia quickly looked away.

After all the guests arrived, the director began to ask them to introduce themselves one by one.

Among the five groups of guests, in addition to Meng Xia and Zhao Yuxi, there is another group who also participated in the program to promote the new drama.

One of the other three groups is a real couple.

The remaining two groups are Zong Xichuan and Liu Mei, as well as Ou Ruoruo and a recently popular singer.

Then the director began to introduce the rules of the show to everyone.

The recording of the program lasts for seven days. During these seven days, everyone needs to complete the tasks assigned by the program team.

CPs who complete tasks can get opportunities for romantic dates.

Different from previous programs, the guests participating in this love variety show are basically in pairs.
Therefore, the program team will not be divided into groups, which means that they need to spend seven days with their previous partners on the program.

Because of the unique program mechanism, this romantic variety show is also dubbed as a couple-made variety show by netizens.

After all, the guests who came to participate in this love show are all related to each other, and it is easy to develop feelings after seven days of sweet interaction.

Liu Wuqianmei fell silent.

After introducing the rules, the director officially announced the start of recording. As the live broadcast camera opened, many netizens flooded into the live broadcast room.

[Fill in the blanks with a loud noise, and CP fans make their debut! 】

[I’m here again as a fan of CP. Let me see what CP is worth knocking on this time. 】

[Ahhhh, I can see my brother and sister-in-law in the same frame again, so happy! ! ! 】

[No, my brother actually participated in a love show with Meng Xia? Woo hoo, my hanging heart finally died. 】

[Didn’t you say you were just friends before? In the end, he turned around and joined the love show, so are we also part of your play? 】

[Didn’t I remember that Liu Mei had always liked Fu Yuze before? Why are you taking part in the romance show with Zong Xichuan now? 】

[Who knows what happens between wealthy families? 】

The director announced the first mission.

“As the saying goes, if you want to capture a woman’s heart, you must first capture her taste.

The first task today is to test the cooking skills of the male guests, while the female guests need to choose the one their partner will cook among many dishes.

The group that guesses correctly can stay in a deluxe room. It is a pity that the group that does not guess correctly will be admitted.

You will have to stay in the dormitory for the next seven days. "

After the director announced the start of the task, the male guests entered the kitchen collectively.

The female guests were sitting outside chatting.

"I must be living in a dormitory. I've never eaten the food he cooked. How could I taste it?" said the person in the screen CP.

As soon as she said this, everyone fell silent.

Except for the real couple, everyone else has basically given in.

Liu Mei came to Meng Xia's side and looked at her with a look of despair.

"Why are you here?" Meng Xia asked softly in a voice that only two people could hear.

Liu Mei looked at her expressionlessly.

Tell Meng Xia with her eyes.

What do you think?

Thinking of spending the next seven days with Zong Xichuan, Liu Mei felt helpless for the rest of her life.

Meng Xia also probably knew why Liu Mei participated in the love show, and looked at Liu Mei's desperate look.

She silently peeled an orange for Liu Mei.

Netizens on the barrage were also talking about Liu Mei's appearance.

[What's going on with Liu Mei? Why doesn't she look very happy? 】

[The person upstairs said I was being conservative. This is obviously life without love. 】

[It’s really a drought and a flood. I don’t even have a chance to talk to Mr. Zong.

Liu Mei and Zong Shao were not happy to participate in the love show together. Woo woo]

[I still can’t figure out what’s going on with Dong Liumei and Mr. Zong. They didn’t seem to have any contact before, right?

If you were Mr. Zong and Meng Xia, I would understand, but I really can't understand these two people. 】

[Zong Shao participated in this show probably to promote the company. I heard that Zong is about to set up a clothing store for couples.

It's hard to say that Liu Mei is the chosen spokesperson. 】

[To put it this way, it seems quite normal for Mr. Zong to participate in a variety show with his spokesperson. 】

The male guests were very fast, and it didn't take long for the five dishes to be served.

Looking at the five delicious dishes, the director couldn't help but praise: "It seems that our male guests this time have good cooking skills. The female guests are lucky."

[The male guests in this issue are indeed much better than in the previous issue, and they are even better in terms of appearance. 】

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I also want someone who is handsome and can cook. 】

[The show is paused, let me try this dish. 】

Director: "Now, all the female guests, please come forward and taste these five dishes, and then stand behind the portion you think was cooked by your partner."

The five female guests came forward collectively.

The girls who were really in love went straight to the side and stood behind the dishes.

The director couldn't help but said: "Is this guest sure you don't want to taste it?"

The girl shook her head and said very confidently: "No, he must have made this dish."

[Ah ah ah, it’s so sweet to me. 】

[This dish is often made by Brother Yu for Ning Ning. It is Ning Ning’s favorite dish! 】

[Oh my god, what kind of two-way rush is this? Woohoo, don't love it too much. 】

[Sure enough, real couples just love each other. 】

Then several other people stepped forward.

But this time, no one chose it without tasting it like before.

The four of them tasted every dish.

Meng Xia was suddenly stunned for a moment when he tasted the third dish.

This smell is so familiar.

Liu Mei noticed Meng Xia's movements and was almost certain that the dish in front of Meng Xia was probably made by Zong Xichuan.

After all, Zhao Yuxi didn't have the opportunity to cook for Meng Xia.

Zong Xichuan was the only one who could make Meng Xia have such a big reaction.

After Liu Mei tasted all the dishes, she stood behind this one.

The other three people randomly stood behind a dish.

Meng Xia had never eaten the food cooked by Zhao Yuxi, so naturally she didn't know what it tasted like, so she could only choose a dish at random.

After everyone has made their selections, the director begins to announce the results.

Unsurprisingly, the young couple chose the right pair.

Liu Mei also made the right choice.

Of the remaining three, Ou Ruoruo happened to make the right choice.

Meng Xia and another girl could only stay in the dormitory.

The food cooked by everyone was not wasted and was used as today's lunch.

After lunch, the director began to announce the afternoon's tasks.

The program team has randomly prepared red envelopes with an unlimited amount, and each guest can come forward to draw a red envelope.

Then the guests need to use the amount in the red envelope to complete two things.

1. Each guest must be prepared to buy one dish for tonight’s dinner. If any guest buys the same thing, the item will be confiscated.

2. Each guest needs to choose an extra gift for his or her partner.

Everyone stepped forward and started drawing red envelopes.

Meng Xia opened the red envelope in his hand. There was only ten yuan in it.

Others also opened the red envelopes in their hands one after another.

It’s basically less than fifty yuan per person.

Except Liu Mei, who was luckier, got a hundred yuan.

With such a small amount of money, it is really difficult to buy groceries and prepare gifts.

But fortunately, this is an effective routine of the program team, and the guests are relatively familiar with it.

Although the money given by the program team is very small, the program team does not clearly stipulate that they must only use this amount of money, and they can make money by themselves.

Because they have to prepare gifts for each other, everyone has to act separately for this task.

Everyone took the money given by the program crew and started heading to the nearest town.

The town is about five kilometers away from here, although there are buses.

However, due to limited funds, most people still choose to walk.

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