Chapter 160 Giving each other gifts

Meng Xia came to the supermarket with ten yuan.

Ten yuan to buy groceries and gifts is definitely not enough.

So she had to find a way to make money.

Meng Xia used the ten yuan to buy a drawing book and a box of pencils.

Meng Xia was going to find a suitable place to make money by painting portraits.

After all, the time given by the program team is limited, and she only has enough money on hand to buy these. This is the best way she can think of to make money.

Meng Xia took her drawing book and pencil to a square with a lot of traffic.

Netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help but complain after watching Meng Xia's series of operations.

[Does she want to make money from painting? Does she think she is some kind of master? 】

[As expected, she is an eldest lady who has never experienced hardship. It seems that she has never made any money of her own. 】

[But it seems that ten dollars really can’t do much, right? The most I can do is buy a pair of gloves to move bricks on the construction site. 】

[If you ask me, only a fool would buy her paintings. 】

Some netizens who had watched Meng Xia's previous variety shows couldn't help but refute.

[I have watched another variety show that Meng Xia participated in before. Meng Xia's painting skills are indeed very good. There's no telling if anyone will actually buy it. 】

Meng Xia found a place to sit down, and then used a pencil to write the words "Painting on site, 10 yuan a piece".

Find something to fix the paper with writing on it.

Then he started waiting for his customers.

Many people looked towards her position, but no one asked.

Meng Xia knows very well that if you want others to buy your things, you must let others know that your things are worth the price.

So she picked up a pencil and scribbled on the paper.

In no time, I finished painting a lifelike peony.

Although she had always used a brush in her previous life, there was no problem in using a pencil after inheriting the memory of the original owner.

Meng Xia placed the painted peonies aside.

When Meng Xia was painting just now, due to the angle, the audience in the live broadcast room did not see how Meng Xia was painting.

Many people are questioning Meng Xia.

Until Meng Xia put the painting out.

The audience in the live broadcast room was suddenly silent.

It took a long time for the barrage to appear again.

【Fuck! Damn it! Damn it! 】

[This is indeed a painting. Didn't Meng Xia secretly print it with a printer? 】

[No, you told me this is a painting? Drawn! 】

[Holy shit, is this the legendary human body printer? 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all impressed by Meng Xia's painting skills.

Many netizens who have watched Meng Xia's previous live broadcasts have released videos of Meng Xia's previous paintings.

Directly on the hot search.

Not long after Meng Xia's paintings were put out, someone finally came up and asked, "Hello, can you draw anything?"

Meng Xia nodded, "It's basically fine. What do you want to draw?"

The girl will hand Meng Xia a picture, which is a picture of human organs.

The girl said a little embarrassedly: "Can I draw this?"

Meng Xia nodded.

After the girl paid the money, she started writing.

The girl stopped Meng Xia's movement and handed a notebook to Meng Xia, "Can I use this painting?"

Meng Xia didn't say anything more, took the notebook and started drawing.

Sharp-eyed netizens in the live broadcast room have already seen the pictures that girls have to show Meng Xia.


[Good guy, why didn’t I think of that? 】

[This medical student, you are a little too smart. 】

[Should I say it or not, this is indeed a good idea. If this is an assignment, the teacher can’t say anything. 】

Yes, this is a medical student who is about to hand in his homework.

She also had the mentality of giving it a try, after all, drawing pictures by herself was really a waste of time.

Meng Xia handed the notebook back to the girl in about ten minutes.

The girl looked at the vivid patterns and thanked Meng Xia excitedly.

Many people looked towards Meng Xia.

After seeing the design of the work in the girl's hand, many people came forward.

Many passers-by who liked the second dimension came to Meng Xia to draw a picture, and some people even came to Meng Xia directly later with paints and brushes.

Many people added money to Meng Xia.

In two hours, she actually earned more than 300 yuan.

At this time, there is only one hour left before the time specified by the program team.

Meng Xia put everything away and prepared to buy what he needed.

Meng Xia walked to a large chain supermarket.

The first thing to think about is how to sell tonight's dishes.

The most important thing is that no one knows what other people bought at this time. It will be troublesome if it is repeated by then.

Meng Xia finally picked some ingredients that others would not buy. As for meat, some people would buy pork belly and the like.

So Meng Xia bought some pig trotters.

After buying groceries, there was still more than one hundred yuan left.

Meng Xia still had to use the more than one hundred yuan to buy a gift for Zhao Yuxi.

Meng Xia continued to browse in the supermarket.

Just when she raised her hand to take something that was placed high, a big hand behind her suddenly took the thing down.

Meng Xia looked back at the people behind her.

Zong Xichuan handed the things to Meng Xia.

Their eyes met in the air.

Meng Xia really wanted to ask Zong Xichuan why he came to participate in this show, but in the end, thousands of words only turned into two words: "Thank you."

Zong Xichuan hummed but did not leave.

The two of them just stayed in the middle of a small shelf.

The atmosphere began to feel a little ambiguous.

[Why do I feel that there is something strange between these two people? 】

[Me too, I always feel that there is some hidden secret between these two people. 】

[Not to mention, the two of them are pretty cool. 】

[This seems to be the second time the two have participated in a variety show together. Master Zong’s attitude towards Meng Xia was unusual in previous variety shows. 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room transformed into Sherlock Holmes and began to speculate on the relationship between the two.

The two of them were not alone for long. Meng Xia took an ornament and went to check out.

After settling the bill, there were still more than ten dollars left on hand.

Meng Xia originally planned to go back directly.

But suddenly I saw a hand-knitting stall on the roadside.

She walked over subconsciously.

The person doing the shopping was an older-looking woman.

Grandma looked at Meng Xia with a smile, "Little girl, do you want to buy a bracelet? Grandma's bracelet can be used to seek marriage."

Meng Xia finally bought a bracelet.

In fact, she didn't believe what the grandma said, but she still bought it subconsciously.

When she went back, she took a lot of things, so Meng Xia used the remaining money to take the bus back.

By the time she arrived, other people were coming back one after another.

The director began to count the ingredients bought by everyone.

As long as it is repeated, it must be taken out.

Meng Xia's guess was correct. Someone did buy pork belly.

But because another person bought the pork belly, the pork belly was eventually confiscated.

Fortunately, most of the pig's trotters bought by Meng Xia and some vegetables bought by others were kept.

After counting all the ingredients, we started cooking. The girls are responsible for washing dishes and helping out.

The boys are responsible for cooking.

Everyone has a clear division of labor and works well together.

Everyone is helping and no one is slacking off.

If everyone is diligent, there will naturally be no conflicts.

Liu Mei and Meng Xia stayed together and washed vegetables.

Liu Mei asked curiously: "Xiao Xia, I remember you only got ten yuan, but I think you bought quite a lot.

How did you earn the money? "

"I spent ten yuan to buy a drawing book and a box of pencils to draw pictures for people."

Liu Mei gave Meng Xia a thumbs up, "You still have a way."

"What about you? How do you earn money?" Meng Xia asked.

Liu Mei was a little embarrassed, "This..."

She didn't answer, and netizens in the live broadcast room answered for her.

[Laughing so hard, Liu Mei took the money to buy scratch tickets and almost lost all her money.

[I have to say that Liu Mei is quite confident about her luck. If it were me, I would have lost all my money. 】

[Should I say it or not, Liu Mei’s luck seems to have always been pretty good. She was able to get good results in all the programs she participated in that involved lottery draws. 】

【Are you so lucky? Take a breath of European air. 】

[Breathe European air +1. 】

[Breathe European air +10086. 】

When Meng Xia heard Liu Mei say that she would directly gamble on luck, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

It can only be said that Liu Mei's luck is indeed very good.

I scratched eighty yuan and won two hundred.

After washing the dishes, the two brought the dishes into the kitchen.

The male guests were busy in the kitchen.

Meng Xia subconsciously looked at the figure in the back.

Although Zong Xichuan's face still had the look of keeping strangers away, the movements in his hands never stopped.

It seems that what he is cooking is not a dish, but some major experiment.

Meng Xia looked at it for a long time before looking away.

When she came back to her senses, she saw Liu Mei looking at her with an extremely ambiguous look.

If it was because of the recording of the program, Liu Mei must interrogate Meng Xia.

They didn't need their help for the rest of the matter, so they went back to the living room and sat down.

The recording location for this episode was particularly peaceful.

Aurora didn't do anything all day long.

Everyone gets along quite harmoniously.

It didn't take long before delicious dishes were brought to the table.

There are both meat and vegetables, and it looks very delicious.

Everyone started to eat.

The male guests were all introducing their own dishes.

Only Zong Xichuan said nothing.

Meng Xia picked up the chopsticks and picked up the pig's trotter closest to her.

The familiar smell told her immediately who made it.

There was no change on her face, she just clamped another piece silently.

After the meal, the girls offered to help wash the dishes.

But he was rejected by the men.

The reason is that washing dishes is not good for girls’ skin.

The harmonious atmosphere made the director very happy.

In the previous episodes, a lot of conflicts broke out just because of a simple dishwashing issue. Fortunately, the guests in this episode are all very nice.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also attracted by this harmonious painting style.

After watching too many intrigues, this kind of plain and heartwarming program happened to be what they wanted to watch the most.

It's like being in love.

Love doesn't have to be dramatic, it's fine to be indifferent.

The female guests sat together and chatted.

It's said to be chatting, but in fact it's just chatting from time to time.

After all, we were not familiar with each other before, and this was the first day of shooting, so we were not very familiar with each other yet.

After the male guests washed the dishes, they took a short rest.

The director then announced the start of the last project of the day.

Exchange gifts.

Everyone hid the gifts they had prepared today behind their backs, and then walked up to their partners to exchange gifts with them.

What Meng Xia prepared for Zhao Yuxi was a model of a yacht.

"I wish you good success in your future career." Meng Xia handed the model to Zhao Yuxi.

Zhao Yuxi smiled at Meng Xia and handed Meng Xia his gift.

"I hope you will have smooth sailing in the days to come." The gift Zhao Yuxi prepared for Meng Xia was a Sunny Doll.

Both of them sent their most sincere blessings to each other.

Netizens in the live broadcast room went crazy listening to the two blessing each other.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I suddenly feel so swollen. 】

[You are not alone upstairs. I used to think that these two people were not a good match at all, but now I suddenly feel that they are so compatible. 】

[Ouch, what a blessing of love, let’s be happy. 】

[No one can stop me, I’ve decided on this CP today. 】

[Suddenly I feel that this sister-in-law is not incompetent. 】

Zhao Yuxi and Meng Xia didn't know, they just gave each other a gift.

The Internet went crazy.

Coupled with the influence of TV series and previous MVs, the two's CP fans are rising.

The gifts given by Meng Xia and Zhao Yuxi have nothing to do with love, but only wish each other's career.

In fact, it also appears that the relationship between the two is just that of friends.

It's a pity that netizens don't think so.

Contemporary netizens are rebellious. The more you distance yourself from the relationship, the more they think you are having an affair.

The gifts given by other groups of guests were basically small things, after all, funds were limited.

The most attentive group was the real couple, who made each other a gift.

This real couple has been together for a long time and seems to be getting married recently.

Many people speculated whether the two were going to propose on the show.

Looking at this posture now, it is quite possible.

The program team has a rule that if the real couples who leave the program can get married.

The program team will give you a big gift.

Usually they are the endorsements of a certain couple’s brand.

It’s still a good deal for a true couple.

Participating in a variety show can not only make money, but also generate traffic.

There are still endorsements after marriage.

Why not do it?
The gifts that Zong Xichuan and Liu Mei prepared for each other were very perfunctory, and it seemed at first glance that they had not been carefully selected.

The gift Liu Mei gave was even just a random one, and it was still pink!
There was nothing he could do, after all, he and Zong Xichuan were not lovers.

Of course, she had to admit that she did want to take revenge on Zong Xichuan by giving this gift.

After all, Zong Xichuan wanted to kidnap her best friend, but he also used himself as a tool.

After delivering the gifts, the day's trip ended.

After a busy day, everyone returned to their rooms to prepare for rest.

Although Liu Mei wanted to chat with Meng Xia, she could only give up the idea since Meng Xia lived with others.

Although Meng Xia and another girl lived together, there were two beds in the room, so it wouldn't be too embarrassing.

The first day of recording ended successfully.

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