Chapter 17 Processing
On the other side, Meng Xia went directly to the agency after leaving the military camp.

When Meng Xia arrived at the brokerage company, she happened to see Ye Fang walking out of it.

When Ye Fang saw Meng Xia, she rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Hey, why is our eldest lady back?"

"Give me back my Weibo account." Meng Xia said coldly.

Since her debut, Ye Fang has managed the Weibo account for the original owner by saying good things for her.

However, Ye Fang did not take good care of Weibo at all. Instead, she often forwarded some things that were not good for the original owner, which made the original owner's already poor popularity even worse.

It stands to reason that for managers, making an artist famous has many benefits for them. Generally, no one will deliberately target the artists they work for.

The reason why Ye Fang dared to do this was, on the one hand, because she had more than one artist, Meng Xia, under her, and on the other hand, she was instigated by others.

As for who ordered it, everything is self-evident.

When Ye Fang heard that Meng Xiagang asked for a Weibo account, she was a little surprised: "Why, are you still planning to run your own Weibo account?"

"Why not?" Meng Xia had already made up her mind to get her Weibo account back.

Things like your own reputation must still be in your own hands.

Meng Xia didn't want Ye Fang to use her name to publish anything bad.

Seeing that Meng Xia was serious, Ye Fang started his PUA method again: "Didn't I tell you, you don't know how to operate an account, and the Weibo account will be of no use in your hands. What if? If you say something wrong, netizens will bully you, and then you won’t have anywhere to cry!”

If the previous Meng Xia might have been frightened by her words, how could the current Meng Xia be afraid of these things: "If I really did something wrong, I will take the initiative to take responsibility for it, so I won't bother you to worry about it." ”

"Meng Xia, what do you really think you are! Even if the trouble you caused has not been solved yet, how can you have the nerve to want to take Weibo back?" Ye Xiao stopped pretending and looked disgusted. Look at Meng Xia.

Meng Xia was very dissatisfied with Ye Xiao's attitude, but she also knew that her "sale contract" was still with Haitian Entertainment at this time, and it would be very detrimental to her if they fell out now.

Everything needs to be considered in the long term.

"I want a Weibo account just to resolve this matter." Meng Xia said very calmly.

Hearing Meng Xia's words, Ye Xiao burst out laughing: "Just you? You really laughed me to death. You should tell me how you want to solve this problem."

"I have my own opinion. All you need to do is return your Weibo account to me."

Ye Xiao was quite curious about how Meng Xia wanted to solve this matter. After all, it was Mr. Lu.

With the mentality of watching a good show, Ye Xiao finally agreed to return the Weibo account to Meng Xia: "I can return the Weibo account to you, but you must not involve me when the time comes."

In the end, Meng Xia finally succeeded in getting his own Weibo account.

After Meng Xia logged into the Weibo account according to the original owner's memory, he directly changed the password.

She does not intend to hand over the management of her Weibo account to Ye Xiao again.

After getting the Weibo account, Meng Xia returned home.

The original owner lived in a villa left to her by her parents.

Since the death of her parents, all other assets have been occupied by other relatives, and the only thing left is this villa.

After Meng Xia entered the password, he found that the password displayed above was wrong.

She knew this password from the memory of the original owner, and there was no way it could be wrong unless someone deliberately changed the password.

Meng Xia went directly to the property management company.

Meng Xia learned from the property manager that the password was changed by her brother Meng Sheng.

Moreover, according to the real estate agent, Meng Sheng had previously said that he wanted to sell the villa, but was rejected by the real estate company because he could not hand over the real estate certificate.

Meng Xia frowned. It seemed that this younger brother was really troublesome.

The reason why Meng Sheng could not hand over the real estate certificate was because Meng Xia's name was written on the real estate certificate of this villa.

Meng Xia was extremely lucky that this house had his name on it, otherwise he would really be homeless. After understanding what happened with the property manager, Meng Xia asked the property manager to pry the door open.

The moment the property management pried open the door, the smell of junk food came to us.

Meng Xia subconsciously took a step back due to the smell.

After a while, she endured the discomfort and walked into the villa.

What you can see is a mountain-like pile of garbage, various instant noodle boxes, and countless empty wine bottles.

Meng Xia suppressed his anger and walked upstairs and opened his door.

The moment she opened the door, she felt a surge of energy and blood.

There were cigarette butts everywhere on the floor and the bed was a mess.

The clothes in the closet are also empty.

Meng Xia walked over and opened the place where he kept his jewelry.

Sure enough, it was also empty.

Her clothes, bags, jewelry, and shoes were all missing.

Meng Xia's face turned completely cold.

There is a thief breaking into your home.

Meng Xia opened the bottom layer of the drawer and clenched his fists when he saw that the bracelet that was supposed to be inside had also disappeared.

Forget about other things, this bracelet is a relic of the original owner's mother.

Meng Xia knelt down again and was about to open the safe on the side. Just as she was about to open it, she found that the safe had been tampered with. It turned out to be the work of her good brother!
Fortunately, the real estate deed is still inside. In addition to the real estate deed, there is also a jade pendant and a photo of a family of four in the safe.

The four people in the photo all have happy smiles on their faces.

Meng Xia turned his attention to the jade pendant again. In the middle of the jade pendant was a small Chinese character "Lu".

This was the token that the Lu family gave to the Meng family when they made the engagement.

Meng Xia put everything back into the safe and locked it.

Meng Xia stood up and looked at the mess in the house, and finally decided to spend a thousand yuan to hire a housekeeping aunt to clean it.

Her already poor wallet was even worse. Now she only had 20,000 yuan in total.

It stands to reason that after her parents died, their family went bankrupt.

However, the brother and sister still have shares in the company, and the annual dividends are enough for both of them to live on.

But the original owner was a carefree young lady who spent money lavishly. In addition, Meng Sheng often asked her for money, so the dividends were spent all at once.

This is also the reason why the original owner wanted to enter the entertainment industry to make money.

Meng Xia asked her aunt to clean her room first, and then stay in the house to deal with things.

Now her Weibo is filled with people scolding her. Netizens have said almost all the curses that can be posted on Weibo.

As the Duke's wife, Meng Xia's mental endurance is much stronger than that of ordinary people, so she directly ignored the words of netizens.

Meng Xia clicked on her homepage and deleted all the Weibo posts posted by Ye Fang.

Then he posted a Weibo message.

Meng Xia V: This account has been managed by my agent before. From today on, this account will be kept by me. I will give you a reply about recent online events.

(End of this chapter)

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