Chapter 18 The stubborn brother

As soon as Meng Xia's Weibo post was posted, there were thousands of comments in minutes.

[Yo yo yo, is someone planning to blame all previous mistakes on the manager? What a scheming idea. 】

[Bitch, get out of the entertainment industry! 】

[Bitch who interferes with other people’s feelings! You must die a good death! 】

【explain? It was so funny that she wanted to explain it. Could it be that Mr. Lu was the one who slandered her? 】

[She is indeed a wolf-hearted bitch, and now even her manager wants to take advantage of her, right? 】

[Can you please ask some boss to completely ban this bitch? I really don’t want to see her at all. 】

After Meng Xia posted a good post, she immediately quit Weibo, regardless of what netizens were talking about her behind her back.

After a long time, the housekeeping aunt finally cleaned the villa.

Meng Xia clicked on Meng Sheng's WeChat and sent him a message: When will you be back?
Her reply was a red exclamation mark.

Meng Xia's face turned dark again.

She knew from the memory of the original owner that it was most likely Meng Sheng who blocked her.

As the Duke's wife, when had she ever experienced such injustice?

It seemed that he had to teach his nominal brother a lesson.

At around 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, while Meng Xia was sitting on the sofa watching TV, she suddenly heard a sound of fighting outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the villa was opened from the outside.

There were seven or eight people in total, both men and women, and basically everyone had hair dyed this color.

The young man at the head had silver hair and a cigarette in his mouth, as if he was worth 2,580,000 yuan.

"Hey, Master Meng, isn't this your big star sister?" A spirited girl with red hair crimped Meng Sheng with her hand.

Meng Sheng looked at Meng Xia with his nostrils turned upward: "Why are you back?"

"This is my house, why can't I come back?" Meng Xia said calmly.

A yellow haired man looked at Meng Xia and said cautiously: "Mr. Meng, why don't we go back first? Your sister doesn't seem very happy."

"What does it have to do with her if we play with us?" Meng Sheng said nonchalantly.

Meng Xia looked at Meng Sheng with a half-smile but not a smile: "You guys are misbehaving in my house, do you think it's none of my business?"

Meng Sheng was humiliated by Meng Xia in public, and his face suddenly looked a bit unpleasant. He took a group of younger brothers and prepared to leave: "Let's go! I'll take you somewhere else to play!"

A group of people were ready to leave again.

"Stop." At some point, Meng Xia suddenly stood up from the sofa.

"What else do you want to do!" Meng Sheng was very impatient.

Meng Xia walked directly in front of Meng Sheng. Although he was half a head shorter than the 1.8-meter Meng Sheng, the aura emanating from his body calmed all the gangsters present.

"They can leave, you stay." Meng Xia said coldly.

"Meng Xia, what are you talking about today..." Meng Sheng hadn't finished speaking yet.


Meng Xia's slap directly hit Meng Sheng's face.

The entire villa suddenly fell into deathly silence.

No one even dared to breathe.

Meng Sheng covered his face and looked at Meng Xia in disbelief.

Meng Xia ignored Meng Sheng's shock and said coldly: "My parents are not here, and my eldest sister is like my mother. This slap is a slap to show that you have no respect for your elders."

"You!" Meng Sheng was speechless for a moment.

Meng Xia said to the gangsters behind Meng Sheng: "We, brother and sister, have to deal with some family matters. Please leave for a moment." The red-haired girl said unconvinced: "Why! Even if you are Mr. Meng's sister, you You shouldn’t hit him! I won’t leave today, what can you do to me!”

Meng Xia glanced over at her, frightening the red-haired girl to take a step back, but she still stubbornly refused to leave.

"Let's go!" Meng Sheng suddenly shouted.

"Mr. Meng..." The red-haired girl still didn't want to leave.

"I told you to leave! Didn't you hear me?" Meng Sheng suddenly roared.

Everyone quickly pulled the red-haired girl away.

After everyone left, only the two siblings were left in the huge living room.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?" Meng Sheng said coldly.

"Did you sell the things in my room?" Meng Xia played with her fingers and said calmly.

Meng Sheng suddenly felt guilty and casually made an excuse and said perfunctorily: "I gave it to my friends for their birthdays."


Another slap.

Meng Xia looked at Meng Sheng coldly: "This slap is to slap you for talking nonsense."

Meng Sheng covered his face and looked at Meng Xia with aggrieved expression: "You just say what you say, why are you hitting me!"

"I advise you to find all those things for me, otherwise don't blame me for not caring about family ties."

"Sister, why are you like this now? You were never willing to hit me before." When Meng Sheng saw that Meng Xia was serious, he immediately started playing the emotional card.

Meng Xia sneered: "It's because I was never willing to hit you before, so I cultivated this virtue in you!"

If the original owner hadn't been pampering Meng Sheng, he wouldn't have been so unscrupulous, leading to the point of no return.

It is not unreasonable for a strict teacher to produce a good disciple.

"Sister, you only have me as a relative. I don't know how heartbroken my parents would be if they knew you hit me." Meng Sheng continued to play the emotional card.

In the past, Meng Xia actually wanted to correct Meng Sheng's mistakes, but every time she mentioned Meng Sheng, Meng Sheng would use his parents as a shield.

Meng Xia looked at Meng Sheng coldly: "It would be really heartbreaking if your parents knew that you have become like this!"

The former Meng Sheng was also a proud son of heaven, the pride of his parents, but he got a doctorate from Harvard in his twenties.

But after the Meng couple died in a car accident, instead of thinking about taking back the company that his parents had worked so hard to run for half their lives, he began to escape.

He started eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, doing nothing all day long.

Meng Sheng's face turned pale when Meng Xia said that, and he turned around and wanted to go upstairs.

But Meng Xia grabbed him and said, "You are not allowed to associate with those people anymore."

Meng Sheng suddenly laughed: "Sister, do you think why I only associate with these people? Of course it's because other people don't like me at all. You are the one who wants to marry into the Lu family and become a rich wife, so you don't like me. This kind of gangster is normal, I will move out of here right now."


Another slap.

Meng Xia didn't expect that Meng Sheng would actually say such words, so this slap should be regarded as being slapped by her on Meng Xia's behalf.

If Meng Xia knew that the brother she had been protecting looked at her like this in her heart, she wouldn't know how sad she would be.

The reason why Meng Xia had been unwilling to terminate the engagement was not only because she really liked Lu Xing, but also because she wanted to make Meng Sheng live a happier life.

Meng Xia knew that his brother could not accept the current changes, so he always tried his best to give him the best.

Meng Sheng couldn't accept that he had gone from being a high-ranking young master to having nothing now. How could Meng Xia accept it? She was once the treasure of her parents.

"If you can, beat me to death. I can go directly to my parents to reunite!" Meng Sheng provocatively stretched his face in front of Meng Xia.

(End of this chapter)

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