Chapter 176 The dust has settled
After hearing what happened, Meng Xia fell silent.

She didn't know what to say.

"Do you still like him now?" Meng Xia asked Liu Mei a question.

Liu Mei didn't speak.

It's impossible to say that I don't like Fu Yuze. After all, he is the person I have been pursuing since childhood.

And she and Fu Yuze got along really well during this period.

Meng Xia knew Liu Mei's answer and said nothing more.

She could also see a little bit of what happened between Fu Yuze and Liu Mei, but it was just a matter of time.

And Fu Yuze is indeed very kind to Liu Mei.

Fu Yuze himself has no bad qualities and is a good man.

Except for Fu Yuze and Meng Xia, no one else knew the reason why Liu Mei didn't drink.

If Meng Xia didn't want Liu Mei to be with him, Fu Yu felt that Liu Mei would most likely listen to Meng Xia.

He even glared at Zong Xichuan.

Does he look easy to deceive?
However, Liu Mei did not intend to explain too much.

Fu Yuze felt inexplicably nervous when he saw Meng Xia and Liu Mei coming down together.

They say that a best friend is the mother-in-law, but Fu Yu believes it.

Fortunately, Meng Xia had no intention of stopping him from being with Liu Mei.

At this time, the people on the ground were rolling on the ground in pain.

Liu Mei wanted Fu Yuze to delete all the ugly photos and videos, but Fu Yuze disagreed.

But this time Liu Mei had the foresight and didn't drink at all.

Everyone had a great time, and it had been a long time since everyone had been so relaxed.

At this time, everyone finally saw the true face of this man.

"Li Yue?"

The man poured the liquid in the bottle onto his arm, and suddenly let out a piercing scream.

If these videos are uploaded to the Internet, Liu Mei will no longer have to mess around in the entertainment industry.

When the time was almost up, everyone left the KTV.

Now everyone finally saw clearly that the bottle in the man's hand contained sulfuric acid.

Meng Xia shook his head.

"I suddenly discovered that I am allergic to alcohol."

As soon as she explains, she will think of what she did last night.
The most important thing is that Fu Yuze still has many ugly photos of her.

Meng Sheng: "..."

It's no different than pooping in public.

She had made up her mind to stop drinking.

Seeing that it was Li Yue, Liu Mei became even more angry.

He just asked, "Don't bully her in the future."

At this moment, they put all their worries behind and enjoyed being with their friends.

He also threatened her that if she dared to mention breaking up in the future, she would upload these videos to the Internet.

Yes, the person rolling on the ground was Li Yue.

Fu Yuze nodded heavily.

In order to celebrate that Liu Mei and Fu Yuze were together, everyone went to KTV to sing and celebrate together in the evening.

But looking at Meng Sheng's clear and stupid expression, Liu Mei still made up an excuse.

Seeing Meng Xia walking towards him, Fu Yuze felt inexplicably nervous.

But as soon as he walked out of the box door, a man rushed towards Meng Xia with a bottle of something.

He quickly stepped forward to check Meng Xia's condition.

Meng Xia subconsciously raised her foot and kicked the man away.

After explaining everything clearly, Meng Xia and Liu Mei went downstairs.

Suddenly everyone's expressions darkened.

"Xiaoxia, are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Meng Sheng said very simply: "Didn't you still drink yesterday? Why did you suddenly stop drinking today?"

Meng Sheng was really in trouble. Thinking of what he had done yesterday, his face turned dark.

Because she raised her foot faster, the man was kicked away by her before he could raise his hand.

After all, if it weren't for Zong Xichuan, Li Yue wouldn't hold a grudge against Meng Xia.

If Meng Xia hadn't reacted faster just now, he would have been disfigured.

This Li Yue is really cruel.

Fu Yuze saw Liu Mei glare at Zong Xichuan, and felt a pinch of sweat for Liu Mei.

In all his life, except for the old man, he has never seen anyone dare to glare at Zong Xichuan in front of him.

Fu Yuze had already prepared to protect Liu Mei if Zong Xichuan got angry.

But Fu Yuze obviously thought too much.

Zong Xichuan ignored Liu Mei and just stared at Li Yue on the ground gloomily.

At this time, Li Yue began to crawl towards Zong Xichuan and the others.

As he approached, he shouted, "Brother Xichuan, I was wrong. Brother Xichuan, please let me go.

As long as you are willing to let my family go, we will leave Xia Kingdom immediately and never come back. "

Except for Fu Yuze and Zong Xichuan, who knew the inside story, everyone else was very confused.

Looking at Li Yue's appearance, has something happened to the Li Group?
But if something really happened, it would be impossible for the media to be silent about such a big matter.

Li Yue was still begging Zong Xichuan humbly, "Brother Xichuan, I was wrong. I was really wrong. Seeing as I have been with the old lady for so many years, just let my family go."

But before Zong Xichuan could speak.

Liu Mei couldn't help but speak first, "What you call asking for help is that you want to throw sulfuric acid on Xiaoxia, right? You are really vicious-hearted.

If Xiaoxia hadn't reacted quickly, it would have been Xiaoxia who was hit by the splash. "

Li Yue endured the severe pain on her face and shouted in a broken voice: "If it weren't for her brother Xichuan, why would he do this to me!
It's all because of this bitch Meng Xia! If she hadn't suddenly appeared, the position of the young lady of the Zong family would have been mine!

I have worked hard for all this for so many years, why can she easily take away everything that belongs to me as soon as she appears!
She deserves to die! If it weren't for her none of this would have happened!

This bitch is responsible for all this! "

Hearing Li Yue scolding Meng Xia, Zong Xichuan's face completely darkened.

He said directly to the security guard on the side: "Call the police and say she attempted murder."

"No! Brother Xichuan, you can't do this to me! The old lady will not let you do this to me!" Li Yue kept shouting.

But it was no use, and he was dragged down by the bodyguards.

Zong Xichuan took Meng Xia away.

Others followed.

On the way back, Liu Meiyi sat with Meng Xia with a dark face.

Although he didn't say anything, it seemed like he had said everything.

Meng Xia comforted him: "Don't be angry, I'm fine."

"It's just a little bit close! If you hadn't reacted quickly enough, I can't even imagine what the result would have been." Liu Mei was still frightened when she thought of that scene.

At the same time, he complained even more about Zong Xichuan.

If it weren't for Zong Xichuan, how could Meng Xia have faced such great danger.

Liu Mei now sees how Zong Xichuan likes her. If she had known, she would not have helped Zong Xichuan pursue Meng Xia.

It would be better to let Meng Xia be with her cousin.

Liu Mei's resentment was so great that everyone else felt it.

But no one dared to speak.

Although Liu Mei was unhappy with Zong Xichuan, she didn't say anything.

After all, this is Meng Xia's own business, although as Meng Xia's best friend, I can fight for her.

But it is not suitable for too much intervention.

In the depressing atmosphere, Zong Xichuan spoke, "I didn't handle this matter well. This will never happen again."

Zong Xichuan said this not only to Meng Xia, but also to others. The resentment in Liu Mei and Meng Sheng could almost feed ten evil sword immortals.

Especially Meng Sheng.

If Zhao Yuxi hadn't stopped him, he might have stepped forward to question Zong Xichuan.

Now that Zong Xichuan made such a statement, Liu Mei and Meng Sheng's moods relaxed a little.

After returning to the villa, Fu Yu told everyone what happened to the Li Group.

A few days before New Year's Eve, Zong Xichuan began to take action against the Li Group, and the insider of the Zong Group was also found out.

Originally, Zong Xichuan planned to bankrupt the Li Group directly.

But unexpectedly, I found something amazing.

The Li Group actually helped Jack secretly investigate the Xia Kingdom's military base.

It is of course of vital importance when it concerns the country.

So Zong Xichuan reported the matter directly to the superiors.

The superiors immediately sent people to investigate the matter secretly.

Unexpectedly, I actually found something.

That man named Jack is indeed a famous foreign entrepreneur.

But he also has another level of identity, that of a senior spy of the United States.

We specifically use the reason of opening up the market to establish branches in various countries around the world.

On the surface, they are making money, but in reality they are taking this opportunity to place undercover agents in various countries.

This time, he was not requested by the US government. He used the excuse of wanting to open up the Xia Kingdom's market, but he was actually secretly investigating the Xia Kingdom's strength.

The Li Group helped Jack open up the domestic market, so it was naturally subject to investigation.

This is why the Li Group has gone bankrupt, but the media has no voice.

All employees of the Lee Group are now being tested.

And the man named Jack was also deported.

After hearing what happened, everyone looked a little solemn.

I thought it was just a simple competition for shopping malls, but I didn't expect that it actually involved the interests of the country.

The Li Group is really finished this time.

Whether they knew Jack's true purpose or not, their decision to help Jack was already a certainty.

All I can say is that you will not survive if you do it yourself.

Mr. Li has now been imprisoned.

It won't be long before Li Yue will be sent in to accompany Mr. Li.

If nothing else happens, they will basically spend the rest of their lives in prison.

In fact, if Li Yue didn't keep an eye on Mrs. Zong's position.

With her friendship with Mrs. Zong for so many years, there is no need to worry about the development of the Li family.

As the saying goes, it is easy to enjoy the shade against a big tree. If they run the company honestly and safely.

Mrs. Zong will definitely let Zong Xichuan help them.

During the years when Li Yue accompanied Mrs. Zong, the Li Group had no idea how much benefit it had received from the Zong Group.

But it was precisely because of this that they wanted to be tightly bound to the Zong family.

As the saying goes, the human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant.

Their greed ended up killing them.

Although Li Yue was sent in, for Meng Xia's safety, Zong Xichuan still hired a bodyguard for Meng Xia.

Although Meng Xia felt that she did not need any bodyguards due to her skills, Zong Xichuan insisted on doing so.

In the end, the bodyguard took on the role of Meng Xia's assistant, and the original assistant was put on a long paid leave.

Shortly after the New Year, Meng Xia joined a new crew for filming.

Different from the last crew, this crew is basically composed of powerful actors.

The male and female protagonists are famous movie kings and movie queens.

Among the leading actors, Meng Xia has the lowest status and the least experience.

Therefore, many people look down on Meng Xia.

During the filming, he deliberately suppressed Meng Xia's scenes, trying to get into Meng Xia's mentality.

Even the director was worried about whether Meng Xia could take on the roles of these powerful actors.

Although she was very confident in Meng Xia's acting skills, she was afraid that Meng Xia would be a little nervous when facing so many talented actors.

But later the director discovered that he was completely overthinking.

Meng Xia not only caught the play, but also had the tendency to crush him.

Moreover, the director found that Meng Xia performed better when facing people with better acting skills.

And what surprised the director most was that Meng Xia's etiquette was the best among the entire crew.

She even knew some things that even the etiquette teacher didn't know.

It's like living in ancient times.

After Meng Xia put on Hanfu, it was as if he had stepped out of history, and every move he made revealed the manners of the ancients.

At this time, the director was very grateful to his good friend for introducing such a good talent to him.

She had a hunch that Meng Xia might be able to win this year's Golden Eagle Goddess with this drama.

Now Meng Xia has both traffic and strength.

It can be said that it was only a matter of time before Meng Xia became popular.

Moreover, the director felt that with Meng Xia's qualifications, his future was limitless.

Maybe I can get on the international stage.

After Meng Xia entered the crew, he turned a deaf ear to what was happening outside the window and focused solely on filming.

I don't pay any attention to things online.

Since Ou Ruoruo was banned, Meng Xia's anti-fans have slightly decreased.

But there are still people who are fooling around.

But now that Meng Xia has his own fan group, fans will consciously defend Meng Xia.

Most of Meng Xia's fans are Wei fans, mom fans, and CP fans.

However, CP fans are a bit complicated.

Some were slandering her and Fu Yuze, some were scorning her and Zong Xichuan, and some were scorning her and Zhao Yuxi.

Some people even criticized her and Liu Mei's relationship.

All kinds of weird CP combinations.

But the most popular ones are with Zhao Yuxi and Zong Xichuan.

Zhao Yuxi's words were due to the TV series, although the two of them did not interact with each other after the business ended.

They also publicly stated that the two are just ordinary friends.

But there are still many people who are knocking, some of them are knocking characters, and some are rising to the level of themselves.

As for the CP with Zong Xichuan, it was because of the couple's clothing endorsement that he and Zong Xichuan shot together before.

Many people said that the two of them have a close relationship, coupled with their superb looks.

There are quite a few people knocking.

However, there are many people who oppose CP.

The reason was naturally that he felt that Meng Xia was not worthy of Zong Xichuan.

Someone found out from somewhere that Li Yue was going to marry Zong Xichuan.

But before the news got hot, some media announced the bankruptcy of the Lee Group.

Mr. Li and Li Yue have already entered.

Many people lamented the sudden collapse of the Li Group.

Although the Li Group is not a top wealthy family, it is still an established company that has been established for many years.

The result was sudden bankruptcy.

Things really are unpredictable.

However, this matter had little to do with netizens after all, and it was completely forgotten by netizens not long after.

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