Chapter 177 Holding the Hand
Meng Xia stayed on the crew for a full six months before filming was completed.

In the past six months, Meng Xia had never agreed to Zong Xichuan's visit because he was afraid of exposing his relationship with Zong Xichuan.

But Liu Mei came many times.

On the day Meng Xia finished filming, Liu Mei came to pick her up in person and even drove a nanny car.

Meng Xia had a guess in her mind.

Sure enough, after she got in the car, she saw Zong Xichuan sitting in the car waiting for her.

Zong Xichuan's expression was a little aggrieved.

After all, he and Meng Xia hadn't seen each other for six months.

In the past six months, he had wanted to see Meng Xia all the time, but Meng Xia rejected him every time.

Meng Xia walked to sit next to Zong Xichuan and put his hand in Zong Xichuan's palm.

"When Lin Jin had dystocia, both of them could have been insured, but Mrs. Lu bribed the doctor to let Lin Jin lie on the operating table forever."

"Are you also curious why Mrs. Lu let Lin Jin give birth to this child?"

"Isn't it outrageous?" Liu Mei sighed and continued: "This Lu Xing is also quite miserable. His son was turned into a daughter by his own mother for an illegitimate child, and he even killed his wife."

Liu Mei's next words answered Meng Xia's doubts.

Although Meng Xia was not very interested in these things, he still showed a curious look, which gave Liu Mei enough emotional value.

"Guess what? Mrs. Lu went directly to the tax bureau to report the Lu Group.

But everything was still arranged in place.

Mr. Lu went directly to the court to sue Mrs. Lu for cheating on her husband. "

And he died in childbirth.

First, Lin Jin died during childbirth, leaving behind a daughter.

"You must be shocked too. Let me tell you, the more shocking thing is yet to come."

The grievance in Zong Xichuan's heart immediately disappeared.

"Because Mrs. Lu has an illegitimate child outside! That illegitimate child needs umbilical cord blood to save his life!

Liu Mei continued: "Did you think that was it?
Then you could not be more wrong. "

Meng Xia was a little confused at this time.

So there was this series of operations. "

Meng Xia looked at the ring in his hand and thought it was time to give Zong Xichuan a status.

Mr. Lu knew that he would divorce Mrs. Lu after being cuckolded, but Mrs. Lu refused to agree.

He killed Lin Jin when she was most vulnerable.

Even Meng Xia, who had seen countless storms and waves in his previous life, couldn't help but be surprised when he heard what Liu Mei said.

Liu Mei didn't know what to tell Meng Xia first.

"I'm telling you, something big happened in the Lu family during the time you were filming!" Liu Mei's tone was very exciting, which showed how big of a deal it was.

After saying this, Zong Xichuan paused for a moment before saying with a bit of frustration: "You can't tell it's a couple's ring."

When Liu Mei talked about this, she had to admit that Mrs. Lu was really cruel.

Six months is a long time and a lot happens.

Meng Xia couldn't help but frown when she heard this. She had never heard of the matter of leaving a mother and leaving a son in her previous life.

There were many ways to prevent Lin Jin from entering the Lu family, but she chose the most cruel one.

Logically speaking, the medical conditions in this world are so advanced, and the Lu family is not an ordinary family, so something like this shouldn't happen.

Zong Xichuan has always respected Meng Xia's unwillingness to make it public, although he was a little unhappy.

Isn’t it forbidden to promote feudal superstition in this era? Why do such outrageous things still exist?

"After Lu Xing found out that Mrs. Lu had an illegitimate child, he directly brought the matter to Mr. Lu's face.

After giving Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan some time to settle, Liu Mei snatched Meng Xia's ownership rights.

If Mother Lu didn't want her illegitimate child to inherit the family property, she could have just prevented Liu Mei from giving birth to the child. Why go to all the trouble to do this?

"It is said that Lin Jinhuai's baby was actually a son, but Mrs. Lu got a folk remedy from nowhere, which turned the boy into a girl."

But she didn't expect such a thing to happen in this era.

In the end, she chose the most explosive one.

When Liu Mei said that Lin Jin had passed away, Meng Xia was stunned for a moment.

Zong Xichuan took out a ring and put it on for Meng Xia, "This is a couple's ring that I specially found someone to design."

Moreover, Mrs. Lu found some master and said that a girl with a blood relationship with the illegitimate child must be used to ward off the disaster for the illegitimate child.

Liu Mei began to chatter to Meng Xia about recent events.

Liu Mei began to talk endlessly about what happened to the Lu family.

The financial manager of the Lu Group is Mrs. Lu’s natal family, and a pile of evidence of tax evasion and tax evasion by the Lu Group has been collected.

Now the Lu Group has been directly sealed. "

After listening to this, Liu Mei couldn't help but sigh, "No novel would dare to write like this."

It's really outrageous.

Liu Mei thought about Meng Xia's previous engagement with Lu Xing, and couldn't help but sigh: "Fortunately, you and Lu Xing broke off the engagement, otherwise it would be really hard to marry into such a family..."

After Liu Mei said this, Zong Xichuan suddenly said, "There are no such things in my family. People in the Zong family are not divorced, only widowed.

If there is an affair within marriage, the man leaves the house and all his property belongs to the woman. "

Lin Jin and Meng Xia almost didn't react to Zong Xichuan's abrupt words.

After reacting, Lin Jin said to Meng Xia: "I can testify that the Zong family does have this rule.

If you get married in the future and he cheats on you, you will inherit all his property. "

Zong Xichuan added, "I will not cheat."

Lin Jin rolled his eyes, she was just giving an example.

As for being so anxious to explain clearly?

However, this shows how much Zong Xichuan cares about Meng Xia. Lin Jin is quite happy for Meng Xia.

After talking about the Lu family, Lin Jin told Meng Xia about Meng Sheng.

After Meng Sheng graduated, he was arranged by Zong Xichuan to work as an intern at Zong Group for three months.

Now he has gone straight back to the Meng family.

Meng Sheng returned to Meng's family as a shareholder. Although Meng Xia had sold all her shares before, Meng Xia transferred all the shares in her name to Meng Sheng.

"Meng Sheng has recently acquired a lot of shares. It may not take long before he can take back the company."

Meng Xia suddenly felt a lightness in his body, as if something binding him was suddenly disconnected.

Meng Xia guessed that this should be the connection between her and the original owner.

After all, she was using the original owner's body.

So she had to help the original owner take good care of Meng Sheng and regain the family business.

And now everything has been done.

She no longer owes the original owner anything.


After two days of rest, Meng Xia started working again.

Very busy every day.

Even Zong Xichuan felt a little emotional, Meng Xia was simply a workaholic.

After Meng Xia accepted several endorsements and filmed several commercials, he accepted a movie.

At the same time as the movie, she was also invited to a variety show.

But Meng Xia rejected it.

She doesn't want to be overexposed on variety shows. Overexposure can easily make the audience lose their sense of involvement when following the show.

The film Meng Xia took on was a comedy.

After Meng Xia took over the film, there were negative voices on the Internet.

After all, Meng Xia really doesn't look like a person who can act well in comedy.

Meng Xia didn't pay attention to the comments on the Internet. In order to film this drama, she went to a comedian to study for a month.

While the costume drama was airing, Meng once again devoted himself to filming the movie.

The costume drama received numerous praises upon its release.

In particular, Meng Xia's etiquette was directly praised by the country.

Meng Xia immediately became a first-line artist, and countless endorsements and invitations came to her.

This year Meng Xia devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work, and his career flourished.

During the Chinese New Year, she went back with Zong Xichuan to meet her parents, and successfully gained the approval of Zong's family.

However, Meng Xia has been reluctant to make her relationship with Zong Xichuan public.

She wanted to wait for an opportunity.

Unknowingly, three years have passed.

During these three years, Meng Sheng successfully took back the company and became Mr. Xiao Meng.

Zhao Yuxi had a flash marriage with his first love, which caught the media off guard.

Fu Yuze and Liu Mei also disclosed their relationship to the media, and were even preparing for an engagement at home.

Only Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan are still secretly in love.

In fact, many people have already guessed the relationship between Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia. After all, this is the only one left who formed a CP with Meng Xia.

But Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan have yet to announce it.

Today is the engagement party between Fu Yuze and Liu Mei. Meng Xia took leave from the crew to attend.

"Xia Xia is here, let your godmother see if she has lost weight?"

Meng Xia was pulled over by Mother Liu as soon as she arrived at the banquet.

Ever since she recognized Meng Xia as her goddaughter, Mother Liu had completely regarded Meng Xia as her biological daughter.

Meng Xia has everything Liu Mei has, and Meng Xia even has her own room in the Liu family.

As for whether Liu Mei will be jealous?
A child who grew up in love will not care about giving his sugar to others.

Meng Xia only met today's protagonist after being pulled by Liu's mother to chat for a long time.

Liu Mei stepped forward and gave Meng Xia a big hug.

"You're finally here, I thought you weren't coming?" Liu Mei said angrily.

Meng Xia smiled and took out the gift he had prepared for Liu Mei.

It is a small pendant in the shape of a four-leaf clover.

Liu Mei couldn't wait to ask Meng Xia to put it on for her.

Seeing the happy smile on Liu Mei's face, Meng Xia also smiled.

Meng Xia saw Zong Xichuan just when the ceremony was about to take place.

When Zong Xichuan saw Meng Xia, he stepped forward and took Meng Xia into his arms.

The two have not seen each other for more than two months.

There was no way Meng Xia was working too hard.

If I'm not acting, I'm on the road to acting.

Zong Xichuan sometimes wished that Meng Xia would not be so ambitious.

He originally thought that his career ambition was strong enough, but it turned out that Meng Xia was not bad at all.

As Meng Xia's career became more and more successful, the two of them spent less and less time seeing each other.

Zong Xichuan felt aggrieved for the first time since he was a child.

But what can be done?

Who knows that my girlfriend loves work so much.

On the stage, Fu Yuze and Liu Mei signed their names on the marriage contract under everyone's gaze.

Seeing this scene, Zong Xichuan couldn't help but ask: "When can I see the light?"

Zong Xichuan's tone was a little aggrieved when he said this.

He has been with Meng Xia for almost five years, and he is still a "shady" underground boyfriend.

Meng Xia touched Zong Xichuan's head and said with a smile, "It's almost time."

Zong Xichuan sighed helplessly, not knowing exactly when Meng Xia said it would be soon.

But Zong Xichuan didn't expect that what Meng Xia said was fast, really fast.

The annual Golden Horse Awards has begun.

Zong Xichuan will participate in the Golden Horse Awards every year as a sponsor.

He witnessed many of Meng Xia's highlight moments with his own eyes.

But this year, Meng Xia specially prepared a camera for Zong Xichuan and asked Zong Xichuan to take the photos.

Zong Xichuan smiled and agreed.

When the host announced that Meng Xia had won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress, Zong Xichuan pointed the camera at Meng Xia.

After Meng Xia took the stage, he gave some acceptance speeches as usual.

After thanking the director and crew.

Meng Xia paused for a moment before speaking, "I want to thank someone in particular for being with me for so many years..."

Zong Xichuan's hand holding the camera froze, and he stared blankly at Meng Xia, who was shrouded in lights on the stage.

When Zong Xichuan looked over, Meng Xia had just finished her last sentence, "Thank you to my boyfriend Zong Xichuan for your company all the time. I am sorry that you and I have been in an underground relationship for so many years."

Everyone followed Meng Xia's gaze to Zong Xichuan.

Zong Xichuan put down the camera and looked at Meng Xia with a smile.

Then he said word by word: "I enjoy it as if it were sweetened with glutinous rice."

That night, Weibo was paralyzed.

The top three hot searches on Weibo that day were all related to Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan.

#shock! Famous entrepreneur Zong Xichuan and new movie queen Meng Xia are actually a couple! #
# Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan’s underground love#
#About those things about the CP that I knocked about came true#
CP fans were immediately confused by the sweetness.

The couple I was dating turned out to be a real couple. Who knows this feeling!
CP fans of Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan directly celebrated the New Year on Weibo.

Zong Xichuan really didn't expect that Meng Xia would announce their relationship when he won the award.

But what made him happiest was that he captured the moment with his own hands.

From now on, he and Meng Xia could finally go out together openly.

Soon after, Zong Xichuan proposed to Meng Xia.

The engagement party for the two was quickly arranged.

At Liu Mei's suggestion, the four decided to hold a wedding together.

In Liu Mei’s words, she is running towards her love with her best friend.

That day.

All four of them had red eyes, just because they got married to the person they wanted to marry the most.

Meng Xia and Liu Meiyou led each other towards their lover.

Master of Ceremony: "May I ask Miss Liu Mei, do you want this man to become your husband and enter into a marriage contract with him?
To love him, to care for him, to respect him, to accept him, to be faithful to him till the end of his life, in sickness and in health, poor or rich, or for any other reason? "

Liu Mei: "I do."

Master of Ceremony: "May I ask Mr. Fu Yuze, do you want this woman to be your wife and enter into a marriage contract with her? Love her, take care of her, respect her, and accept her regardless of illness or health, poverty or wealth, or any other reason. , forever loyal to her until the end of his life?”

Fu Yuze: "I do."

Master of Ceremony: "Miss Meng Xia, do you want this man to be your husband and enter into a marriage contract with him? No matter in sickness or in health, no matter poor or rich, or for any other reason, love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, and always be kind to him." Was he loyal until the end of his life?"

Meng Xia: "I do."

Master of Ceremony: "Mr. Zong Xichuan, do you want this woman to be your wife and enter into a marriage contract with her? No matter in sickness or in health, whether poor or rich, or for any other reason, love her, take care of her, respect her, and accept her forever. Be loyal to her until the end of your life?”

Zong Xichuan: "I do."

With everyone's blessing, Zong Xichuan held Meng Xia's hand.

I made a vow that I will fulfill for the rest of my life:

"Hold your hand and grow old together with me."

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