Chapter 2 Military Variety Show
After absorbing the memory, Meng Xia tapped her fingers slightly on the table.

She is a dignified princess, and everyone is envious of her status.


Except for my father.

No one knows.

She has good marksmanship and swordsmanship.

No one even knows.

Her biggest dream is to ride on the battlefield and become a proud female general.

When she was a child, she thought that she could realize her dream by practicing martial arts hard.

She also didn't understand why her father would always look at her and sigh, saying, "It would be better if you were a boy."

She was unconvinced.

She is a girl, but none of those boys are better than her!

As long as she is strong enough, she can take over the gun from her father and guard the border for him!

She was looking forward to it and kept secretly practicing martial arts.

Until she was thirteen years old, her father died on the battlefield.

She took her little gun and polished it all night, and then told her mother that she would go to the battlefield to avenge her father.

The mother just wiped her tears and told her not to mess around.

How is this nonsense?

She went before the emperor again and said she was going to the battlefield.

As a result, there was another round of laughter.

She frowned, not sure what was so funny about this.

Then she was told slowly.

Women cannot go to the battlefield, no matter how strong they are, it will be useless.

The meaning of a woman is to marry a good husband, then be filial to his parents and educate his children. This is the right way.

She is not convinced, she does not want to get married.

But her mother told her that after her father passed away, their family was in crisis, and the only way to solve the crisis was to fall.

Fortunately, her father was a hero, and the emperor took pity on their family and introduced her to the Duke's Mansion, allowing her to live happily as the Duke's wife.

She doesn't want to get married, she wants to go to the battlefield.

She was carrying her bags and was about to run away from home.

However, she was seen by her mother.

She thought her mother would scold her, but her mother just wiped her tears and told her that if she wanted to leave, just leave.

She saw her mother's tears and vulnerability.

After a long silence, she chose to compromise and marry into the Duke's Mansion. The gun was hidden at the bottom of the box from then on.

She also knew why her mother let her go that day.

It turned out that the husband she was about to marry fell in love with an oiran and wanted to be with her for the rest of her life. Even on their wedding night, he would spend their wedding night in that oiran's room.

Everyone thought she would be sad, but only she knew that she was relieved.

Not only did she have several concubines on her left and right, she was married to the emperor, and no matter what, her status could not be shaken.

If a dog man wants to play, let him play.

Moreover, she has many things going on.

She wants to learn how to communicate with each other, how to play chess, calligraphy and painting, and how to arrange flowers in tea ceremonies. The relationship between these ladies is another battlefield.

She's doing great.

Her parents-in-law liked her, but although her husband didn't like her, there was nothing he could do about her. After the concubine came to her house and was slapped several times by her, she stayed in her yard.

It's just that in my heart, I feel a little regretful after all.

It's a pity that I couldn't see the lonely smoke and setting sun in the desert with my own eyes.

I thought.

This is probably how her life ended.

result. She actually arrived a thousand years later.

In this world, women can actually pursue what they want to do.

They can compete fairly with men and have other values ​​besides being husbands and raising children!
Although she had just arrived, Meng Xia just felt that this world was so wonderful!

In this world, there are also soldiers and military camps.

The variety show she is about to participate in is to be recorded in a military camp.

The original person was afraid of the hardships in the military camp, but Meng Xia was not afraid.

She couldn't wait to see the armies of this world.

If possible, she would even want to sign up to join the army!
Just as Meng Xia was thinking this, suddenly the doorbell rang.

The door was also accompanied by the angry curses of manager Ye Fang.

Meng Xia raised his eyebrows and opened the door directly.

Ye Fang still kept knocking on the door. Meng Xia suddenly opened the door. She was so angry that she was about to curse on the spot.

Looking at her appearance, Meng Xia frowned slightly and couldn't help but said: "Your words are meaningless and your behavior is bad! You make me a little unhappy."

Ye Fang was stunned, and then she couldn't help but said angrily: "Are you still unhappy? Do you deserve to be unhappy? Have you forgotten the time when you cried and begged me to take you out? Meng Xia, let me tell you, You are no longer a wealthy young lady, so stop acting like a young lady to me! In today’s variety show, you have to go whether you want to go or not!”

Meng Xia squinted his eyes, examined Ye Fang, and already made a decision in his heart.

I can’t have this agent anymore.

The contract must be terminated as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, she kept a calm expression on her face and just said lightly: "Then let's go."

"I'm telling you, no matter what you say, it's useless, I..." Ye Fang said and suddenly stopped.

and many more.

What did she just hear? Did Meng Xia agree?
"What? Didn't you prepare your car?" Meng Xia said calmly.

It was just such an ordinary word, but there was a sense of majesty from a superior person in her words.

Ye Fang was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly: "The driver is already waiting downstairs. You'd better not play any tricks and just go to the show!"

Meng Xia nodded and ignored her.

She turned around, picked up the suitcase that she had packed a long time ago, and went straight downstairs.

The original person actually knew that she probably couldn't refuse this variety show, but she still couldn't help but want to fight for it.

Downstairs in the hotel, the driver was already waiting. In addition to the driver, there is also an assistant named Madoka.

Meng Xia got in the car and quietly looked at everything new on the street.

Although I have seen this in my memory, seeing it with my own eyes is still different after all.


There can really be so many free women on the street. They can wear what they want. They can cry if they want, laugh if they want. If they want to be good wives and loving mothers, they can return to their families. If they want to be good wives and loving mothers, they can return to their families.

Although the women here also have a lot of helplessness, compared to a thousand years ago, this place is already the paradise that Meng Xia dreamed of.

She thought that she would make up for all the regrets she had in her previous life in this life.

In this life, doesn’t Xia Kingdom also have enemies?
But isn’t it beautiful that she also goes into battle to kill the enemy?

When we arrived at the airport, assistant Xiao Yuan followed Meng Xia every step of the way. Even when he went to the toilet, he accompanied her nervously. In such a manner, he was afraid that Meng Xia would slip away midway.

Meng Xia disliked this feeling of being watched.

But now she is not strong enough, nor does she have enough voice. She has to stay dormant and cannot make trouble for the time being.

When we get to the military camp, Xiao Yuan can no longer follow him. We have to be patient along the way.

Although she is the wife of a duke, Meng Xia is no stranger to the word patience.

If she didn't know how to be patient, she wouldn't have looked calm and indifferent on the wedding night when her husband left her to find the oiran.

But all the patience is just for the future.

Not in a hurry.

This is what she's best at.

It can be seen from the fact that the oiran hardly dared to leave the courtyard at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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