Chapter 3 Soldier Medal
After getting off the plane, Xiao Yuan followed her step by step until she was sent to the show crew. Seeing her being picked up by the crew, Xiao Yuan felt relieved and reported to Ye Fang.

Ye Fang snorted coldly after answering the phone.

This Meng Xia is quite sensible!
Someone designated Meng Xia to participate in this variety show.

Fortunately, she was the one who got there before, otherwise, she would have tried her best to squeeze people in.

As for whether Meng Xia's Jiao Didi character can get along in this variety show, that is not what Ye Fang needs to pay attention to.

She had given up on Meng Xia a long time ago, and the contract period for the two of them was about to expire, so it was perfect to use her to make the last payment.

Under the guidance of the staff, Meng Xia pushed his suitcase and arrived at the recording hall calmly.

The recording scene was in the lobby of a hotel. They had to gather here first, and then a special vehicle took them to the army.

When Meng Xia was led to the lobby by the staff, the remaining three guests had already arrived.

Plus her, it happens to be a combination of two men and two women.

Meng Xia looked at it calmly.

That woman is naturally Lin Jin.

Meng Xia had her appearance in her memory, and now that she saw her for the first time, she really had that majestic appearance. Oh, her fans say she has a natural heroine face.

And I, of course, have the kind of petty and petty face of a supporting actress.

The two men are Zhao Yulin, a top singer, and Li Dongbai, an older and powerful actor.

Coupled with Lin Jin, who just won the Rookie of the Year award, and except for Meng Xia, this is a top-notch combination.

In order to fully display the style of the military camp, this program adopts two broadcast methods: 24-hour live broadcast and later intensive recording and broadcast.

This time.

The live broadcast room has been opened.

Because the remaining three have many fans, the number of viewers at this moment has reached nearly 100,000, and it is still increasing.

"Xiao Xia, you're here." Lin Jin showed a bright smile to Meng Xia: "We have been waiting for you for a long time, and we almost thought you wouldn't come."

Meng Xia raised an eyebrow.

At this time, Lin Jin and Lu Xing had already announced their relationship.

Meng Xia was naturally very dissatisfied with this mistress. No matter what Lin Jin said to her, she would retort sharply.

As a result, the already poor reputation has plummeted even further.

This time is naturally different.

Meng Xia calmly took out his cell phone, checked the time, and then said slowly: "There are still ten minutes left before the scheduled recording time. I think I am not late."

Meng Xia was not crazy or angry, but calmly stated a fact.

Lin Jin glanced at her in surprise.

No way.

Isn't this Meng Xia the temperament of a young lady?
While thinking, Lin Jin hurriedly said: "But, there is still time to put on makeup. By the time I finish putting on makeup, it will definitely be too late! Xiaoxia, there are already many viewers waiting in the live broadcast room. If the broadcast starts It's late, but it's very bad, everyone will be anxious."

This time.

The live broadcast room has been opened, and the cameras have started recording everything in front of them in advance.

After Lin Jin finished speaking, the live broadcast room instantly became lively.

【I just do not understand! There are so many celebrities to invite, why should we invite only Meng Xia? 】

[Last time, her skin was broken just a little bit, and she broke down and cried bitterly! This time I have to go to the military camp, and I have to listen to her howl all day long! 】

[I wasn’t pleasant to begin with, but now I’m even late! None of the people here have a higher status than her, but she is the only one who insists on being stuck! 】

[Can you please let this Meng Xia go! It's a good show, don't let her ruin it. 】

Meng Xia smiled slightly, but suddenly walked towards the camera.

In the live broadcast room, she got closer and closer.

Then. Meng Xia used the camera lens as a mirror to look at it, then reached out and calmly smoothed her hair.

Her face is now too close to the camera.

If it were any other actress, it would be an absolute death scene.

But Meng Xia's face held it together!

Even at such a close distance, no blind spots were exposed!

"I think I'm pretty good-looking. I shouldn't need to put on makeup." Meng Xia tidied up her look for the camera, and then said with a satisfied look on her face.


【? ? ? 】

[This woman Meng Xia is a bit annoying... I have to say that this face is beautiful. 】

[Do some people have discernment? Is this called a maid's face? Our Lin Jin is the great heroine! 】

[Honestly, I want to have a maid face like this...]

[Only with this kind of face can one have the confidence to treat the camera as a mirror. If nothing else, I am convinced by this appearance. 】

After Meng Xia finished speaking, she naturally walked to Lin Jin and sat down. She smiled and said, "Just start recording. There is no need for makeup on my face."

[I know she is pretty, but she doesn’t have to be so coquettish, right? 】

[Sure enough, I still feel a little disgusted with this woman! 】

[I don’t know who I’m showing off to! 】

Before these barrages could disappear, Meng Xia added: "Aren't you going to the military camp soon? Makeup is not allowed in the military camp. Instead of taking off your makeup then, it's better not to put on makeup at all. This is what I thought of , just came here without makeup.”

Meng Xia said and glanced at Lin Jin doubtfully: "Xiao Jin, didn't you think of this?"

Lin Jin's expression suddenly changed. She only thought about overwhelming Meng Xia when they first met, and she really forgot about the other things.

But it does not matter. Her fans in the comments have already started to speak for her.

[It is basic etiquette for girls to put on makeup, right? We, Xiaojin, just pay attention to etiquette. 】

【that is! It’s a matter of taking off makeup later. Isn’t it okay to look beautiful now? 】

[This Meng Xia is just sensationalizing! 】

[Girls have the right to pursue beauty anytime, anywhere! 】

Lin Jin’s fans went crazy with their comments. Lin Jin really more beautiful with makeup than Meng Xia without makeup?

The two of them are sitting next to each other, and the contrast is obvious.

Although Meng Xia had not applied makeup, her expression was calm and her features were noble. Even the trace of silk flower temperament she had originally had completely disappeared. The face that had been ridiculed for being stingy revealed a trace of the calmness and indifference of a lady. .

And what about Lin Jin? Although I deliberately put on heavy makeup, it just made people feel that I was applying too much force and looked a little strange.

From this point of view, these two people looked like the daughter of a family going out with their maid.

And the one who looks like everyone's daughter is Meng Xia, who has always been laughed at for being petty.

The director also looked at Meng Xia with some surprise.

This Meng Xia seems to be a little different from before.


He doesn't worry too much.

By inviting Meng Xia here, he was repaying the favor to the Lu family, but what happened after that was beyond his control. After all, this was a military variety show, and the things he shot had to be submitted to the army for review!

Everything should be done as it should be, and not even he could tamper with it.

"Now that everyone is here, let's introduce this program." The director said: "This program is a large-scale national defense education special program jointly launched by Jinguang TV, the Xiaguo People's Liberation Army, and the Yue Provincial Army Corps! In the next month, you will go deep into the military camp, follow the soldiers, and complete training projects one after another. Those who successfully complete all challenges will receive a Soldier's Medal as a souvenir."

(End of this chapter)

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