Chapter 5 What’s cool is the clothes

"Qi Yue, go pick them up and bring them directly to the training ground." Zong Xichuan said coldly.

This time he was the squad leader and Qi Yue was the deputy squad leader. The two of them completed most of the training together.

"Go directly to the training ground?" Qi Yue was stunned for a moment: "They just came here, will they be uncomfortable?"

"Adapt?" Zong Xichuan said with a cold face: "Since you are here, you are my soldier! Then you must adapt here immediately. If anyone says that you can't adapt, let her get out immediately."

"Yes." Qi Yue responded quickly, feeling a little gloating in his heart.

The boss is the boss, and he really doesn't hold back at all.

If these celebrities fall into the hands of the boss, they are really unlucky.

Qi Yue received people at the gate of the military camp and conveyed Zong Xichuan's intention to go to the training ground immediately.

"Go directly?" Lin Jin was a little surprised: "Don't we need to put the suitcase first?"

"Yes, shouldn't everyone visit the place on the first day to get used to it?" Zhao Yulin also said.

Qi Yue smiled slightly: "The military camp has military camp rules. You can take your suitcases to the training ground."

He knew what the boss had prepared next.

Keeping these stars immediately regretted coming here.

"Let's go. When you come here, you must obey the rules." Li Dongbai said.

Meng Xia had already packed her suitcase. She was trembling with excitement now, and her eyes were glued to Qi Yue's military uniform!
The military uniforms of this era are so cool!
Qi Yue was confused by Meng Xia's stunned eyes and couldn't help asking: "Meng Xia, right? Do you have any questions?"

Was discovered.

Meng Xia was a little embarrassed, but still said very frankly: "I just think you are too handsome."

Qi Yue: "???"

He felt a little proud and couldn't help but ask: "What exactly is so handsome?"

Meng Xia was very honest: "Specifically, he is so handsome because of his clothes."

Qi Yue's smile disappeared, and then moved to the mouth of the audience in the live broadcast room.

The audience was laughing their heads off.

[Hahahahahaha, the smile of deputy squad leader Qi disappeared immediately! 】

[I directly feel that Meng Xia’s glaring eyes are too exaggerated... Since he is handsome in this outfit, it’s hard for me to disagree. 】

【Military uniform yyds】

Qi Yue stared at Meng Xia for a while, unsure whether she did it on purpose or not!
He could only grit his teeth and shout loudly: "All soldiers! Pull up your suitcases and take them all to the training ground."

"Yes!" Meng Xia responded loudly and excitedly.

God, he calls himself a soldier!
Even though it’s fake, it’s better to accept it first and then talk about it.

Meng Xia's voice suddenly sounded so loud.

Qi Yue was stunned again, and the remaining three people couldn't help but glance at Meng Xia. Did this woman get any chicken blood?

Training Course.

Zong Xichuan waited calmly.

When Qi Yue brought the people over, those people had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter and were still chatting happily.

Only Meng Xia was busy looking at everything in the military camp and had no intention of chatting.

She reluctantly looked at the other soldiers who were training not far away, and the envy was written on her face!

When can she join in this kind of training?

Just thinking about it makes me tremble with excitement!

"Squad leader, all four of us have been brought here." Qi Yue gave a military salute and shouted loudly.

Zong Xichuan looked at the four scattered people with a slightly cold expression.


He decided to start with Meng Xia!

This woman has always been a thorn in the side, but now she keeps watching the training next to her and is not focused at all. It's time to let her know how good she is.

Zong Xichuan shouted sharply: "Meng Xia!"

"Here!" Meng Xia responded subconsciously.

Zong Xichuan said coldly: "You like to watch others train so much? Okay, then I will let you train to the fullest later!"

He thought Meng Xia would beg for mercy.

However. Her eyes lit up visibly, "Squad leader, can you start training now?"

She was eager to try it and couldn't wait to start practicing right away!
Zong Xichuan: "???"

Since you can't wait so much, you should be the first to come. "Seeing how excited Meng Xia was, Zong Xichuan felt that she must have treated training as a game.

I don't know if she will feel this way after experiencing it herself.

Meng Xia's eyes suddenly lit up.

Does the squad leader asking him to start training first mean that if he performs well, he may have a chance to enter the military camp?

In an instant, Meng Xia felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Lin Jin said with a smile: "Xiao Xia, don't show off. If it doesn't work, just quit as soon as possible."

Zong Xichuan glanced at Lin Jin coldly: "Did you let me speak? Remember to report it next time you speak!"

"I know." Lin Jin said reluctantly.

Isn't he just a little squad leader, pretending to be anything.

"Qi Yue, go up and give them a demonstration." Zong Xichuan pointed to the obstacle on the side and said to Qi Yue.


Qi Yue walked to the obstacle and began to demonstrate to everyone how to crawl forward in a low posture.

Meng Xia stared at Qi Yue's movements without blinking.

Is this how soldiers in this world are trained?

Thinking that she would be able to experience it later, Meng Xia couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes.

Soon Qi Yue set an example and returned to Zong Xichuan's side.

"Meng Xia takes a step forward." Zong Xichuan began to issue orders.

After Meng Xia stepped forward, Zong Xichuan asked Qi Yue to explain to her the precautions for crawling in a low posture.

After Qi Yue finished speaking, Zong Xichuan said to Meng Xia expressionlessly: "If you quit now, it's too late. You may get injured during training."

In Meng Xia's ears, Zong Xichuan's words were a test of her will.

"Squad leader, please rest assured and promise to complete the task!" Meng Xia shouted loudly.

Zong Xichuan said nothing more.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all waiting to see Meng Xia's jokes.

[The sound is quite loud, but the crying will probably be louder later. 】

[She is quite good at pretending this time, but I don’t know if she can keep pretending later. 】

[I bet with a pack of spicy strips, she would have to crawl forward at most one meter before starting to howl like a ghost. 】

[The pattern is too small, it should have started howling as soon as it crawled on the ground. 】

[I really don’t know why such a person comes to this variety show. The military camp is not a place for her to show off. 】

[Quit early. People like this are polluting the air in the military camp by staying in it. 】

Meng Xia crawled to the ground according to Qi Yue's instructions.

But as soon as she climbed on the ground, she frowned. The skin on this body was so delicate that as soon as she climbed down, she felt that the place where her hand touched the stone should have turned red.

Even if she had not touched Yang Chun Shui in her previous life, she was not so delicate. From this, it can be seen that the parents of the original owner really loved her.

It's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to see it.

Zong Xichuan also noticed Meng Xia's frowning expression, his brows furrowed slightly.

Netizens in the live broadcast room thought that Meng Xia would definitely get up directly and choose to exit the show.

But unexpectedly, Meng Xia just frowned, and then began to crawl forward little by little according to the movements Qi Yue told her.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia's movements with some surprise. Her movements were actually very standard. Although the speed is a bit slow, it is already very good among newcomers.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were very surprised to see Meng Xia not crying.

[Hey, Meng Xia didn't cry this time. This is really rare. 】

[Is this young lady really a sex changer? 】

[Tsk, it must be because I was scolded badly before, so I don’t dare to do it again this time. 】

[I don’t believe she can persist until the end. 】

Amid everyone's doubts, Meng Xia successfully completed the training.

(End of this chapter)

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