Chapter 6 Lin Daiyu is not pretentious

Meng Xia stood up and stood aside, waiting expectantly for Zong Xichuan's review.

"The action was completed well, but the speed was too slow." Zong Xichuan still had a cold face, and it was unclear whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

Meng Xia lowered his head in disappointment. This body was really too weak. It seems that I still need to practice harder and strive to get praise from my superiors next time.

Just when Zong Xichuan was about to let Meng Xia return to the team, he saw that Meng Xia's elbow was scratched.

Zong Xichuan frowned.

Meng Xia immediately became nervous when she saw Zong Xichuan frowning. It's probably because I didn't do something well that made the commander dissatisfied.

Meng Xia followed Zong Xichuan's line of sight and saw the injury on his elbow.

But she didn't care at all about such a small injury. She had been injured many times while practicing martial arts when she was a child, so such a small injury was nothing.

The photographer was very sensible and took a close-up of Meng Xia.

Netizens in the live broadcast room saw Meng Xia being injured and started talking again.

[No, she can be injured by such a simple training. 】

[Hey, our eldest lady is injured. Will she cry and call an ambulance later? 】

[Look, I knew this bastard would definitely cause trouble. 】

[Bitch is just hypocritical! 】

[It’s really annoying to hear her crying and howling again. 】

The viewers in the live broadcast room were all waiting for Meng Xia to start making trouble.

It's a pity that they thought wrong, Meng Xia didn't show any intention of making trouble.

The other three guests were also very surprised. After all, Meng Xia was famous in the industry for being hypocritical.

Normally, I would be eager to call an ambulance even if I get a slight scrape, but this time there was no fuss or fuss.

Meng Xia didn't know what everyone was thinking, so he obediently returned to the team.

I secretly vowed to work harder next time.

Netizens on the barrage were surprised to see that Meng Xia remained silent this time.

[This eldest lady actually stopped crying this time. It’s really a long time to see her. 】

[I think it must be because the manager told me before that she can still pretend for now. I will see how she pretends in the subsequent training. 】

[If she hadn't been too pretentious, Meng Xia's face would still be quite attractive. 】

[I think she was just pretending, otherwise how could she be injured during such a simple training. 】

[That's right, is it possible that she really doesn't have a finger in the spring water? If that's the case, why would she be involved in the entertainment industry? 】

After Meng Xia passed, it was Lin Jin's turn.

There is no preferential treatment for girls here in Zong Xichuan. As long as they enter the military camp, they are his soldiers.

Boys and girls are the same. If you can't stand it, get out. There is no mercy at all.

Lin Jin lay on the ground without any hesitation and began to crawl forward according to Qi Yue's instructions.

Thinking of Zong Xichuan saying that Meng Xia's speed was too slow, Lin Jin curled his lips and began to speed up.

She had prepared in advance, and she had already practiced crawling in private.

Perhaps because of her overconfidence, her clothes accidentally got caught on the wire near the end.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free.

After a while, I finally managed to break free, but my clothes were damaged by hooks.

After reaching the finish line, Lin Jin laughed at the camera and said, "Fortunately, I have rough skin and thick flesh. If I had thin skin and tender flesh like Xiaoxia, I would probably be injured."

These words sounded like they were praising Meng Xia, but both inside and outside the words were saying that Meng Xia was too squeamish.

[Xiao Jin is very diligent at first glance, not pampered like some people. 】

[If this were someone else, I would probably cry, haha] [The army doesn’t need pampered young ladies, so someone should quit as soon as possible. 】

After everyone's training was over, Zong Xichuan gave them a five-minute rest.

Although the five-minute break is very short, if the people from the program team had not taken the initiative to mention it to Zong Xichuan, they would not even have the five-minute break.

Lin Jin walked to Meng Xia, took Meng Xia's hand, and said with pretense of envy: "Xiao Xia is really envious of your good skin, unlike mine, which is rough and fleshy. You must go to the beauty salon often."

Netizens on the barrage began to comfort Lin Jin.

[Don’t be sad, Jin Bao, we won’t compare with this kind of plastic surgery girl, the natural one is the best! 】

[That’s right, Meng Xia’s face looks like he’s been stabbed so many times. 】

[There are too few natural faces like Lin Jin in the entertainment industry now. Protect our natural faces. 】

As the princess's wife, she has to deal with various ladies all year round. How could Meng Xia not understand Lin Jin's little thoughts?

"Body, hair and skin are gifts given by parents, and occasional maintenance is just the icing on the cake. But Xiaojin, your skin really needs to be taken good care of." Meng Xia said unhurriedly.

Lin Jin's face suddenly darkened.

She didn't expect that Meng Xia would refute her and dare to express her ugliness.

Lin Jingang wanted to say something, but the time for rest had come.

She could only glare at Meng Xia.

Meng Xia didn't take Lin Jin seriously at all, he was just an outsider and not worth her trouble to deal with.

After many more training sessions, it was time for lunch.

The guests were led by Zong Xichuan to the canteen of the military camp.

At this time, the canteen was full of soldiers, all looking towards them secretly.

In the military, there are very few female creatures, let alone female stars.

The gaze is so fiery.

At the same time, there was another person with fiery eyes.

Meng Xia.

Meng Xia felt excited when she saw so many soldiers. It would be great if she could stay here forever.

After finishing the meal, the guests sat with Zong Xichuan and Qi Yue.

"Xiao Xia, can you eat the food in this military camp?" Lin Jin said with concern.

The other guests also looked at Meng Xia.

As we all know, Meng Xia is not only pretentious but also picky about food. In a previous variety show, she didn't even eat a bite because she disliked the dishes cooked by the guests. She suffered from hypoglycemia and was sent to the hospital.

There was also a lot of discussion on the barrage.

[If Lin Jin dares to dislike the army’s food later, I will definitely ask the director team to kick her out of the show. 】

[Soldiers who defend their home and country can eat it, so why can’t she eat it? 】

[Lin Daiyu is not as pretentious as she is. 】

Under the gaze of everyone, Meng Xia directly picked up the food and put it in her mouth. After swallowing, she slowly spoke: "It is an honor for me to eat the same food as the soldiers who protect our home and country."

"Xiao Xia, if you really can't eat, don't force yourself. The worst thing you can do is talk to the squad leader." Lin Jin said very understandingly.

"You only have fifteen minutes to eat. If you waste food, you will have to bear ten kilograms more for five kilometers later." Zong Xichuan's ruthless voice suddenly came.

Now everyone didn't dare to speak and began to concentrate on their food.

What everyone didn't expect was that, except for Zong Xichuan and Qi Yue, Meng Xia was the first to finish the meal.

And he ate it cleanly, without any waste.

Now everyone was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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