Chapter 7 Lin Daiyu changes Lu Zhishen
Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia in surprise. Meng Xia had only spent ten minutes eating.

Taking ten minutes to finish a meal is indeed nothing to a soldier, but Meng Xia is a notoriously pretentious young lady.

Meng Xia's various performances broke Zong Xichuan's initial view of her. The materials provided by the program team did not seem to match Meng Xia herself at all.


One thing is consistent, Meng Xia is indeed easily injured.

After Meng Xia finished eating, the two boys and Lin Jin also finished eating soon.

Lin Jingang was about to laugh at Meng Xia, but found that Meng Xia had finished eating before him.

She suddenly felt a little incredible that the eldest lady Meng Xia not only did not dislike the army's food, but actually finished it so quickly.

Lin Jin even doubted whether this Meng Xia was fake.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

[Isn’t this Lin Jin really a different person? This is almost completely different from before. 】

[I think it’s just an act of pretense. 】

[If she is really pretending, then I can only say that she is pretty good at pretending. 】

[In my opinion, it’s probably just a whitewashing pattern deliberately arranged by the brokerage company. 】

[I think maybe Meng Xia was pretending on purpose before, just to create contrast in this variety show. 】

After eating, everyone came to the new training venue.

As the program team had explained in advance, Zong Xichuan was very kind to everyone.

Everyone's backpack only weighs five kilograms.

Although it is only five kilograms, it is not easy to run five kilometers with this five kilogram backpack.

It would be difficult for ordinary people to run five kilometers without carrying anything, let alone carrying heavy weights.

Netizens on the barrage were having heated discussions.

[It is still a bit difficult to carry weight for five kilometers. I don’t know if these two girls can persist. 】

[A person like me would die if I ran 800 meters. I could die on the spot after running five kilometers. 】

[I don’t know if Lin Jin can persevere, but what I know is that Meng Xia definitely can’t persevere. 】

[It’s a bit cruel to come to five kilometers on the first day. 】

[Are you stupid upstairs? This is the most routine training of the army. A soldier who protects his family and country can do it, but your brother can't, right? 】

[The purpose of this variety show is to show the style of the military camp. How can we let them fall in love without training? 】

Meng Xia put her backpack on her back and couldn't wait to start training.

These training items were something she had never heard of in her previous life, and they really opened the door to a new world for her.

Meng Xia saw Zong Xichuan and Qi Yue also carrying backpacks, and asked curiously: "Squad leader, do you also want to run with us?"

"Yeah." Zong Xichuan hummed in a low voice.

Meng Xia admired Zong Xichuan even more.

A commander who can train with his soldiers is a good commander.

Meng Xia's eyes almost turned into stars when she looked at Zong Xichuan, her eyes were full of admiration.

Lin Jin glanced at Meng Xia disdainfully.

Isn't it just a small squad leader who has nothing to admire? He is really worthless.

After everything is ready, the five-kilometer weight-bearing run officially begins

Qi Yue took the lead, while Zong Xichuan followed behind to prevent any accidents from happening.

At the beginning, everyone's speed was about the same, but soon the distance gradually widened, and Meng Xia was left behind.

Meng Xia gasped, this body was too weak.

Zong Xichuan followed Meng Xia unhurriedly: "Can you still hold on?"

Meng Xia nodded hard: "Yes!"

Seeing Meng Xia's firm attitude, Zong Xichuan just glanced at her lightly and continued to follow her unhurriedly.

As the distance between Meng Xia and the people in front of her grew further and further, netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help but complain.

[Look, I’m just saying that she can’t hold on. No matter how well she pretended to be, her true colors have not been revealed yet. 】

[Looking at both girls, Lin Jin is on par with two boys, and Meng Xia is just like Lin Daiyu. 】【People like Meng Xia shouldn't pollute the air in the military camp! 】

[Not everyone can be a heroine. Meng Xia's small body is only suitable for being a canary. 】

[This Meng Xia will only hold us back. 】

Meng Xia ran slowly and began to try to adjust his breathing rhythm.

People who practice martial arts know some internal skills and mental techniques. Meng Xia had been practicing martial arts with his father before she got married.

Their family has a unique set of internal strength and mental methods that can strengthen the body.

Although she did not continue to practice martial arts after getting married, she always kept this internal skill in mind.

As she began to use her inner strength and mental skills, her breathing soon calmed down.

The speed of my feet also began to increase a little bit.

Zong Xichuan still followed Meng Xia unhurriedly, but there was still a storm in his heart.

He clearly felt that Meng Xia was holding on just now, but in just a moment, Meng Xia seemed to be full of strength. He could even tell from Meng Xia's breathing rhythm that Meng Xia was very relaxed at this time.

He didn't look tired at all.

Others get more tired the more they run, but Meng Xia feels more relaxed the more she runs.

As Meng Xia's speed became faster and faster, netizens in the live broadcast room gradually realized that something was wrong.

[No, did Meng Xia suddenly receive chicken blood? Why is the speed getting faster and faster? 】

[Meng Xia’s speed should be faster than others. 】

[I seriously suspect that Meng Xia is taking drugs, otherwise how could someone run faster and faster. 】

[More than just running faster and faster, didn’t you notice that Meng Xia’s expression was very relaxed? 】

[Could it be that Meng Xia was conserving his physical strength at the beginning? 】

[Even if she is conserving her energy, she must have run about three kilometers. Her physical strength is a bit incredible. 】

[Who on earth said that Meng Xia is Lin Daiyu who can be knocked down at a push? Have you ever seen Lin Daiyu who can run away like this? ! 】

Meng Xia's speed continued to increase, and the distance between him and the people in front of him was getting closer and closer.

With about one kilometer left, I successfully caught up with the four people in front.

The four of them were all shocked when they saw Meng Xia.

In fact, Meng Xia was too far away from them before, and no one expected that Meng Xia could catch up.

It's a bit too unexpected to be true.

After Meng Xia caught up with a few people, he began to slow down and followed them leisurely.

It would be easy for her to surpass these people, but she also knew that if a big tree attracts the wind, it would be better to keep a low profile.

After all, the original owner is so weak, if he performs too well, people may be suspicious.

But what she didn't know was how much shock she had caused to others after she caught up with them.

Netizens in the live broadcast room began to wonder if she had been faking it on purpose.

Netizens would rather believe that Meng Xia is pretending to be weak than that she can transform from Lin Daiyu into Lu Zhishen.

This is really incredible.

Finally the five kilometers are over.

Everyone else was panting, but Meng Xia's breathing was still very calm, and it was impossible to tell that he had just run five kilometers.

Netizens have begun to fall into self-doubt.

[Are you sure the program team invited Meng Xia? Could it be Meng Xia's twin sister? 】

[So you call a person who runs five kilometers without blushing or out of breath Lin Daiyu. Ah, should a person like me who runs eight hundred meters and loses half his life be called Lu Zhishen? 】

【Who spread the false information? ! Can this thing be called weak? 】

[Actually, she is not Meng Xia, she is Meng Xia's twin sister Meng Qiu. 】

On that day, the topic #林daiyu蒋戥混hen# became a hot search topic on Weibo.

Meng Xia started to get angry.

(End of this chapter)

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