Chapter 51 Protecting Weaknesses
Ou Ruoruo immediately felt that Meng Xia was deceiving her: "If you don't want to give it, you won't give it. Why use this excuse? How did you add Mr. Zong's WeChat account if you don't have his phone number? Could it be that he took the initiative to add you?"

Under the contemptuous looks of Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin, Meng Xia nodded slightly.

Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin: "..."

Ou Ruoruo glared at Meng Xia fiercely: "I underestimated you!"

After that, he went straight back to bed to sleep.

Lin Jin also withdrew his gaze and thought about how to pass Zong Xichuan from Meng Xia's hands.

After Ou Ruoruo left, Meng Xia picked up her phone and started replying to Zong Xichuan's messages.

Meng Xia: I was asleep originally, but I was woken up.

When Zong Xichuan saw the news about Meng Xia, he subconsciously thought that he had woken up Meng Xia.

Zong Xichuan: Did I wake you up? Excuse me.

Meng Xia: It’s not you, but it does have something to do with you.

Meng Xia told Zong Xichuan what happened.

Although she thinks that Ou Ruoruo's talk about having trouble with Zong Xichuan is most likely an excuse, but what if Zong Xichuan wants to join Ou Ruoruo?

Meng Xia felt that she should tell him. As for what to do, it was his business.

Zong Xichuan looked at the message Meng Xia sent to him, and when Meng Xia said that she did not recommend her WeChat to others, Zong Xichuan unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

I replied: I don’t like to be disturbed by others.

Meng Xia understood his subtext.

Don't recommend my WeChat to others.

Meng Xia replied with a good one.

When Zong Xichuan saw Meng Xia's two-word reply to him, he was a little worried that Meng Xia had misunderstood, so he added: Except for you.

Meng Xia's heart skipped a beat when she saw this news.

What did Zong Xichuan mean by these words? Did he mean what he thought or was he overthinking it?

Meng Xia felt that she must be overthinking, and the monitor must be afraid that she was overthinking.

That's certainly the case.

After all, I often send messages to the squad leader. When he said he didn't like to be disturbed by others, I really thought about not sending him messages in the future.

Zong Xichuan must be afraid of affecting the friendship between them.

Thinking of this, Meng Xia suddenly felt no burden at all. ,
She told Zong Xichuan that she was going to bed and turned off her phone.

When Zong Xichuan sent that message, he immediately realized that he was a little too impulsive.

But after struggling with one party, he still did not choose to withdraw the message.

Seeing Meng Xia say he was going to sleep, Zong Xichuan looked a little nervous.

Is she angry?

Zong Xichuan began to regret a little, he should have withdrawn the news.

Zong Xichuan put the phone aside and looked at the ceiling wondering what he was thinking.

The next day.

The show has officially started filming.

Everyone got up early in the morning and started putting on makeup.

Aurora was in a very bad mood while putting on makeup.

If nothing else, it's naturally because of the dark circles on his eyes.

After being punched and not even asking for Zong Xichuan's WeChat message, Aurora's mood was naturally not much better.

The makeup artist looked at Aurora's dark circles and was a little confused as to what to do.

Aurora was already in a bad mood. Seeing that the makeup artist had not started yet, she became even more angry. She said angrily: "Can you still do it! Director! I want to change a makeup artist!"

The director was speechless. As for the big dark circles on your face, even if you change the makeup artist, it won't help. But the director would definitely not say this directly.

After all, there is someone behind Aurora.

Except for Liu Yi and Meng Xia, none of the guests in this program can be offended by him.

Oh, there should be only one Liu Yi now.

After all, the relationship between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan seems to be unusual.

The director felt that his program was too difficult to record, and he just hoped that the few people would not quarrel later.

When the director walked over, the makeup artist looked at the director with an aggrieved look, "Director, it's not that I don't want to make it up properly, it's mainly because the dark circles under Miss Ou's eyes are really too big."

Ou Ruoruo became even more angry when she heard the makeup artist mention the dark circles under her eyes.

He threw all the makeup artist's makeup tools on the ground: "If you can't handle such a small problem, why are you a makeup artist?"

The makeup artist's tears fell down in a flash, and she ran out crying.

The director looked at the makeup artist who was leaving, and then at the angry Aurora, who felt that one was as big as the other.

But in the end, she could only patiently appease Aurora and hired a new makeup artist for her.

Lin Jin watched what was happening here and thought to himself, "Idiot."

Now he is using his power to bully others, so that she can feel better when the day comes when she becomes lonely.

Due to the departure of a makeup artist, the makeup artist who was originally responsible for Meng Xia was called to do Aurora's makeup.

Meng Xia could only wait for Lin Jin and Ou Ruoruo to heal first.

Lin Jin looked at Meng Xia and deliberately whispered to the makeup artist: "Sister, Xiao Xia wants you to make her look softer, but she is too embarrassed to say it, please excuse me."

The makeup artist was not star-struck, so she didn't know what was going on between Meng Xia and Lin Jin. She thought Lin Jin and Meng Xia were good sisters, so she directly agreed to Lin Jin's request.

Lin Jin glanced in Meng Xia's direction and curled his lips. Didn't Meng Xia start to clear her name recently?

Then let her go back to the time when she was blackmailed by the entire internet!
Meng Xia didn't know yet that Lin Jin had made another big move for her.

Soon we arrived at Meng Xia for makeup.

The makeup artist looked at Meng Xia's skin and couldn't help but sigh: "Your skin is so good."

Meng Xia smiled politely.

The skin of this body is indeed very good, even better than that of my previous life.

It's almost to the point where it can be broken by a bomb.

The makeup artist quickly painted Meng Xia's makeup.

Meng Xia looked at herself in the mirror.

The makeup artist's makeup skills were indeed good, but Meng Xia felt that the makeup was a bit too weak.

The original owner had a relatively weak appearance, and now he looks even more fragile.

The original owner has been accused of being weak before. If she goes out with such makeup, I don’t know what those netizens will say.

After the makeup artist left, Meng Xia picked up the makeup tools on the table and randomly changed her makeup.

After putting on their makeup, all the guests stayed in the living room, waiting for the program team to announce where they would go today.

The usual method of the program team is to take the guests to find some of the more famous inheritors of traditional culture, and then let the guests learn from the old artists while promoting traditional culture.

Since Meng Xia was the last one to put on makeup, she was also the last one to go out.

Before Meng Xia went out, she heard Ou Ruoruo saying outside: "What's going on with Meng Xia? Do you want us all to wait for her alone? Can't we hurry up? She's late on the first day of filming."

Meng Xia was just about to walk out after hearing this when she heard Zong Xichuan say: "There are still five minutes left before the time set by the program team."

Everyone knows what this sentence means.

There are still five minutes left before the time set by the program team, so Meng Xia is not late.

(End of this chapter)

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