Chapter 52 Calligraphy Everyone
Seeing Zong Xichuan defending Meng Xia again, everyone's expressions changed again and again.

Ou Ruoruo touched her eyes gently, and her hatred for Meng Xia became even stronger.

Although the makeup artist worked hard, the dark circles still could not be completely covered.

Coupled with Zong Xichuan's attitude towards Meng Xia, Ou Ruoruo has completely hated Meng Xia.

Lin Jin was also waiting to see Meng Xia's jokes. She wanted to know whether netizens would say that Meng Xia was a leading heroine when she appeared in front of the camera with a weak and weak face.

The character of the heroine can only be her own!

When everyone was deep in thought, Meng Xia finally came out.

After seeing Meng Xia come out, Ou Ruoruo continued to sarcastically say: "No wonder Xiao Xia took so long to put on makeup. This makeup does look better than ours. It seems that she has a good relationship with the makeup artist."

Meng Xia naturally understood the meaning of Ou Ruoruo's words, which meant that her good looks were actually due to her makeup.

Meng Xia never liked causing trouble, but that didn't mean she was afraid of trouble.

"Isn't it clear that Ruoruo is the last one to come out? But Ruoruo, the dark circles under your eyes don't seem to be covered even by a different makeup artist.

Ou Ruoruo's face turned blue and white, very beautiful.

Doesn't Meng Xia not know where the dark circles under her eyes came from? ! !
Ou Ruoruo was so angry that she wished she could just go up and tear Meng Xia apart.

But she couldn't tell the origin of the dark circles yet!
Liu Yiti on the side heard Meng Xia's words and looked into Ou Ruoruo's eyes.

He hadn't noticed it when Meng Xia didn't say anything just now. Now that he looked at it like this, he had a big dark circle under his eye.

Adhering to the principle of caring for his partners, Liu Yi said with concern: "Ruoruo, did you sleep well last night?"

Aurora: "..."

Your family didn't sleep well and only one of them has dark circles under his eyes!

Ou Ruoruo scolded Liu Yi several times for being mentally retarded, but now in front of the camera, she could only endure her anger and hum.

Liu Yi couldn't help but think in his heart, why does Ou Ruoruo not look very happy? Is it because she didn't sleep well?
Lin Jin looked at Meng Xia's make-up and couldn't help scolding the make-up artist a hundred and eighty times in his heart. What about being weak as promised?
Although this makeup does look very weak, it has a hint of heroism. At first glance, it makes people ignore her fragility, but instead reveals a hint of the temperament of a superior.

The original intention was to make Meng Xia look embarrassed, but it turned out to be an unexpected success for her. It was really a waste of money.

After everyone arrived, the program team began to read out today's tasks.

"Welcome all guests to "We Are All Inheritors of Traditional Culture". In the previous program, the program team visited the famous study master Master Liu. This time we are still going to visit a calligraphy master, but this time This master is different from Master Liu. He is a descendant of the famous running script master. Today the program team will take all the guests to uncover the history of running script that has been passed down for thousands of years!"

The program team took everyone to the residence of this calligraphy master, who lived in a relatively remote rural area.

After the program team's car arrived at the entrance of the village, there was no way to drive in, so all the guests had to get out of the car and walk for a while.

The master's residence is on the mountain behind the village, and everyone has to climb the mountain.

The sun is exceptionally bright today. Climbing mountains in this kind of weather is a kind of torture for people who don’t often climb mountains.

Everyone climbed up the mountain little by little.

Zong Xichuan, Meng Xia and Lin Jin all spent time in military camps, so climbing a mountain was not difficult for them.

Liu Yi also exercises regularly. Although it is a bit difficult, he can still persist.

But Ou Ruoruo is different. Before her debut, her family conditions were already good, and she had never suffered much at all.

Although I have to practice dancing frequently after my debut, dancing is different from climbing a mountain after all. Ou Ruoruo knew that if she had not climbed up, she would definitely be laughed at by the entire network when the show was broadcast.

So she kept persevering, but no matter how hard she persisted, she still couldn't walk when she reached the halfway point of the mountain.

At this time, Aurora didn't care about whether it was embarrassing or not, and just sat on the ground: "No, I really can't walk."

As a last resort, the program team could only ask everyone to stop and wait for her.

We are still halfway to the calligraphy master's home, and the program team finally got the calligraphy master to agree to the filming of the program. If we were delayed for too long on the road, we would miss the agreed time.

It will be troublesome if the master is unwilling to cooperate with the filming. After all, I heard that the master has a bad temper.

But there are no roads on this mountain that cars can pass through. Even if the program team wanted to open a back door for her, there was no way.

You can't find someone to carry her up directly.

The director thought about it again and again, and finally could only say to the other four people: "Which of you can hold Aurora a little bit, just show up in front of the camera. After the filming is completed, we will arrange for someone to pull her up."

The director's words have been very straightforward.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to perform.

After all, after the show is broadcast, this person will definitely be praised by netizens.

In order to prevent conflicts among everyone due to competition for quotas, the director directly gave the opportunity to choose to Ou Ruoruo: "You choose someone to cooperate with you."

Aurora looked straight at Zong Xichuan, her meaning was obvious.

But Zong Xichuan had no intention of talking to her.

Ou Ruoruo couldn't understand why Zong Xichuan was unmoved at all when no one else could grab such a good opportunity, and she had already made it so obvious.

Ou Ruoruo felt that Zong Xichuan must be waiting for her to take the initiative to speak. After all, Zong Xichuan was the heir of the Zong family, so naturally he couldn't lose face.

Ou Ruoruo felt that this was the case. Since Zong Xichuan was embarrassed to speak directly, she should take the initiative.

Ou Ruoruo raised her voice and said in a cooing voice: "Young Master Zong, can you cooperate with me?"

After saying that, he even winked at Zong Xichuan.

Zong Xichuan glanced this way, just when everyone thought Zong Xichuan was going to agree to Aurora's request.

Zong Xichuan suddenly turned to Meng Xia and said, "Do you dare to compete with me on who can reach the top of the mountain first? If you arrive first, I can grant your request."

Aurora's smile froze on her face. She thought Zong Xichuan would definitely agree to her request.

In the end, Zong Xichuan made a bet with Meng Xia? ?

As long as Meng Xia wins, he will agree to Meng Xia's request.

What does a promise from the heir of the clan mean? It can be said that with just one word from Zong Xichuan, Meng Xia can immediately become a top player in the entertainment industry.

Everyone looked at Meng Xia with some jealousy. This damn girl's life was too good.

However, Meng Xia made a move that no one expected.

Meng Xia shook his head and said to Zong Xichuan, "I don't want to compete."

(End of this chapter)

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