Chapter 61 Threat
The director looked at this scene and immediately had one head and two heads.

Now I just hope that these two ancestors don't really fight, otherwise I really can't bear this little show.

In the end, there was really no other way, and the program team had no choice but to draw lots.

When the lot was drawn, both Aurora and Lin Jin prayed in their hearts that they could stay with Zong Xichuan.

The result was that the two of them did stay.

Because the person who was drawn was Zong Xichuan.

Ou Ruoruo, Lin Jin:......

Both of them began to curse the director in their hearts.

The director sneezed several times in succession.

Director: I've been walking on thin ice in my life.

But compared to these two people, the director was more afraid of Zong Xichuan.

After all, Zong Xichuan's face is not that good-looking.

Compared to the tit-for-tat confrontation here, Meng Xia's side was particularly harmonious.

The two men directly chose to let Meng Xia go up and draw the picture.

Since there was no dispute, there was no drawing of lots.

As a result, Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan walked up together again.

This made Lin Jin and Ou Ruoruo very angry.

The two of them were fighting to the death here, but in the end they got the advantage of Meng Xia, which really pissed me off.

"Director, why do we draw lots here and they don't have to draw lots there? This is unfair!" Ou Ruoruo said unconvinced.

The director just felt like his head was buzzing.

I really just want to film a show, why are you making things difficult for me?
Before filming, he thought that the ratings of this program would be high when it was broadcast, but he forgot about it.

Basically, these guests cannot be offended. At first, I thought it would be easy to cooperate with Lin Jin to make Meng Xia look embarrassed.

But now there is an unclear relationship between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan. If he continues to target Meng Xia, it will be troublesome if Zong Xichuan becomes angry.

But even if he doesn't target Meng Xia, Lin Jin will not let Meng Xia go easily.

Now there is another Aurora.

And the most uncomfortable thing is that now Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin are also tit for tat.

The director can't help anyone now.

I feel like my head is going to explode.

In the end, for the sake of fairness, it was also to appease Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin.

The director still asked Meng Xia and his team to draw lots.

The results of the draw came out soon.

It was Meng Xia who went up to draw the picture.

The director waved his hand helplessly. God was helping her, and there was nothing I could do.

Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin were so angry that they wanted to cut Meng Xia into pieces, but there was nothing they could do about Meng Xia.

I could only watch helplessly as Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan walked up to the top together.

Zong Xichuan's originally ugly face finally softened when he saw Meng Xia.

Master Li in the audience looked at Zong Xichuan's hopeless look and couldn't help complaining in his heart: It's really a hero who has a hard time with a beauty.

The game starts soon.

The poem that Meng Xia drew was: The crowd searched for him a thousand times, but when he suddenly looked back, he was in a dimly lit place.

Meng Xia first drew a bunch of little people on the drawing board, then circled one of the bunch of little people, and then drew a few lanterns not far away, with a little person underneath the lantern.

Master Li and Liu Yi looked at the picture and began to think.

"Villain, lantern?" Liu Yi muttered in his heart, and then continued to observe the picture seriously. Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration: "The crowd looked for him a thousand times, but when I suddenly looked back, he was in a dimly lit place!"

Master Li quickly started writing the answer on the paper.

After confirming that there were no problems, it was submitted to the program team.

In the end, they got off to a good start by successfully answering the first question.

The subsequent cooperation was also very tacit. Meng Xia's paintings were relatively intuitive, and Master Liu Yi and Master Li also had a very rich storage of poems, and they quickly answered all the questions.

As for writing it down, with Master Li here there is no need to think about anything.

It was smooth sailing on their side, but not so smooth on the other side.

First, Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin couldn't guess the poems painted by Zong Xichuan.

Although Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin have very high academic qualifications, they are both science students.

Moreover, after graduation, I have been busy in the entertainment industry and have no time to read any poems.

Although Lin Jin had prepared in advance, he could never remember it at the critical moment.

I finally got a few guesses right, but because Ororo insisted on showing off her calligraphy, she made several mistakes.

The final result was obvious, Meng Xia and the others won.

The program team generously gave each of them a set of calligraphy supplies worth 5,000 yuan.

Although it is not very good in the world of calligraphy, it is still top-notch.

Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin's faces were as ugly as they could be.

The reason why the two of them were angry was naturally not because of the so-called prize.

They looked down upon such a little thing, and what they were angry about was that Meng Xia actually won.

This program is coming to an end, and on this day, Meng Xia stole the show.

Not only did he steal the limelight, he also gained the favor of Zong Xichuan. It can be said that he has both sesame and watermelon.

How can they not be jealous.

After the prizes were announced, the program ended.

Because the program is recorded and broadcast, some editing is required in the later stage, so the guests can go back and rest for a week, and then start recording the next program after a week.

During these seven days, the program team will successively release some highlights and previews of the program to give the audience a sense of anticipation.

After the recording is over, everyone needs to wait for their manager to pick them up.

Meng Xia sat quietly aside, but someone soon came and broke her calmness.

"I asked you why you kept approaching Zong Xichuan when you were in the military camp. It seems that you knew his identity from the beginning, but I underestimated you." Lin Jin walked up to Meng Xia and looked at Meng Xia condescendingly.

Meng Xia raised her head and glanced at Lin Jin, feeling very unhappy. She didn't like others looking at her like this, so she stood up directly.

Meng Xia was already a little taller than Lin Jin, and because she was standing on the steps, Lin Jin was a head shorter than her.

Lin Jin's momentum immediately weakened.

But even so, Lin Jin is still so arrogant.

Lin Jin saw Zong Xichuan walking towards this side, approached Meng Xia and whispered: "Since I can snatch a Lu Xing from you, I can also snatch Zong Xichuan away. Meng Xia, you won't be proud for long."

After saying that, he left directly.

It's not that she doesn't want to get along with Zong Xichuan, it's just that she knows that Zong Xichuan doesn't like her at all at this time, and if she insists on staying, it will only arouse Zong Xichuan's resentment.

Everything needs to be considered in the long term.

Listening to Lin Jin's words, Meng Xia knew that Lin Jin thought of himself as an imaginary enemy.

She shook her head helplessly. She and Zong Xichuan were just good friends, so why should they compete with each other?
Moreover, she didn't know Zong Xichuan's identity at the beginning, and she never wanted to find out Zong Xichuan's identity.

Zong Xichuan's identity didn't matter to her at all. She just simply admired soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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