Chapter 62 Ex-fiancé
"Is she looking for you for something?" Zong Xichuan walked to Meng Xia's side and said with an unhappy expression as he looked in the direction Lin Jin was leaving.

Meng Xia said helplessly: "People are interested in you and regard me as an imaginary enemy."

When he heard the words "imaginary enemy", Zong Xichuan glanced at Meng Xia, his eyes dark and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"It's really funny that she actually said she wanted to take you away from me. We are just friends and we have nothing to rob." Meng Xia continued.

Zong Xichuan's eyes suddenly became lonely.

Just friends?
Meng Xia didn't know Zong Xichuan's inner thoughts. Looking at Zong Xichuan's silence, he asked curiously: "Squad leader, are you worried about something?"

Zong Xichuan shook his head: "No."

Meng Xia didn't ask any more questions.

But she remembered Zong Xichuan's previous bet with her, and looked at Zong Xichuan with a smile: "Squad leader, don't forget that you are taking me to visit the army."

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia whose eyes were full of enthusiasm for the army, and shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, take your time.

"Of course I won't forget it. I'll let you know when I find the time." Zong Xichuan said softly.

Just as Zong Xichuan finished speaking, three people came over from a distance.

When she saw the person coming, Meng Xia smiled and said to Zong Xichuan: "Monitor, my manager is here to pick me up, so I'll leave first. Remember to inform me when you choose a time."

After saying that, he walked towards Bai Murong and Meng Sheng.

When he was approaching Bai Murong, Meng Xia saw who was following Bai Murong and Meng Sheng.

"Mr. Fu, why are you here?" Meng Xia looked at Fu Yuze with some confusion.

Fu Yu looked in the direction of Zong Xichuan: "I'm here to pick up someone."

Meng Xia also followed Fu Yuze's gaze, and the person Fu Yuze was looking at was clearly Zong Xichuan.

Meng Xia was a little shocked. Do Zong Xichuan and Fu Yuze also know each other?

Fu Yuze's actions in the next second confirmed Meng Xia's thoughts.

Fu Yuze walked directly to Zong Xichuan and said, "Cousin, I'm here to take you home."

Fu Yuze even winked at Zong Xichuan when Meng Xia couldn't see him, which made Zong Xichuan disgusted.

Meng Xia was even more shocked now. The outside world had never mentioned that Fu Yuze and Zong Xichuan were cousins. She didn't expect that her boss and the first friends she made after coming to this world were actually cousins.

Is this fate?


Meng Xia thought of something.

He walked quickly to Zong Xichuan and said, "So you were the one who introduced me to Mr. Fu, right?"

Fu Yuze's heart skipped a beat.

Damn it, my sister-in-law shouldn’t think too much about it, right?

Zong Xichuan had a calm look on his face and said calmly: "He asked me to introduce him to a female soldier before, and I felt that you had already met the standards of a female soldier, and you were in the entertainment industry, so I Introduced you to him.”

After Zong Xichuan finished speaking, Meng Xia couldn't stop the smile on her face.

Fu Yu on the side looked at this scene and couldn't help but give Zong Xichuan a thumbs up in his heart.

You are still awesome.

Fu Yuze was right. Meng Xia was indeed overthinking it at the beginning.

When she found out that Zong Xichuan and Fu Yuze were cousins, her first reaction was whether Zong Xichuan had used the back door for her.

It wasn't until Zong Xichuan told the reason that she felt relieved.

But after all, it was Zong Xichuan who helped her, and Meng Xia felt that she needed to express her gratitude to Zong Xichuan.

So he said, "How about I invite you to have dinner together tonight?" Zong Xichuan did not refuse.

Fu Yuze, who wanted to watch a good show, immediately agreed.

Bai Murong didn't have any objections either.

As for Meng Sheng?

His opinion doesn't matter.

Fortunately, the original owner grew up in the capital and had been to many high-end restaurants, so Meng Xia quickly selected a high-end restaurant.

In order to prevent paparazzi from taking photos, Meng Xia specially booked a private room.

Everyone arrived at the restaurant together.

The second before entering the box, Lu Xing, who happened to be eating in the restaurant, saw Meng Xia.

The first time Lu Xing saw Meng Xia, he felt unlucky. He even felt that Meng Xia must have been specially found to get close to him again.

But just as he was about to leave, he unexpectedly saw Zong Xichuan and Fu Yuze behind Meng Xia.

However, because Zong Xichuan blocked Fu Yuze's profile, Lu Xing did not recognize Fu Yuze, but felt a little familiar.

But Lu Xing soon gave up this idea. How could Meng Xia have dinner with Fu Yuze? If the relationship between Meng Xia and Fu Yuze was really so good, how could the Fu family not help when the Meng family went bankrupt? .

It's definitely just a look-alike.

Lu Xing recognized Zong Xichuan, but at this time he didn't know Zong Xichuan's true identity, and thought that Zong Xichuan was just a small squad leader.

Lu Xing glanced at Zong Xichuan with disdain. It seemed that the reason why Meng Xia was able to perform so well in the military camp was because of this person.

One look at Meng Xia's appearance betrayed her.

Thinking of this, Lu Xing became even more disgusted with Meng Xia and followed the people accompanying him directly into the box.

And the second before he stepped into the box, Zong Xichuan suddenly glanced in his direction.

Fu Yu followed Zong Xichuan's line of sight and happened to see Lu Xing.

So he said with some gloating: "Hey, isn't this Meng Xia's ex-fiancé? This is really fate."

Zong Xichuan glanced at Fu Yuze lightly.

Fu Yuze felt a sudden chill on the back of his neck and did not dare to say another word.

Gloating about misfortune is a recipe for great misfortune.

Meng Xia had no idea what happened to them. Seeing that the two of them didn't come in, he walked out: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Zong Xichuan and Fu Yu shook their heads and walked in immediately.

After entering the box, Meng Xia first handed the menu to Zong Xichuan and the others.

After they ordered their dishes, I ordered a few of this store's signature dishes.

Meng Sheng, who usually eats here and there, didn't say a word today and just sat there quietly.

Mainly because the shock to him today was really a bit too big.

He finally accepted Meng Xia's signing with Changhong Entertainment, but now he was told that Meng Xia was also familiar with the heir of the Zong family.

Meng Sheng couldn't accept it for a while.

On the way here, Bai Murong introduced Zong Xichuan's identity to Meng Sheng. At first, Meng Sheng, like Lu Xing, only thought that Zong Xichuan was just a small squad leader. But when he learned that he was the heir of the Zong family, Meng Sheng felt that he Got a hit.

Who can tell him why Meng Xia knows these big guys? ? ?
And the relationship is good enough that we can have dinner together. If this spreads out, a lot of people will be scared to death.

The most important thing is that Meng Sheng feels that he can return to his previous life soon.

But thinking about that incident, he felt depressed again.

(End of this chapter)

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