Chapter 79 Banner
Fu Yuze immediately began to beg for mercy: "I was just joking, just joking."

Zong Xichuan glanced at him and said nothing.

Fu Yuze let out a long sigh of relief.

Good guy, he almost felt like he was about to confess here.

But since the confession was not rejected, Fu Yuze was surprised, why was Zong Xichuan so angry?

With the idea that eating melon is more important than anything else, Fu Yuze spoke without fear of death: "Cousin, what is it that makes you so upset?"

Zong Xichuan told Fu Yuze everything that happened today.

Fu Yuze burst out laughing when he heard that Zong Xichuan was so upset because Meng Xia rejected his dinner invitation.

"No, you are so upset just because of such a trivial matter?"

Zong Xichuan cast a death look at Fu Yuze.

Fu Yuze immediately stopped smiling and said in a serious tone: "This is indeed a very serious problem."

If you ignore his shoulders that were shaking like a dustpan, maybe this sentence has some credibility.

"Isn't it just refusing to have a meal? This is so normal." Fu Yuze really didn't understand why Zong Xichuan could be so upset over such a trivial matter.

Not to mention refusing to have a meal, it's normal for someone to reject a confession.

Who hasn’t experienced being rejected several times...

and many more!

Fu Yuze seemed to suddenly understand why Zong Xichuan was so agitated.

This guy has never experienced rejection at all! ! ! !

Zong Xichuan's life can be said to be smooth. As long as he wants to get it, he has never been rejected.

So Meng Xia's incident can be regarded as the first wall he encountered.

It's really irritating to see people compare to each other.

It's okay to get a beating, why should he have to endure all this?

Fu Yuze really wants to kill Zong Xichuan now, but...

He can't beat it.

It hurts my heart, it really hurts my heart.

Although it is very heartbreaking, but who let me have only such a cousin.

Fu Yuze still gave Zong Xichuan thoughtful advice: "If you ask me, just confess to her directly."

Zong Xichuan thought for a while and said, "She won't agree."

Although Zong Xichuan did not mention this matter to Meng Xia, Zong Xichuan felt that Meng Xia would definitely not agree now.

Fu Yuze:......

You all know that people won’t agree to your confession, so aren’t they just unwilling to have a meal with you? You’re so irritated!
Fu Yuze only dared to think these words in his heart. If he said them out, he felt that today next year should be his memorial day.

What can he do with such a cousin in the stall? Just endure it.

"You've only known each other for a few months, so it's normal for someone to not have any feelings for you for the time being.

This is how relationships are. It doesn't mean that she will like you no matter how good you are.
It's about whether you can impress her. "Fu Yuze said earnestly.

To win her heart?
Zong Xichuan fell into deep thought.

Fu Yuze continued to explain love to Zong Xichuan: "Falling in love is not a battle. You can win a battle quickly, but love is different.

Falling in love is the resonance of two people's souls, which takes time to settle.

You have only known each other for a few months, and you don't know each other very well yet. Even if you are together now, who knows whether conflicts will break out.

But if you get to know each other before getting together, you can reduce the occurrence of conflicts.

She doesn't have feelings for you right now, so you have to take your time step by step. The more aggressive you are, the further you will push her away.

You have to try to get into her heart little by little. "

Fu·Emotional Master·Yu Ze made it clear and logical. Seeing Zong Xichuan thinking seriously, Fu Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Well, children can be taught.

Although he has only been in love once, this does not affect him at all.

Although he lacks practical experience, he has rich theoretical experience.

And is there anything wrong with what he said? Not good at all.

This is what the master told him when he went to see him before.

"I understand." Zong Xichuan suddenly said.

Fu Yu nodded with satisfaction: "As long as you understand, come on, I believe you can win the beauty.

Zong Xichuan nodded.

"I'll ask the butler to deliver the car you like another day." Zong Xichuan stood up and left after saying this.

Fu Yuze was left to slowly digest his words.

Fu Yuze was a bit unresponsive.

That car he likes?
After a while, Fu Yuze finally reacted.

He had always wanted a car in Zong Xichuan's garage, and there were only ten of that car in the world.

And the appearance is very cool.

He asked Zong Xichuan for a long time and Zong Xichuan never let go.

As a result, Zong Xichuan actually took the initiative and said that he would give this car to him.

The corners of Fu Yuze's mouth began to rise a little bit, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

Because he laughed too loudly, it directly touched the corner of his mouth that had just been hit by Zong Xichuan.

He grimaced in pain, but the smile on his face still did not diminish.

Although his cousin is a bit ruthless, he is also very generous.

Fu Yu felt that the beating he received was well worth it.

In fact, he didn't mind getting beaten twice more.

It's not a good deal to exchange a beating for a limited-edition sports car.

Meng Xia had no idea that she just refused Zong Xichuan's meal and almost made Zong Xichuan emo.

At this time, Meng Xia looked at the two people standing at the door of his house with bewildered faces.

Teacher Qian and Teacher Zhao held a pair of banners and forced them into Meng Xia's arms.

"Xiao Xia, you must accept this banner. This is your contribution to the country." Teacher Zhao said.

Teacher Qian on the other side handed a red envelope to Meng Xia: "Xiao Xia, you have really made a great contribution this time.

This is the bonus wholesaled to you from above, so hurry up and accept it. "

Meng Xia looked at the two of them and said helplessly: "Teacher Qian, Teacher Zhao, please take these things back. Is it an honor for me to be able to help the country? I really don't need these things."

"No, you kid, I already said this is a reward for you, just take it." Teacher Qian forcefully stuffed the red envelope into Meng Xia's arms.

Teacher Zhao also put the banner into Meng Xia's arms and said, "It's hard for you to refuse. This is also a small favor from the organization. If you don't accept it, I won't be able to ask you if I need your help in the future." ”

Meng Xia could only accept these things.

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Qian left directly after delivering the things. They were very busy at work.

Logically speaking, other people should be responsible for delivering the banners, but the two of them took some time to deliver them to Meng Xia personally.

It was really Meng Xia's contribution that was too great.

Meng Xia originally thought there were only banners and red envelopes.

That was until the next day when she saw her photo directly on national television.

(End of this chapter)

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