Chapter 80 Official Appreciation
Meng Xia was completely confused when she saw the photo.

She knew from the memory of the original owner that the national TV station was not accessible to ordinary people, but now her photo was actually on it.

Meng Xia was a little flattered.

Mainly because she felt that she really didn't do anything, and the reason why she was able to translate the words on the scroll was just because it was the font she used in her previous life.

She never expected anything in return.

Meng Xia was not the only one who was shocked. Netizens were also confused when they saw Meng Xia's photo on national television.

[No, it’s because I was dazzled or they put the wrong picture. Why did I seem to see Meng Xia’s photo? 】

[It wasn’t just you and I saw it upstairs. 】

[Oh my God, Meng Xia has done such a great thing that she even appeared on national television. 】

[I didn’t take a good look at the previous one. Didn’t I tell you that it helped the country discover the treasures left over from ancient times... No, wait... Damn it! ! ! 】

[Damn it, Meng Xia is really a blockbuster without making a sound. 】

Some unconvinced black fans continued to clamor.

[How is it possible? How could Meng Xia, a member of the entertainment industry, help the country discover some treasure? There must be some problem. 】

[In my opinion, Meng Xia might have bribed the people above. 】

Such comments were immediately deleted as soon as they were posted, and the account holder also received the above warning.

Meng Xia's fans were very angry.

[Laughing, who said before that my baby is incapable? My baby really doesn't have much ability, he is just praised by the country. 】

[Oops, I accidentally followed a person who can contribute to the country. 】

[Those who say that their brothers and sisters are so many and outstanding, may I ask what contributions your brothers and sisters have made to the country? 】

After this news came out, some people were happy and some were sad.

As Meng Xia's immediate boss, Fu Yuze was very happy when he found out about this.

You know, if a star can be praised by the country, his popularity will improve in the future.

What's more, for people like Meng Xia who have made contributions to the country, it can be said that as long as Meng Xia does not do anything illegal or disciplined in the future, her popularity will always be good.

As a businessman, Fu Yuze can already see the benefits that Meng Xia can bring to the company in the future.

This person has signed correctly, and he knows that his vision is not bad.

And Fu Yuze feels that Meng Xia's achievements may be even greater in the future.

After all, there are very few people in the entertainment industry as versatile as Meng Xia.

Fu Yu felt that maybe it wouldn't be long before there would be another Best Actress in his company.

Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it.

Fu Yuze was actually happy.

The boss of Meng Xia's former employer, Haitian Entertainment, was about to turn green with anger.

When they signed Meng Xia, Meng Xia clearly said that he knew nothing.

It turned out that after I went to another company, I knew everything, right?

Meng Xia's former manager Ye Fang was directly scolded by her boss.

"Didn't you tell me that Meng Xia is a waste? What's going on now!!! She already knows two things: piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I think you are targeting Meng Xia deliberately!" Mr. Li got angrier as he thought about it! , picked up the cup at hand and threw it directly at Ye Fang.

The cup broke at Ye Fang's feet, and the tea splashed onto her legs, but she didn't dare to move. After seeing that Mr. Li's anger was almost gone, she said cautiously: "Mr. Li, you really can't blame me for this matter. When Meng Xia first joined the company, she really didn't know anything. She was so pretentious. Who could I know she can do this.

Moreover, Mr. Lu and Meng Xia were childhood sweethearts and they didn’t even know that Meng Xia knew this. How could I know. "

Ye Fang just wants to pick herself out now, and what she said is indeed the truth.

She didn't know that Meng Xia could actually know these things. Lin Jin specifically told her that Meng Xia was a trash who didn't know anything.

In the program that Meng Xia was asked to participate in at the beginning, Meng Xia's performance was that she really didn't know anything. Who knew that she suddenly seemed like a different person.

If Meng Xia's appearance hadn't changed at all, Ye Fang would have suspected that Meng Xia was possessed by a ghost.

Of course, Mr. Li also knew this. When Meng Xia first joined the company, he also tested Meng Xia's ability.

At that time, Meng Xia really knew nothing.

It's really like a different person.

What Mr. Li couldn't accept the most was that it was his company that Meng Xia signed with first, but he personally delivered Meng Xia to someone else.

Forget it if Meng Xia is still the same as before, the main reason is that Meng Xia is really too dazzling now.

As the boss of an entertainment company, Mr. Li can naturally see how good Meng Xia's future will be.

But precisely because he knew it, he became even more angry.

If he hadn't listened to Lu Xing and Lin Jin and wanted to hide Meng Xia, then he would be the one benefiting now.

The more Mr. Li thought about it, the angrier he became.

With nowhere to vent his anger, he could only yell at Ye Fang: "As Meng Xia's agent, you have been with her for so long and you still don't know anything. What use do I need from an agent like you!" "

Ye Fang lowered her head and said nothing, but she scolded Mr. Li a hundred and eighty times in her heart.

He still had the nerve to talk about her. Didn't he also want Meng Xia to be unspoken at the beginning? If the Fu family hadn't taken action, Meng Xia would have been ruined by him.

The person that Mr. Li hated the most at this time was Lin Jin. It was Lin Jin who had promised him that there would be no one behind Meng Xia.

The results of it?
First it was the Fu family, and now there is an heir to the Zong family.

Mr. Li now lives in fear every day, fearing that Meng Xia will settle the score with him.

At this time, Lin Jin also knew about Meng Xia, but she had no time to pay attention to Meng Xia.

Because Lu Xing suddenly broke up with her.

"A Xing, are you kidding me?" Lin Jin looked at Lu Xing in disbelief.

A layer of tears slowly welled up in his eyes.

Lu Xing turned his head away unbearably, feeling very reluctant to give up.

But thinking about what his mother said, "If you marry an actor who is of no use to you, how can you compare with him?" At that point, you can only watch the company fall into the hands of others. 】

He gritted his teeth and said firmly: "We are really not suitable. You will meet someone better in the future."

Doesn't Lu Xing like Lin Jin? Naturally no.

If he really didn't like Lin Jin, he wouldn't go against his family for him.

But what he values ​​more than love is his career.

He can fall in love with Lin Jin, but his future wife will definitely not be Lin Jin.

If he really married Lin Jin, he and his brother would be incomparable. If he couldn't marry a wife who was helpful to his career, then he would really lose completely.

(End of this chapter)

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