Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 158 The ghost baby asks for help 2

Chapter 158 The ghost baby asks for help 2
"How do you plan to save him?" Xu Zimo asked.

Now that you know this is not the real world, there is no need to waste any more time.

The ghost baby Xiao Ming suddenly appeared next to Xu Zimo, looking at the world almost greedily. Although his gray eyes did not move, they looked in one direction, where a figure was smiling happily.

That' mother in her youth!
“Let mom not know my dad anymore, oh, it may be too late now, so don’t marry him.

Let my mother marry someone who only has her in her heart, so that she can be happy in the future.

Rather than for me, they have been helping my grandma’s family with targeted poverty alleviation.

In this way, my mother can be happy, and she doesn’t have to die! "

Xu Zimo's mind moved. At this moment, she felt a little sorry for this little guy.

I wanted to stretch out my hand to comfort the little guy, but seeing Xiao Ming's weird look, forget it, let's finish the task safely.

However, Xu Zimo thought of another thing: "But in that case, you wouldn't be around. Are you still sure you want to help your mother like this?"

Xiao Ming, the ghost baby, hesitated for a moment before looking at Xu Zimo: "I'm gone now, and my mother killed my father's family and my mistress's family in order to avenge me. My grandfather's family also didn't live for more than a year because of this, don't you Do you think it’s worse? Three families disappeared at once, oh, no, four families, and my grandma and the others were also killed by my mother!”

"Is there any?" Xu Zimo didn't even see this clip.

Ghost Baby Xiao Ming: "Yes, I didn't show it to you because it was too violent to scare you!"

Xu Zimo:! ! !

But when it comes to other people, she will really say thank you!

After experiencing the torture of those guys in the ghost realm, Xu Zimo feels that everything he looks at now is as beautiful as a fairy~
Liu He, a college student from an ordinary family, harbors an unknown dream in his heart - to get to know a rich girl from a well-off family.

It would be even more perfect if this rich girl was an only child.

This dream was like a fire, burning in his heart, inspiring him to keep looking for his goal.

He worked hard to get into college just to save a few years of struggle.

For this reason, even if his childhood sweetheart had several unfinished pregnancies for him, he directly kicked her when he got the college admission notice.

After reporting to the university, he applied for relief on the grounds that his family was in difficulty. With fairly good grades, he often visited the student union because his fellow villagers were members of the student union.

He also got to know the people in the student union, especially the girls, and he remembered them very clearly.

During a student union event, his eyes locked on a figure - Ming Xinxin.

She is elegant and noble, like a blooming peony, attracting everyone's attention.

Liu He learned through investigation that Ming Xinxin was not only a wealthy girl from Jiang Province, but also the only daughter in the family.

He has lived a carefree life since he was a child.

What pleased him even more was that Ming Xinxin was innocent and inexperienced, and seemed to be easily moved.

The most important thing is that this kind of girl is what he has been looking for and is the most suitable one so far.

Thus, Liu He began his journey of pursuit.

He gets up early every day, prepares hot breakfast for Ming Xinxin, and then quietly puts it on her desk.

When Ming Xinxin came back from the library tiredly, he would bring her some cool water to let her feel a little cool in the hot summer.

When it rained, he ran to buy an umbrella without hesitation. Then he came back in the rain and held up the umbrella to protect her from the wind and rain.

These seemingly insignificant things caused ripples in Ming Xinxin's heart.

She was gradually moved by Liu He's carefulness and consideration, and began to like him.

And Liu He also knew that this was only the first step in pursuing his dream of becoming a rich girl. He still needed to make more efforts to win Ming Xinxin's heart.

As night falls, the city's neon lights flash in the distance, casting a charming halo over this bustling city.

Ming Xinxin stood on the street, with a hint of exhaustion in her eyes.

She had just completed an important thesis. She originally thought that everything would go as she wished and she would successfully achieve her goal, but she was told that she failed and needed to rewrite it.

She clearly wrote these after working hard for a long time to check the information, but the instructor actually said that someone had already submitted a similar one.

He also asked her to rely on herself in the future and not to be clever.

She did it purely by herself. At most, she asked her boyfriend to help check for typos.

Ming Xinxin, who was a little distracted, bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry!" Ming Xinxin apologized subconsciously.

"I'm sorry!" The other party was also apologizing.

The two girls looked at each other, then stretched out their hands to help each other up.

However, at this time, Ming Xinxin didn't know that just when she thought it was all just a coincidence, the gears of fate suddenly turned, leading her to a completely new direction.

This day is when Ming Xinxin accidentally met a girl in trouble.

The name of the girl she bumped into was Xu Zimo, a working girl from a nearby school.

Because she is always teased for her beauty, Xu Zimo came here to deliver takeout this time, but after waiting here for a long time but no one was there, Ming Xinxin told her that the address was across the street.

"Thank you, I'm not familiar with this place." Xu Zimo thanked him sheepishly.

But her eyes showed helplessness and anxiety at this moment.

Ming Xinxin couldn't help but feel pity and decided to lend a helping hand.

"I'll take you there." Ming Xinxin said.

"No, no need, I'll just...just ask."

"It's okay, I just happen to be... quite free right now!" Isn't it free?

The essay was criticized by her tutor for being useless, and she had to rethink it if she needed to rewrite it. She was really too busy now.

"Thank you then. May I treat you to milk tea?"

"Okay." Ming Xinxin, who had not had milk tea for a long time, agreed.

Although it was on the opposite side, luckily Ming Xinxin was with him, otherwise Xu Zimo would not have been able to find it himself.

"I didn't expect you to be so pretty and be a Lu Na." Ming Xinxin also discovered that this beautiful girl was not familiar with Lu Na at all.

Although she said she was on the east side, she turned around and headed west. If she hadn't followed, the girl might have gone somewhere.

Xu Zimo blushed: "It's a bit unfamiliar!"

She really couldn't change the Lu Chi thing.

"Let's go drink milk tea!"

"Yes." Ming Xinxin was amused by Xu Zimo's embarrassed look and did not say any more. After all, they had just met.

Ever since she fell in love with her boyfriend Liu He, because Liu He didn't like sweet things, she rarely touched them since then.

This time she just helped Xu Zimo by the way, but she didn't expect the two to get acquainted with each other. When they went to drink milk tea, they both ordered the same thing: pearl milk tea, with more pearls.

However, Ming Xinxin did not realize that all this was an encounter carefully planned by Xu Zimo.

She already knew everything about her from Ghost Baby Xiaoming.

Ming Xinxin has the habit of writing diaries. When Xiao Ming went to elementary school, he was surprised by the diaries on his mother's bookcase because he didn't like writing diaries.

He saw his mother's diary and learned many of her little secrets. Now, in order to be close to help his mother, Xiao Ming told Xu Zimo all these things.

Therefore, I deliberately created this opportunity, hoping to get acquainted with Ming Xinxin.

In the following days, Ming Xinxin and Xu Zimo gradually became familiar with each other.

They strolled through the streets of the city together, sharing each other's stories and dreams.

Xu Zimo's intelligence and wit deeply attracted Ming Xinxin, and Ming Xinxin's generosity and stability also made Xu Zimo respect him.

Except for Xu Zimo's Lu Chi and the ugly doll that never leaves her hand.

Ming Xinxin and her boyfriend Liu He also talked about the new friends they had met.

When they learned that Xu Zimo was a working girl and a roadie, Liu and Ming Xinxin refused even Ming Xinxin's proposal to have dinner together: "I have something to do in the club and I am not free that day. Let's make an appointment later!"

"Okay." As the relationship with Liu He got closer and closer, the classmates around him knew that they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

But the more in-depth the understanding, Ming Xinxin began to notice some unusual signs.

She found that Liu He seemed to be hiding something from her, and what puzzled Ming Xinxin even more was that Xu Zimo always seemed to appear by her side at critical moments.

"Are you surprised?" When Ming Xinxin was about to attend a lecture and waiting for the bus, a crisp voice came from behind.

Looking back, I saw Xu Zimo's bright smiling face: "It's really a surprise. Are you passing by here?"

"Of course not. Seeing you here, I came here specially!" Xu Zimo said straightforwardly.

Looking at Xu Zimo, it seemed as if everything was under her control.

Ming Xinxin began to doubt Xu Zimo's true identity and purpose, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart.

Because Liu He has said more than once that people in society are too narrow-minded and are naturally hostile to college students like them~
"What are you thinking about?"

"No, it's nothing. I just think your doll is still a bit ugly." Ming Xinxin couldn't say she was doubting Xu Zimo, so she pointed out the ugly doll she carried on her backpack.

This girl Xu Zimo is so beautiful!

But this unusual hobby is a bit strange. There is an ugly doll with black eyes.

Ugly doll Xiao Ming: ...Mom, you were so rude when you were young!

How many times has this been called him ugly?

Xu Zimo couldn't help laughing, but he couldn't tell Ming Xinxin that this was your goose paper, right?
After laughing for a while, he could only say in a low voice: "I want to tell you that your boyfriend Liu He is actually a liar. He is dating several girls, and those girls are also only children. Do you believe it?"

"...What do you think?" Ming Xinxin asked.

She was quite helpless. Not only Xu Zimo but also her roommates had said such things, but she didn't believe them.

Liu He was so kind to her, how could he date other girls, let alone lie to her!

Also, those girls were all only children, just to deceive her?

This is too fake!
"You do not believe?"

Ming Xinxin smiled disappointedly: "Zimo, we are good friends, we can't make such a joke!"

She doesn't like Liu He saying bad things about Xu Zimo, but equally, she doesn't want Xu Zimo saying bad things about her boyfriend.

Ming Xinxin really didn't believe it.

"Then come with me!"

"No, let's do it later. I have to attend a lecture later. It's very important. I can't be late!"

"You won't be late. We just don't have to go. Liu He asked you to go. Why do you think he wanted to get you a ticket for a lecture so far away?!"


In the end, Ming Xinxin did not get on the reserved car to go to the lecture.

But under the guidance of Xu Zimo, Ming Xinxin stepped into a scene full of romantic atmosphere.

Looking at this scene, Ming Xinxin's heart beat violently in her chest, as if it was about to burst out of her body.

This was an inexplicable mixture of tension and anticipation that made her breathing quicken.

On the stage, Liu Hezheng expressed his love to a strange girl affectionately.

The shape and color of each flower in the bouquet in his hand were carefully selected, exactly the same as the ones he used when he confessed his love to Ming Xinxin.

His words, every word, every sentence were copied and pasted, exactly the same as the previous scene.

All of this was once performed by Liu He in front of Ming Xinxin.

Yes, it’s a show!
If the same thing happens a second time, isn't it just a performance?

Ming Xinxin stood there blankly, everything in front of her seemed to be a carefully choreographed drama, and she herself was the audience in this drama.

Bits and pieces of her past interactions with Liu He echoed in her mind, and those sweet and painful memories became particularly clear at this moment.

She couldn't help but begin to wonder if all this was just a performance deliberately arranged by Liu He for some purpose.

Xu Zimo stood quietly beside her, his eyes full of concern and sympathy.

He didn't speak, just stood there silently watching with Ming Xinxin.

"No matter what happens, I will be by your side to watch the fun together!"

"...It's already this time, are you still joking?" Ming Xinxin's eyes were filled with tears.

"Don't worry, there will be another one in an hour!" Xu Zimo reminded in a low voice with a smile.

Ming Xinxin's eyes widened and she held back the tears that she couldn't shed: "...I need to record these, don't disturb me!"

"No problem!" Xu Zimo took out his mobile phone generously and recorded the scene with Ming Xinxin.

Anyway, many people were holding mobile phones, so their actions were not surprising.

An hour later, this time in a different place, on the small playground, it was still the same scene, and Liu He did it again.

It's just that this time it's from another hospital, so the girls present and the onlookers are different.

There are two people in this crowd and one ghost baby is the same.

Xu Zimo ate until he was full.

Ming Xinxin took a deep breath and tried to calm her chaotic emotions.

She knew that no matter what the truth was, she had to face it.

She looked up at Xu Zimo: "I'm ready!"

"Okay, sisters, come on!"

Liu He didn't expect Ming Xinxin to show up here.

Because according to their contact, Ming Xinxin was going to attend a lecture today and it would not end until the afternoon.

He also took this opportunity to get the two spare tires first, and he would get the certificate from whichever one was more suitable for him.

But unexpectedly, Ming Xinxin was also in the school.

Of course, I didn’t make it to the lecture. Xu Zimo and Guiying Xiaoming invited me to watch the scene, which was much more interesting than the lecture...

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