Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 159 The boat has capsized, just watch.

Chapter 159 The boat has capsized, just watch.

"Xinxin, I am, I am acting, demonstrating!" Liu He said in a panic.

Ming Xinxin was extremely disappointed: "You are still lying to me at this time. This is what you prepared for me when you confessed to me. What you prepared for others in the morning is the same as what you are preparing now. Liu He, do you have any intention?" ?”

Although Ming Xinxin had thought that Liu He would quibble, she never thought that he would make up a reason so bluntly.

It would be good for you to at least apologize or explain.

No, not at all.

He was caught on the scene, but he still had the nerve to call it a demonstration?

Xu Zimo looked at Ming Xinxin, who was standing there crying, and glanced helplessly at Xiao Ming, the ghost baby pretending to be a doll.

"What do you think about this?"

Ghost Baby Xiao Ming rolled his eyes twice.

Xu Zimo: ...You won’t just look around in circles, right?

This joke is really not funny at all!
Just when Xu Zimo was worried that his eyes would fall off.

A slap hit Liu He's face, which was quite loud.

Oh open!

Xu Zimo hurriedly squeezed in to watch the fun. She would never admit that she only came to watch the show, just to see up close how shameless Liu He could be!
Xu Zimo thought it was Ming Xinxin who slapped him. After all, it was very rare for him to be able to bear it after seeing it twice.

If it were Xu Zimo, well, the first time he saw it, he would have already started to tear the scumbag apart~
"This girl can do it!" Xu Zimo praised sincerely.

Ghost Baby Xiao Ming: ...not happy.

Because it was not the mother Ming Xinxin who took action, but the girl who was being confessed by Liu He.

"Liu He, if you dare to do this to me, just wait for me!"

The girl made another backhand and slapped Liu He on the face again.

Still as loud!

Then, the girl threw the flower in her hand directly to the ground, stomped it twice, twisted her butt and walked away.

"Xinxin, listen to me, I..."

clap clap!

Three consecutive slaps stunned Liu He.

Ming Xinxin actually dared to hit him. Was all her pretense of being a good and obedient lady a lie?

Ming Xinxin herself was stunned.

She was very excited to see Liu He being beaten just now, but to be honest, she really never thought about beating him herself.

Growing up, her parents taught her to protect herself and be kind to others. Only in this way can she go further.

Ming Xinxin has been here in this way over the years, but just now.

She, Ming Xinxin, really hit someone.

Moreover, three consecutive slaps hit Liu He's face. The feel, posture, and movement were really touching!

"You dare to hit me?"


Another slap in the face.

Ming Xinxin swallowed back what she wanted to explain. Although she didn't know why she would passively hit someone, or slap her boyfriend who had just established a relationship a few days ago, he betrayed her first.

He deserves to be beaten!
"Let's break up. Liu and you, please don't appear in front of me again!"

"Xinxin, please listen to my explanation. I and other women are all fake, but I am real to you...that's not what I mean. What I mean is..."

Liu He was suddenly dumbfounded.

The guy from the foreign language department who he just confessed to this morning came to join in the fun.

The two departments are not close to each other.

Of course, Xu Zimo helped call this person over. In such a lively scene, it would be more lively if all the parties involved were present, right?
The girl originally thought the note was a prank, and she didn't want to come, but, deep down, she still felt that this prank should be respected.

But she didn't expect that this was indeed a prank, and she was also involved.

She never thought that Liu He, who looked like an honest and humble person, would actually have three things to do.

It took her two years to choose this person. She just saw that Liu He's family was from the countryside and he was honest and honest. Such a person would be a suitable husband.

Her family doesn't lack money or power, so she just needs to find someone who is honest and obedient.

I didn’t expect it, I really didn’t expect it!

Don't blame her mother for saying that she was blind and fell in love with Liu He. This is not a good thing!

This guy even chose the same day to confess.

"You confessed to Ming Xinxin, right? It was the same one just now, and there are others, right?"

"How many more are there?"

"What are the other women you are talking about?

Come on, Liu He, what you just said about you and this Ming Xinxin is true. You confessed to me and gave me 1314 yuan for nothing. Please explain! "

Ming Xinxin exclaimed: "You asked me for 1500 yuan, saying it was for management fees, but it turned out to be for confession to another woman. Why don't you, Liu, die?"

"Go to hell, go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"

Liu He:......

Liu He never knew that exploding melons would be so satisfying!
He was beaten on the head by two quiet girls he had chosen. These two girls usually couldn't even unscrew the bottle cap, but it was really painful to beat him now.

No, there are more people taking action.

One grabbed his hair and slapped him on the ground, another pinched his face, and another kicked his legs. His thighs were bruised from the kicks, right?
There were only three of them, but it felt like someone else was blowing air into his neck?
Ghost Baby Xiao Ming breathed loudly:...

He also wanted to go over and help beat the person, but Xu Zimo said: "You are not allowed to do it yourself, or I will take you away from here right now."

Who knows if there will be any special restrictions on this ghost dungeon? What if Xu Zimo and Ghost Infant Xiaoming take action and the dungeon is judged to have failed?
Guiying didn't want to just watch!

The three girls involved came to beat him, and he was also involved. It looked so bad!
Therefore, he blew the ghost energy into Liu He's head. People with too much ghost energy would be very unlucky. Liu He didn't know that his future son was playing tricks on him, but because the hair on his head was grabbed by the girl and slapped to the ground, it hurt so much that he didn't feel that the anger was actually pouring into his head, and the hair on his neck was The coolness is just leaking from my head~
Forums in universities are usually very lively.

It’s even more lively today!
Liu He, a student from the countryside who received college relief, actually stepped on five boats.

Yes, those two items were exposed by the girl in question and her classmates in the department.

The confession time was before Ming Xinxin, and it was from a different department. Even if Xu Zimo wanted to watch the fun, time didn't allow it.

But it doesn't affect knowing.

No, Liu He was caught confessing in front of three girls, and the two came out on their own.

He also said that he did not label himself as a scumbag, and he had to make up for it~
Liu He's relief subsidy was canceled by the college. For someone who can date five girlfriends at the same time, who is the one who needs the subsidy?

And the name Liu He has also become synonymous with girls: a professional who capsizes a boat!

Some people are scum, and they are clearly scum, but Liu He deliberately chose the ones from each department. Even through his classmates, he discovered that these five girls all have the same characteristics: an only child and a small child in the family. Rich and powerful, he has a soft temper, is well-behaved and doesn't make trouble, and the most obvious one is that he spends money lavishly.

Everyone was defrauded by Liu He using various excuses and reasons.

Ming Xinxin has been dating for the shortest time, but she spends the most money!

Liu He also asked them for money many times, but girls are always cautious.

After asking too many questions, Liu He rarely asked for money openly for fear of being discovered. The few times he asked for money tactfully, it was always in small amounts.

The most talkative person is Ming Xinxin. No matter if Liu He's parents, grandparents or the family dog ​​gets sick or something happens, Ming Xinxin will pay for it.

It is said that in Liu He’s hometown, they are called Sui Fangzi~
The other four girls looked at Ming Xinxin with pity:
"There are followers, but they only appear after death. His family has been sick and had accidents so often, haven't you ever suspected it?"

Ming Xinxin shook her head in embarrassment: "Who can curse their own family members to get sick?"

"Liu He!"


Ming Xinxin really didn't expect this.

This is really filial. Anyone who has a good relationship with his family will never curse his family members to get sick without any trouble!
Liu He didn't have such worries. As long as he needed money, his family members could get sick or have accidents at any time. Once, his grandfather, who had been dead for more than ten years, could even get into a car accident!

After knowing these things, the five girls who were deceived by Liu He instantly felt sympathy.

Especially to Ming Xinxin, who is the stupidest one among the five of them:
"You are the most suitable spare tire. If we don't find out now, he will be more likely to choose to marry you in the future!"

Ming Xinxin: ...Liu He really said that she would get married after graduating from college. She was quite happy at the time, but now she feels even more stupid and pitiful!
Xu Zimo was also quite emotional, this was really accurate for them to say.

Didn't the original Ming Xinxin marry Liu He?
She also gave birth to Xiao Ming.

Where is Xiao Ming?
Xu Zimo did have an ugly doll in his hand, but the ghost baby Xiao Ming was attached to it, but it was missing now.

This is the time for big things to happen!
Xu Zimo searched and searched, and finally found the ghost baby Xiao Ming lying on a girl's shoulder from behind the crowd.

The girl was wearing glasses and a dress, standing far away, and there were several male classmates around her talking about Liu He...

Seeing Xu Zimo coming over, the ghost baby flew back from the girl's shoulder and landed on the ugly doll.

Xu Zimo also knew the identity of the girl.

"Zhu Honghong, Liu He's childhood sweetheart from the same village, was also Liu He's mistress who cheated on her back then.

It was said to be their first love, but they had a misunderstanding when they were in college.

Then, once they graduated, they each had their own families.

Liu He married his only daughter, Ming Xinxin.

Zhu Hong married a senior who was one level above her. The senior was the only child in the family. When she was fooling around with Liu He, the senior suddenly got sick and died without resuscitation.

Zhu Hong received a large amount of insurance compensation and inherited the husband's family's inheritance.

I was originally going to live a good life with Liu He and fly together, but in the end, I died to apologize! "

Xu Zimo knew what happened next. It was Xiao Ming's mother Ming Xinxin who went crazy and took revenge on everyone.

Killing Liu He and this so-called first love who knew everything about them, their dream of inheriting all the property of the two families was also shattered.

"That Zhu Honghong is pregnant, but she doesn't know whose child it is." Ghost Baby Xiao Ming suddenly said.

The child in the previous life was placed on Liu He's head, but after Liu He's death, when mistress Zhu Honghong's child was rescued and given a blood transfusion, the blood type was simply not suitable.

The child was born to Zhu Honghong and another man, but Liu He put on the cuckold himself and buckled it very firmly.

Until his death, he didn’t know that he had been cuckolding all these years and thought he was happy that he had rediscovered the feeling of love with his first love~
Xu Zimo: "Respect other people's fate, he won't live long!"

Ghost baby Xiao Ming: "You have to respect it. Don't come out when it's not supposed to be born."

Xu Zimo:......

Under Xu Zimo's gaze, Zhu Honghong kissed a boy next to her passionately.

The boy standing next to Zhu Honghong has a crush on her, and he might be the father of the child in Zhu Honghong's belly?
With the intention of helping to the end, Xiaoming, the ghost baby, directly helped.

Only Xu Zimo could see this helper. Xiaoming, the ghost baby, controlled Zhu Honghong's arms to unbutton his clothes, hugged the boy, gnawed on it, and pressed it hard.

People around: ...Zhu Honghong is the beauty of the class after all. Is this crazy?

The boy who was being hugged and nibbled was a little shy: "Honghong, let's go back to the dormitory! Uh~"

I was caught down there and it almost hurt to death!
After all, being held and chewed like this by a girl he likes, he would be a real beast if he didn't react!
Liu He also saw the excitement over there, and his eyes turned red when he saw Zhu Honghong taking the initiative to almost tear off all her clothes and rushing to hug other boys.

At this moment, Zhu Honghong was still mumbling: "I already have your child, and you are still lukewarm to me?"

"Child?" The boy was stunned: "Mine?"

Zhu Honghong was currently possessed by the ghost baby Xiao Ming. She couldn't see the people around her at all. She only thought she was playing with boys in the apartment. She even shouted openly: "The child is yours. I lied to Liu He and said it was." Damn it, if you don’t give me any more money, I’ll make this kid someone else’s father!”

"Why did you lie to Liu He? What does this child have to do with him?" The boy became sober at this time.

But Zhu Honghong kept sticking it up, her eyes were closed, and she looked like she was enjoying herself a lot, and she said: "He and I are childhood sweethearts. If we didn't have money, who would take turns falling in love with you? You Hurry up, it's always so short. Why are you so long?
Liu He is much stronger than you and lasts longer! "


The senior is angry!

This means he is sharing a woman with another boy!
And there is a child. This child does not necessarily belong to someone. It was Liu He's before, but now it is placed on him?

Liu He? ? ?

Not the man who stepped on several girls.

So the boat I am playing on is also his ship? ? ?
The boy suddenly reacted and saw Liu He looking at them angrily. Oh, maybe it was because he was looking at Zhu Honghong who was digging into his arms and pulling down his pants...

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