Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 170 Lack of big-mindedness, reality does not allow it

Chapter 170 Lack of big-mindedness, reality does not allow it

There are more people in the crew than expected.

In other words, there were more people on the first day, including the male Jiang Zihang, the female Chang Xiuli, and almost all other staff members came over on this day.

And Xu Zimo also understood the reason why the director had to find someone who could cook delicious meals on the spot.

“The ingredients are all here, just follow these dishes.

If you still need it, tell me to have someone buy it.

It must taste good and be fragrant.

If it doesn't taste good and you are rejected by those people, you will be the unlucky one, do you understand? "

Xu Zimo really wanted to understand, isn't it just cooking?

She copied the cooking skills of a five-star hotel chef. As long as you do it, it will definitely be delicious.

Unexpectedly, Director Wang shook his head: "No, at least three dishes must be the same as the main table. This is the standard."

Director Wang was stunned: "You are not an extra here, so you have never seen it?"

Xu Zimo picked out the easier ones and prepared three of the same ones. The menus for the two tables were also listed.

Jiang Zihang and others all looked serious, but they did not show any surprise.

How do you say this?
Seeing that Xu Zimo really didn't understand, Director Wang directly dragged Xu Zimo outside.

"No, I just came here, see you for the first time!"

Showing it to Director Wang, Director Wang nodded: "Okay, you can do it according to the time. You must finish it before 12 noon."

Xu Zimo blinked, should she ask clearly?

You mainly prepare those two tables according to the menu I gave you.

There are more people outside here, in the film and television city, people are coming and going.

That's not an ordinary brand, those are tablets.

As for other particularities, it is the particularity of offering sacrifices. Do you understand? "

Looking at Director Wang standing there drinking water, Xu Zimo came over and said, "Director, is there anything special about my dish?"

"I understand, I understand, that is, can I not cook the dishes for other tables?" This way, you can cook more dishes with less.

It's okay for her to treat her to a meal. Her cooking skills are beyond comparison with normal people. But is it really okay for you to put those tablets on the table?

Xu Zimo took a handful of green vegetables and packed them away while watching Director Wang and his people arrange seats there.

"Don't you know what's important?" Director Wang asked.

Xu Zimo:......

There will be people doing the work of selecting and washing the vegetables.

Seeing that Xu Zimo still looked confused, Director Wang said directly: "It's easy to talk to other tables. I have ordered some dishes from outside. You can just make a few dishes to add to it."

Xu Zimo is only responsible for cooking, and two full tables of dishes are enough for her to keep busy.

Xu Zimo is not the only one who cooks so many dishes, there are many helpers.

Xu Zimo just arranged the menu and asked the helpers to sort the prepared ingredients into categories, and then when the time came, she would fry them and serve them on the table!
The menu given by Director Wang is suitable for memorial ceremonies, but of course it is also suitable for ordinary people to eat.

"Invite them to a meal. Go prepare it quickly and leave it alone!"

She was just a part-time cook, but she thought someone would give her a role and give her extra wages.

"...Okay." I thought I could be lazy.

"!!!" If it weren't for the fact that he was the director, he would have been beaten.

When her predecessor was at Huyou Media, it was not her turn to participate in these matters, and she had no relevant memories.

With the requirement to finish eating before 12 o'clock, Xu Zimo didn't wait any longer and started frying when he saw that the ingredients were almost ready.

Obviously, this has happened before.

Director Wang looked at Xu Zimo as if he were a strange species: "'s so rare that you are still alive!"

The kind of memorial tablet that is used after the person is gone~~
"Director Wang, what are you doing?" What's the point?

That’s okay~
In fact, the most tedious and slowest part of cooking is the preparation process. If you just stir-fry it, it is still very fast.

Xu Zimo shook his head obediently: "I haven't had any contact with it before."

The main table and the secondary tables are all for tablets, and starting from the third table are for their staff.

There were still people helping to prepare the ingredients, some specifically carrying the dishes to the table, and others washing and preparing the pots for her. If she didn't just rely on herself, she would be exhausted!

"Huh? What time will it be served?"

However, when he saw Director Wang placing some signs on the table, Xu Zimo couldn't help but stand on end even though he was an abnormal being.

Xu Zimo went back to prepare the dishes, but Director Wang stood at the door and kept muttering: "Nothing will happen, sure!"

Xu Zimo:? ? ?

"It's up to you. Are you the cook or am I the cook?"


This chef is not something ordinary people can do!
At half past ten, all the dishes were served.

Director Wang immediately greeted: "Come on, everyone, take your seats~"

Jiang Zihang, Chang Xiuli and others all went straight to the third table, and the primary and secondary tables were immediately vacated.

After Xu Zimo finished his work, he was waiting in the crowd to be served at the table. When he saw the empty primary and secondary tables, he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Where is this empty space?

This place is obviously crowded with people, oh, it’s not people, it’s ghosts!
Oh my God, all the fierce ghosts, fierce ghosts, and brats in the crew who were carried on their backs crowded into these two tables.

They didn't even need to sit down, they just stood around the table and started sucking hard!
Suck it!
As these ghosts inhale the vegetable gas, the originally fragrant vegetables lose their taste in an instant.

If we didn't know how fragrant it was when it first became famous, now this dish would only be used to feed pigs.

There is no smell at all!

Xu Zimo: ...Now she finally understands her purpose!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xu Zimo wouldn't have believed that the crew even prepared a separate table for these guys to eat during filming.

Who could have imagined such a scene.

Xu Zimo couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't take action to kill these ghosts in advance.

Looking at Director Wang and the others, they seemed to be invisible, but they knew how to prepare meals for these guys, which made Xu Zimo a little undecided.

I don't know if I can ask Director Wang. If she can't see it, she doesn't have to worry too much about doing it.

If you can see it, it will be a little difficult to handle.

People watched the ghost disappear, which is a bit hard to explain~
After Director Wang and others sat down, they almost stared at the watches on their wrists to count their meals.

Vegetables and other vegetables are eaten in dozens of bites from one leaf.

The actresses, mainly Chang Xiuli, went even further. They didn't pick up the dishes at all and put the rice into their mouths one by one.

For fear of eating too much!
Among these people, there are three people who are not subject to this restriction.

Director Wang was holding a large bowl of rice and eating. Seeing that no one was touching the bowl of braised pork, he poured most of it into his own bowl.

Makeup artist Yan Qiu came next, and gave him a small bowl of rice. He poured braised pork soup into the bowl, and the frowning Lao Gao ate deliciously.

The third one was Xu Zimo who was cooking. She tasted all the dishes on the table.

Then he fixed his gaze on the three dishes he had cooked. Director Wang had already eaten more than half of the braised pork, and Yan Qiu poured out some soup. Xu Zimo quickly picked up three fat and thin pieces for himself. Braised pork. This dish is served with rice, and it's so fragrant that it will leave your tongue!
There is also a piece of hot and sour potato shreds and a piece of braised pork ribs, which are Xu Zimo's favorite dishes.

Make sure she can eat no matter which table she sits at.

It's a pity that the dishes on the main and second tables are all five-star level!
The fragrance was completely absorbed by the ghost, so it was a bit of a waste!

"What are you doing?" Xu Zimo was concentrating on eating when he felt someone poking him.

Director Wang's head got even bigger: "Didn't you notice something?"

Xu Zimo was finally willing to lift his face from his bowl, and then, oh well.

This time she noticed it!
The ghosts from the primary and secondary tables actually dispersed to each table.

There were two fierce ghosts on their table, the red-clothed fierce ghost on Pudding's head, and the fierce ghost on Jiang Zihang's back.

The two ghosts were sucking in the food on the table with bared teeth and mouths. Soon, the dishes that were originally very fragrant and bright in color were all dry.

Same as the primary and secondary tables.

This is……

Xu Zimo's heart moved and he asked Director Wang: "Director, can you see it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? This kid, look, how can you not see that this dish is all like this." Director Wang was visibly frightened.

They were all separated before!

Except when the food cooked by the chef may not be to the taste, it will cause trouble for the crew.

And you can’t hire a full-time cook, otherwise something will definitely happen to the show. This is also the experience summed up by the major production crews.

The person who cooks must be a member of the crew, and usually he can get by.

But why is it different this time?
The colors of the dishes on those two tables had changed, and the people at their other tables only had to sit and eat for half an hour before leaving.

The food cooked by Xu Zimo is very delicious. Director Wang is a director and does not need to keep in shape. He really eats it this time.

But all the other dishes that had not been eaten were muted, and you knew something was wrong at first sight.

Why do these guys still bring table-goers?

Anyway, he couldn't eat the food in his bowl, and Director Wang's own bowl was also sucked away.

I have no appetite and I don’t dare to eat!

Eating the same dish as a ghost, Director Wang thinks he is not worthy~
Xu Zimo pulled his bowl aside: "My, be polite!"

Others eating at the same table:! ! !
There was no one in the direction Xu Zimo was speaking, and he dared to grab food from other people's bowls, wasn't that...

The other actors couldn't help but want to run out.

The few hairs on Director Wang's head also stood up a little.

This girl simply... lacks a big heart, right?

Then, Director Wang heard Xu Zimo say: "Director, they asked for extra dishes!"

Director Wang subconsciously retorted: "You want to eat it? How come you, an actress, are so greedy? You don't want to keep in shape, you..."

Director Wang suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing in his ears, as if someone was talking to him: "Add more vegetables."

The voice was very vague, but Director Wang confirmed that he heard it clearly.

Moreover, a piece of paper flew over. On it was the menu that Xu Zimo had just written down for Director Wang to see. There was something unusual about the menu at this time.

There were black dots on some dishes, and Director Wang seemed to be able to see the black dots moving.

Are you ordering food?
To be honest, Director Wang didn't want to understand so clearly.

Really, he wanted to pretend to be stupid, but reality didn't allow it.

Because he heard that ethereal voice again: "Hurry, click!"

It's just that this time the voice was a little colder, as if if he didn't agree, it would add something to him.

"Add, add food, hurry up!"

He was worried that if he didn't speak, the sound might break his ears.

I don’t know why, Director Wang just feels like this~
Xu Zimo put down his bowl neatly: "Here it comes, right away!"

There were not many dishes that were ordered, but there were not enough ingredients. Director Wang immediately asked the assistant director to borrow them.

There are many casts here, so even if the casts don’t have them, you can still buy them.

The preparation of these dishes was not difficult at all. After the extra dishes were served, people at other tables had already left in an orderly manner.

This time there were only four people actually sitting in the seats, and there were two empty tables at the primary and secondary tables.

Director Wang, Xu Zimo, Jiang Zihang and Chang Xiuli, a director, a cook, a male protagonist and a female protagonist.

Although the two leading actors were stiff throughout the whole process, they persevered.

This time the two of them still counted the shredded vegetables, but they ate quite smoothly.

I always think this dish is more delicious than what I just ate~
By the end of the meal, the two leading actors' faces were covered in sweat as if they had just fought a battle.

After Director Wang asked people to arrange for the dining table to be evacuated, he led people to burn incense and said: "Start work~"

"Good luck filming!"

The two leading actors have already put on their makeup, and this first day is a good start. Usually it is a relatively simple scene for the male and female protagonists, which must be done in one go.

As long as those invisible guys don't cause trouble, this scene will definitely be able to pass.

After the two of them successfully filmed a scene, Director Wang shouted loudly: "Excellent, very good! Thank you for your hard work!"

Everyone in the crew started applauding.

If the shooting starts smoothly, there will be no problems in the future.

Everyone is happy, and success is what everyone longs for the most.

Filming officially started here, and at noon, someone mentioned something about other crews outside.

"Something happened to the crew of Flower Girl Next Door. The lead actor broke his leg in the first scene."

"It was too hard to shoot a beating scene in the first scene."

In order to get through smoothly and get a good result, the first scene is usually very simple, with less fighting scenes.

The stubborn crew has long been taught how to behave!

I didn't expect anyone to do this.

Just listen to the person who heard the news: "Where is it? It's just an ordinary dialogue drama. At the end, the male protagonist turned around, fell down, and broke his leg. He was sent to the hospital and was said to have suffered a traumatic injury. fracture!"



How miserable!
Director Wang asked the assistant director to go out, and after a while, the assistant director came back.

He also brought back the latest news: “The cook hired by the Hua Niu crew was assigned to play the role of the fifth male, and he was a chef from the hotel.

They had never found a suitable one during previous auditions, so they found one who looked pretty good, but unexpectedly something happened.

I brought the menu.

The other ones were told by their assistant director that they were done completely according to the procedures and there would be no problems, but there were problems. "

The assistant director took out the menus from other crew members, and then both of them were stunned.

What a coincidence!
This menu is exactly the same as the one on their set.

That is to say, they themselves know that it is impossible to discuss in advance...

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