Chapter 171 What a treasure
This menu looks a little familiar.

Then, Director Wang's eyes widened.

"Is this a copy of ours?"

"Impossible, Xu Zimo doesn't know those people." When they were looking over there at the door just now, Xu Zimo also followed the excitement.

But no one even said hello.

Moreover, the dishes on the menu are the same, but the order of writing is different, and the words are not written by the same person.

The people on the crew next door don't know, but the people on my side know.

The menu here was handwritten by Xu Zimo, and the menu next door was written by someone else. It was obviously not agreed upon.

And almost everyone in the director circle has a copy of this menu, so it’s not a big deal if they coincidentally come up with the same menu.

Director Wang thought of Xu Zimo, a rookie who didn't even know that these meals were mainly for those invisible guys. It would be impossible for her to have a relationship with the person opposite.

Xu Moumo got out of the entertainment industry, his unscrupulous face was really dirty.

He is also an old man who has been with Director Wang for many years, and they have a good relationship with each other.

The assistant director finally found some information about Xu Zimo. There was very little information, no more than a hundred in total.

This shows that Xu Zimo and Huyou Media did not get along happily. After the contract was terminated, they even angered each other and were blackmailed!

Xu Zimo is not well-known. If you don't search for these messages, you won't be able to see them at all.

But if Xu Zimo makes any move later, these little bits of information will turn into basins of dirty water and be poured on Xu Zimo's head.

Generally, each crew will borrow suitable artists from each other, but in this regard, the director and assistant director will say hello in advance to avoid time conflicts and lead to misunderstandings.

He really didn't know that the assistant director was a talkative person.

What Huyou Media most often does is to send its own artists to the employer’s bed.

"Let me remind you, pay attention to the crew next door, they'd better not come to trouble you!" Director Wang sighed.

Assistant director: "No, director, what's going on? Please give me a break."

Although looking at the news now, there is no splash.

"Ah? Oh, let's see, I'm... just messing around, isn't this?"

"They invested in the filming," the assistant director said.

But the assistant director really didn't hear about the loan.

Picture, picture, picture!
Such gossip, although the accompanying pictures are out of reach, but these unverifiable information are remembered.

After knowing the other party's company, Director Wang frowned: "Don't let them know who cooks here."

These black materials can destroy a female artist, let’s see what kind of materials they are!
In order to get resources, an artist named Xu from Huyou Media took off his clothes and begged to kneel in front of the dining table. His manager dragged him away but he was still unwilling.

The purpose is to discredit Xu Zimo.

I was really annoyed, so I opened them all.

"Xu Zimo, she said she used to work for Huyou Media. You can find out by searching online. By the way, don't mention her here again."

The reputation of Huyou Media is really bad. It may be said to be rumors outside the circle, but they all know that it is all true.

Director Wang hates people like this the most, so there is really little cooperation between them.

The picture has nothing to do with the message, it’s all made up by words!

The main reason is that the time is too short and I don’t have time to do anything I want to do.

Although the names of those who broke the scandal all have different names, as an insider, you can tell at a glance that they are all trumpets raised by the studio.

Xu Zimou must be crazy because he wants to be famous. He even threatened the company to terminate the contract if the company does not provide resources. Why are you crying if the contract is terminated?
The artist Zimo went to the film and television studio in a low-key manner. Is he looking for opportunities, or is he dating his employer to sell his body?

Not surprisingly, these trumpets are all used by Huyou Media’s own people!

This matter is not a secret in the circle, you can find out if you ask.

All of it is black material, and it was only uploaded recently.

The assistant director was stunned and said in confusion: "Ah, I have already told you, this is not a secret."

There is no restriction on whether they are male or female. As long as the management needs it, they can find ways to provide it for those resources.

"From Huyou Media?"

You have to come back quickly before your pants are unbuttoned. Where can you find the time to do bad things?
Director Wang sighed and said, "That girl used to work for Huyou Media."

"Ah? Who is it? Does our crew borrow anyone from there?"

If there were four girls and five girls in the past, he really didn't care about those.

The most important thing is the same dish, but now everything is fine on my side, but something is wrong with the other party.

Moreover, Director Wang is not very welcoming of artists from Huyou Media.

But outsiders don’t know!
When outsiders see these news, their first reaction is that this woman is really dirty~
"Guide, do you need to remind me about this?"

Seeing the nagging look in Director Wang's eyes, he knew that he was in the wrong place, although he felt that he hadn't accomplished anything bad during his trip.

Seeing the assistant director's look of needing a beating, Director Wang was speechless:...

But this Xu Zimo is different.

Not only can those invisible guys ask for more food, but Pudding, the seven-year-old comic king, has personally directed her to be the female lead in the next drama.

This must be protected!

If they came to cause trouble, Director Wang felt that there might be no need for him to come forward. After all, those guys should be owed a favor after eating the food she cooked.

Karma must be repaid, but I have heard of it, but I have never seen how to repay it.

I wonder if I will have a chance to see it this time?
Director Wang was quite looking forward to being here, but something happened to the crew next door.

When the assistant director came back from inquiring about the news and whispered to Director Wang, the female lead of the Hua Niu crew next door was hit by an obscure nail in her hand.

Five centimeters long nails penetrated the palm of my hand.

The entire studio was filled with the cries and howls of the leading actress. The sound was so tragic!
After Director Wang got the news, he went to the lounge to mention it.

Actually, I mainly want to talk to Pudding, who is familiar with the script, but this person is watching anime with Xu Zimo.

Well, it’s adapted from Pudding’s most popular comic book.

The two watched with great interest. Director Wang did not dare to interrupt directly. If Pudding was offended, he would just skip work.

"Something happened to the crew next door. Everyone, please be careful no matter what you do."

"If you have anything to say in advance, communication will be easier."

"Also, if you have good ideas, you can mention them to the assistant director. We will reward good ideas."

This is also a major advantage of Director Wang.

Although Wang Dapao has a bad temper, if he gets a good idea, he will really reward him.

And it's generous.

All the actors expressed their thanks together: "Thank you, Director Wang!"

After thinking about it, Director Wang came over and said, "Xiao Xu, have you settled the matter with Huyou Media smoothly?"

"That's cool. Director, why did you remember to ask this?" Although Xu Zimo laughed at the beginning and called Director Wang daddy, they really weren't that familiar with each other.

Now he is just a director and a small ensemble cast, but Xu Zimo still makes his status very clear. Director Wang said: "Have you seen the news on the Internet?"

"Ah? No, I didn't even have a straight face before. Where is the news about me?" In this regard, it can only be said that Wei Meili has done an excellent job.

Even some directors have taken a liking to Xu Zimo's face and want her to show her face to attract traffic.

They were all rejected by Wei Meili on the grounds that there was no opportunity.

Xu Zimo didn't listen to her and went to accompany the boss to earn resources, so why should he give her a chance to show his face?
If you get the benefits of traffic, you will be even more disobedient.

I just didn't expect that the contract would be terminated at this time.

So much so that in the three years that Xu Zimo has been working at Huyou Media, the occasional shot of him was of the back of his head, or his face was so smeared that even his own mother could not recognize him, and even then he was not allowed to show his face.

Xu Zimo didn't think there would be any news about her face on the Internet, because Wei Meili didn't give her this chance at all.

Director Wang found those pieces of dirty information and handed over the link: "Look at these, the one next door is from Huyou Media. They already know that you are cooking here, so there may be a little trouble. If you need help, please Come to me, do you have my phone number?”


One look at Xu Zimo's appearance and he knew it was gone. Director Wang said grandly: "...Remember it again."

"hold head high."

The two exchanged contact information again, and Director Wang even gave Xu Zimo his emergency phone number.

This emergency phone number belongs to Director Wang’s wife. Xu Zimo: “Thank you, Director Wang.”

She was so caring that she even gave her her daughter-in-law's phone number. It's so hard to find such a good person.

Director Wang scratched his head and said with a smile: "If you go home at night, it's not easy to get through to my phone. Just call my wife and find me."



This is being controlled by my wife!

To be able to be managed by his wife and still have such a bright smile on his face shows that he has no complaints.

What a great family man!
In the real world, such good men are almost extinct!

Xu Zimo sighed with emotion for a while, and when she saw the strips of black material, she laughed angrily.

"Huyou Media is really great!" Xu Zimo said every word. If her back molars weren't bitten by her, she would have thought it was a compliment.

Pudding saw it too.

His little face was covered with clouds.

Xu Zimo glanced at him, stretched out his hand and pinched the baby flesh on Little Pudding's face: "Do you want to see the excitement of Huyou Media?"

"No." He wants to see Huyou Media close down!

"Hahaha, what an interesting kid. You can't think too much at a young age, it will be detrimental to your growth. If you don't grow taller, you won't be handsome!" Xu Zimo said with a smile, and he didn't seem to be affected by the dirty information.

Pudding looked at her in confusion: "Aren't you angry? Do you want revenge? Do you need me to help you?"

Three questions in a row, the eyes were full of seriousness and seriousness.

Still a little nervous.

Xu Zimo curled his lips and said, "I don't need your help. It will be more fulfilling if I go back by myself. By the way, the names of the three major media companies are already very big. If they are bigger, I wonder if they will break through the sky?" Hahaha."


Xu Zimo refused Pudding's help and smiled heartily.

Then he continued to watch the anime that he had just finished watching. Xu Zimo didn't really look unhappy on his face. He stuffed snacks into his mouth while watching the anime, not to mention how comfortable it was.

But the cloud on the face of Little Pudding sitting next to him became even thicker!

He wanted to help and had no intention of using him at all.

He was clearly rejected by Xu Zimo!
Huyou Media is really useless...

In the apartment building of Huyou Media, in a well-decorated room, two bodies were entangled together.

The charging mobile phone next to it was slowly raised up, and the unoperated screen was opened. One of them was the big goose live broadcast. A red light that was not easy to be found lit up, and the live broadcast started. ~
Wei Meili's fat body was turned over by the man.

The two of them were panting, the man was panting from exhaustion, and Wei Meili was panting from beauty.

"You're a third-tier person, and you're still with those eighteenth-tier guys."

"I'm sorry, little Lili, you are so beautiful!"

"Little Lili, give me my drama!"

"It depends on your performance!"


"Aren't you satisfied with my performance?" Wei Meili laughed even more.

The man is an artist from Huyou Media, but he's just not close to being a third-tier artist.

He fell in love with a script, but Wei Meili refused to give it to him.

He had no choice but to follow and serve the fat man.

But Wei Meili was too fat and thick, and he was almost exhausted before he was done.

Then, he heard someone discussing with him that he could take his place, and the man agreed.

When he lost control of his body, he saw that his body was still busy with Wei Meili.

How should I describe this feeling?

He puts a hat on himself, even though Wei Meili is not his woman.

But the one who controls me is not me.

Anyway, it’s quite amazing!
Obviously, the man who continues to work hard for this man is Liu He, the male ghost who follows Wei Meili.

The male ghost Liu He follows Wei Meili during the day to suck the yang energy from her body. When the time is right, he will take the place of the man playing poker with Wei Meili for a while.

With such cause and effect,
As a result, Wei Meili was quite irritable.

She also specifically asked the master to get Liu He away, but what Wei Meili didn't expect was that Liu He not only didn't leave, but also hated her because of her lack of cooperation.

In the past, she would quietly get on top of a man and play poker with her, but now they discuss it directly. This person can take the initiative to give up control of her body, and the effect will be even greater!

Being haunted by a ghost, he survived because of Wei Meili's rich family background.

Seeing that Wei Meili was about to roll her eyes, everyone watching the live broadcast condemned:
"I didn't expect that Wei Meili, an old lady, is still so capable!"

"You above are definitely capable, not incompetent*"

"If you have the ability, you can send that word out if you're upstairs."

"Damn it, I can't send it out, it's automatically blocked."

"You wicked people, please stop talking nonsense. If you are banned, what will happen to us?"

"Yes, yes, please hurry up and post more chats with upright and upward views..."

Although those watching the live broadcast were chatting, each of them had their eyes widened, for fear of missing any wonderful moment.

It’s hard to imagine that Wei Meili, who is said to be a hard-working iron lady, turns out to be such a person in private. This live broadcast room is really a treasure...

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