Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 127, Daisy’s explanation and John Calvary’s summons

Chapter 127, the explanation of Daisy and the summons of John Icariot

Holm was very satisfied with Rumlow's choice. Smart people are smart people and they know what to do without saying much.

After handing over the task and leaving him a sum of US$10 in cash, Holm quietly left again.

After walking two streets away, the person walking out of the alley again was no longer Agent Viper, but Holm Clint.

"Why is the price of a shirt 9 pounds and 15 pence? Isn't it US dollars here? What does your password mean?" Venom once again raised questions about Holm's new password. It always couldn't understand it. The logic between questions and answers.

When hearing Venom's question, Holm responded with the answer he had already thought of: "This is just a code. The last thing you should think about is the logic between them. If there is logic between the codes, then Isn’t it easy for others to guess?”

"So don't worry about what the meaning is, because there is no meaning at all, it's just a thought that flashed through my head at the time."

After hearing Holm's answer and explanation, Venom still felt that something was not quite right, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Seeing that the venom finally subsided, Holm also breathed a sigh of relief. He was most afraid that the venom kept asking questions like last time, which would make people's heads explode.

After checking the message and address Daisy sent him on his phone again, Holm also drove his newly bought car towards his destination.

Twenty minutes later, as soon as Holm sat on the chair, Daisy could not wait to say to him: "Last time you said you should explain things quickly, and you promised to tell me after the task was completed. It has been a few days now." Oh my god."

Daisy was talking about what he promised to explain to Natasha last time.

Holm didn't expect that Daisy would keep it in mind and be so anxious. He had just sat down and was already being urged to speak quickly without even taking a sip of water.

Seeing Daisy's eyes full of curiosity, Holm had no choice but to ask the waiter for a glass of water, and then said at the same time: "Actually, it's not a particularly difficult thing to think about. Maybe you have already made a guess in your heart. "

"I have no guesses, just tell me." Daisy shook her head and said.

Holm also smiled when he saw this, then lowered his voice and looked at her and said: "On the surface, things are indeed what you think, but in fact there is a deeper reason. Do you know what it is?"

After hearing what Holm said, Daisy looked at him with disdain and disgust and said, "You said things are indeed what I thought, so what else could be the reason?"

"Sure enough, men are like this. No matter how rational and cautious they are, they can't control themselves."

"And the same goes for that woman. You two are each getting what you need, right?" When she said this, the disgust in Daisy's eyes almost overflowed.

Seeing this, Holm could only wave his hand, and then lowered his voice and said helplessly: "You misunderstood, she is indeed not simple, and we don't both get what we need. She approached me probably because of the mission requirements. , and I will respond to her because I know she has mission requirements."

After two contacts, Holm already roughly knew why Natasha contacted him. In addition to the fact that he was indeed handsome, and his abilities were up to standard, and he could solve the needs, the suspicious black braised egg must have also been given to him. She assigned such a secret mission to allow her to contact herself and conduct screening and investigation in the process.

"Mission requirement? But she is also the Aegis!!! I understand, you are saying that they are worried about you, that's why..." Although she was still shocked, Daisy quickly understood what Holm meant.

Daisy has always noticed Holm's special abilities and his outstanding talents. She originally thought that people like Holm should be valued and promoted in any way, but she didn't expect that he was secretly There is also such an arrangement. In S.H.I.E.L.D., there were only a few people who could make such arrangements for Home. Nick Fury's name appeared in Daisy's mind almost instantly.

After all, her uncle is the director of SHIELD. Even if this arrangement was not made by him, it must be implemented with his consent, so no matter what, his uncle must be an insider.

Thinking of this, a complex emotion arose in her heart, and the disgust in her eyes disappeared, turning into worry and apology.

Daisy's reaction was also expected by Holm. After all, after getting along with her for such a long time, he had already understood Daisy's character.

So after Daisy finished speaking in disbelief, Holm also smiled, then looked at her with gentle and soothing eyes and said: "Actually, it's nothing. After all, my ability is indeed very special. The bureau treats me very well." It’s normal to have such an arrangement.”

"On the contrary, I should be grateful to them. After all, they just observed me silently and did not directly capture me and drag me for experiments. To be honest, I don't want to become friends with Dr. Lizard."

At the end of his speech, Holm even used a cold joke to liven up the atmosphere.

But Daisy's mood was obviously not invigorated by his joke. After a pause, Daisy looked at Holm and said softly: "Sorry."

Hearing Daisy's apology, Holm waved his hand and said with a smile: "If you are apologizing to me because of the arrangements of the bureau, then there is no need, because I don't think it's anything. After all, I'm in good health." Don’t be afraid of slanting shadows.”

"But if you are apologizing because you misunderstood me, then I can only say that these two words are not sincere at all. You have to treat me to two meals."

Seeing Holm's open-minded look and joking about herself, Daisy did not continue to say anything. Instead, she pursed her lips and nodded slightly and said, "Then I'll treat you to three meals."

"Didi!" Before Daisy could finish her words, Holm's cell phone rang.

Upon seeing this, Holm gestured apologetically to Daisy, then took out his phone and looked at it.

"I'm really sorry now. My smoke alarm started to sound again. It seems to be a little old and has not been working very well for a while. But just in case, I still have to go home and take a look." Holm He explained to Daisy while putting his phone back in his pocket.

Of course, Daisy had no doubts about such excuses and reasons, so she and Holm checked out and left together, and then went back to their respective homes.

Watching Daisy disappear at the intersection on the other side, Holm also stepped on the accelerator and drove his car quickly towards home.

The smoke alarm is of course an excuse. The real reason is that there are more important things at home than the smoke alarm.

Judging from the code contained in the text message just now, John Garriott, who had not contacted him for a long time, was at his home, so he had to rush back.

I don’t know why John Garriott came to him, but most likely it will be a special task that is not easy to solve.

After all, only special tasks like this are worthy of his dispatch.

(End of this chapter)

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