Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 128, the new mission of the nine-headed snake

Chapter 128, Hydra’s new mission
Holm drove very fast and got home in almost no time.

When he stood downstairs, he had already sensed the presence of John Garriott.

Just like last time, although he was the only one at home, there were many people hiding in the dark waiting around, but the number was far less than the last time.

Holm walked up the stairs and opened the door as usual, and returned to his home. As soon as he entered the home, he saw Garriott sitting on the sofa, looking at him with a smile.

"Be back soon." Garriott said while pointing to the sofa next to him, indicating that Holm could sit down.

Looking at his movements, Holm also felt a strong sense of sight.

Feng shui is really changing. Just now, Holm showed this attitude in front of Rumlow as a commander, and now it is Garriott's turn to show it to him.

While thinking about it, Holm followed Garriott's instructions and sat on the sofa next to him. Then he raised his head and asked him: "Sir, do you have any tasks for me?"

After hearing Holm's question, Garriott did not continue to be polite. He just nodded and spoke directly to Holm.

"If there is a task for you, and it is not an ordinary task."

"The organization needs you to go to Sokovia and deal with a person."

While speaking, he also handed several pieces of information to Holm. In the upper left corner of the information was a photo of the target. He was a middle-aged man who looked very majestic. His hair was shaved very short and he had a single piece over his eyes. Glasses.

"His name is Wolfgang Strucker. He is the leader of the Sokovia branch of Hydra. Your mission this time is to deal with him."

Looking at the slightly familiar man in the photo, Holm quickly remembered where he had appeared.

In the Avengers 2 movie, he appeared as a supporting character for a few minutes. The scene that impressed Holm the most was when he just finished encouraging his men to fight to the end, but the next second he discussed escaping with his henchmen.

Unexpectedly, in this world, he would appear in front of Holm in such a way. It seems that his death will be early.

While Homehus was thinking about it, Garriott continued to add: "As the leader of the branch, this guy has begun to disobey orders from above. According to the latest investigation, he even tried to establish his own branch and split. Hydra.”

"The boss has tolerated him for a long time, but he still does not know what is good and what is good, and regards his tolerance as a sign of cowardice."

"Since he wants to die, of course we will try our best to help him fulfill his wish."

"Based on your past excellent performance and outstanding abilities, I specially helped you apply for this opportunity. The big shots above attach great importance to this matter, so you must seize it."

"What kind of performance you can leave behind with those big shots, and where you can go in the future, these are all in your own hands, understand?" Garriott looked at Holm with deep meaning and said.

After hearing this, Holm also sat up straight and responded to Garriott: "Understood! I will definitely not let down the commander's love and complete this mission perfectly!"

Seeing Holm's response, Garriott nodded and continued: "Very good, the big shots above have always been interested in you. If this mission is completed well, you will have a chance to meet them."

"This is a rare opportunity. It depends on them how high you can stand in the future."

"I understand, thank you again for your kindness, sir." Holm responded slightly "excited", seeming to be looking forward to the opportunity mentioned by Garriott. "But I still belong to Coulson's special team. How can I go to Sokovia alone?" After expressing his loyalty, Holm also raised his own question in a timely manner.

He expected that Garriott would not forget this issue and would make corresponding arrangements, but he didn't know what they would be.

Sure enough, after hearing Holm's question, Garriott chuckled and took out a few more documents and handed them to Holm.

The photo this time showed a bearded man laughing wildly. He was wearing a gray-green military uniform and had a cigar in his mouth. He looked so high-spirited.

"This is Vitas Chalabi, a terrorist leader entrenched in the Middle East. He will appear in Sokovia in a few days, and SHIELD will send you to deal with him."

"These two tasks, one light and one dark, can provide you with the most perfect cover."

"Wolfgang Strucker may be a little more troublesome to deal with than Vitas Chalabi. After all, as the leader of the Hydra branch, he must have some hidden power in his hands."

"Although Vitas Chalabi is a well-known terrorist, he actually has some special abilities, and the people around him are ordinary people."

"It's up to you to decide how to arrange the order. My only requirement for you is that the task must be completed."

"I understand." Holm nodded and continued to look through the information.

After printing all the contents above into his mind, he also took a lighter and threw the information into the trash can, watching the orange-red flames continue to engulf the paper.

In the dim room, the orange-red firelight kept dancing, reflecting on their faces. Garriott just watched Holm destroy the information quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Everything unfolded as Garriott said. Two days later, at the base, when Holm was training with Daisy with boxing gloves, Coulson also sat next to him with a folder. on the sofa.

As soon as Coulson appeared, Holm noticed the folder in his hand. If the plan went well, it should contain information about Vitas Chalabi and his detailed movements in Sokovia.

"Bang!" While Holm was distracted, a red glove suddenly came from the side and hit his side.

Feeling the pain in his waist, Holm immediately came to his senses and waved his fist to teach Daisy a lesson for the sneak attack.

But just as he raised his hand, Daisy hurriedly took a few steps back and took off her protective gear while shouting: "Stop, stop! The training is over!"

Seeing that Daisy had thrown the protective gear on the stage, and then ran to the sofa where Coulson was sitting and started drinking water with a smirk as if her plan had succeeded, Holm could only take off his gloves and jump off the stage.

"It seems that among so many techniques, the one you are most proficient in is sneak attack." Holm complained while looking at Daisy who was still complacent.

Daisy also laughed when she heard this, raised her head very proudly and said, "So what, when facing different opponents, you must use different methods, and you must seize every opportunity to defeat your opponents."

"I remember what you said before, and I applied it flexibly this time, didn't I?"

(End of this chapter)

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