Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 151, Pierce’s Lunch Invitation

Chapter 151, Pierce’s Lunch Invitation

Seeing Garriott's slightly sharp eyes falling on him, Holm nodded without any hesitation and responded: "Your understanding of him is correct, he did talk a lot of nonsense before he died. "

Then Holm told Strack's recruitment of him and his evaluation of Pierce. Except for concealing some necessary exchanges, he said everything without changing a word.

Seeing Garriott's face becoming more and more ugly as he told him, although Holm's face remained calm, he was already laughing in his heart.

I don’t know how this guy should respond to his opponent’s remarks about his immediate boss?

"Actually, I didn't even know who Pierce was, so I immediately attacked Straker after taking advantage of the opportunity to deal with the invisible man."

"He originally wanted to escape through a secret passage when he saw that the situation was bad, but I still broke his neck directly."

As Holm's story ended, Garriott punched the sofa angrily, then gritted his teeth and cursed: "Well done! That damn guy dared to say such words to slander Mr. Pierce! Damn bastard!" He will definitely go to hell!"

After he finished scolding, Garriott also realized that he had lost his composure, so he took a long breath to adjust his breathing.

After adjusting, he explained to Holm, who looked a little confused: "You are right in not listening to that guy's temptation. Everything he said was just farts!"

Listening to Holm's response, Garriott nodded with satisfaction and said, "Your intelligence is what I always like best. The organization needs talents like you."

Garriott nodded after hearing this and continued to smile: "Of course it's true, so now you should understand better how unbelievable Strack's nonsense is."

After hearing Garriott's words, Holm's eyes widened instantly, and his heart was full of horror.

This reaction was 70% false and 70% true, because he really didn't expect Pierce to want to see him.

Hearing this, Holm quickly nodded and said sincerely: "I understand. I have always been grateful to the organization for cultivating and valuing me. I also believe that I will be able to fully demonstrate my abilities and do more for the organization. , to solve Mr. Pierce’s troubles and share your worries.”

"Actually, besides the mission, there is another more important thing that comes to you this time."

"I once said that as long as you obey orders well and complete the mission, you will definitely get a chance. Now the chance has come."

When he said this, Garriott also raised a smile, patted Holm on the shoulder and said: "Your ability and excellent performance have been noticed by Mr. Pierce, so after the completion of this mission, He also wants to meet you in person and have lunch with you."

"Your Excellency Pierce is the current leader of Hydra and our boss. He is not what that damn guy Strucker said. On the contrary, he cherishes talents and values ​​young people very much, so your future must be immeasurable. , not what Strack thought.”

"Is it true? I actually have such an honor," Holm said nervously and excitedly.

"Mr. Pierce has already paid attention to you. As I just said, he attaches great importance to young and capable talents like you. He believes that the future of Hydra and the realization of its great ideals are closely related to you."

"This is really my honor." Holm still couldn't calm down the excitement in time.

After giving Holmlian a few more bowls of chicken soup and talking about how wise, far-sighted and caring Mr. Pierce is, Garriott finally got back to the point. "Although Mr. Pierce has been very busy recently, he still found time at noon next Wednesday, that is, four days later. I will send you the address then, and you can just go there."

"I understand, thank you sir for your love and support, and thank you, Mr. Pierce, for your appreciation of me." Holm said sincerely.

Inquiring about the mission and informing Pierce that he wanted to see Holm were the two main things Garriott did when he came here today.

After these two things were done, he didn't stay any longer and left after saying a word to Holm.

Just after Garriott left, Holm also lay on his back on the sofa and thought quietly.

After knowing and understanding the purpose of Garriott's coming here, Holm finally understood why Garriott praised him abnormally today.

It seemed that Pierce's invitation to have dinner with him was indeed a very important signal, and it actually made Garriott, who had always been unsmiling, soften his attitude in a rare way.

Thinking about Garrett's curse on Straker just now, Holm couldn't help but want to laugh. It was rare to see Garrett being so rude. He must have done this so that he could be more confident when reporting to his superiors later. Express your attitude well.

This matter should eventually be reported to Pierce, so what Strack said will eventually reach Pierce's ears. I don't know what Pierce himself thinks of Strack's evaluation.

"Hey, I can finally see that this old guy doesn't have a straight face anymore. He used to drag him to death every time he came here, as if someone owed him money. It made people uncomfortable to watch. Sooner or later, he would bite his head off. "Venom was also complaining in Holm's consciousness at this time.

When Holm heard this, he also smiled and said, "It's indeed rare. It's also the first time I've seen it."

After finishing speaking, Holm continued thoughtfully: "Although what that guy Strack said is a bit exaggerated, it is indeed not unreasonable."

"I don't know what impact his words will have on my future, or whether they will change the views and plans of Pierce and Hydra executives towards me."

"Just like I am guarding against them, they should also be guarding against me. After all, my knife is too sharp. If they don't control it well, they may hurt themselves."

"But they probably wouldn't be willing to leave me alone. After all, I've performed very well so far."

"Thinking about it this way, I feel a little bit headache for them, hahaha."

Listening to Holm's analysis and thoughts, Venom lay on the sofa cushions next to the goods nonchalantly and said, "Why do you keep thinking so much? If you dare to target us, you will probably kill them all directly."

"Whether it's Mr. Pierce or Garriott, as long as we kill them all when the time comes, we won't have such troubles."

"Hehe, I'm a little excited when I think about the possibility of having so many snacks."

(End of this chapter)

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