Chapter 152, Scumbag Holm

New York City, a bustling area in the center of Manhattan, where a luxury apartment building stands.

The people living here are young and old, men and women. Although everyone is different, one thing they have in common is that they are rich and live a good life.

There are only two households on one floor here, and the entrance doors are separated at both ends and staggered to ensure the privacy of the residents to the greatest extent.

2601, this is the only resident on the 26th floor. Sunlight shines in from the large floor-to-ceiling windows, spilling on the floor sofa in the living room and the big bed in the bedroom.

There is still half a bottle of unfinished red wine on the coffee table in the living room. The liquid in the red wine glass has dried up, and there are a few bright red lip prints on the rim of the glass, which looks very fragrant and tempting.

In the bathroom not far from the living room, the sound of rustling water was constantly ringing. Through the light and hazy glass, you could vaguely see the figures inside.

The tall figure and exquisite figure look even more attractive under the illumination of light and shadow. The slender legs are intertwined from time to time, making people want to explore them.

After a while, the sound of water stopped, and after a rustling sound, a beautiful figure walked out of the bathroom.

Felicia wiped her long, silky pale golden hair with a towel while sitting casually on the sofa in the living room.

After wiping her hair, she purred and lay on the sofa like a cat, stretching her body lazily.

In addition, his mother is a successful and successful woman, and his father has not been with her since childhood due to some special reasons, so she does not feel the need to find a man.

Her hands were stretched above her head, and her slender white legs were folded on the sofa cushions, accidentally revealing her fair and round skin and a hint of spring hidden under her long silk skirt.

It wasn't until Gwen appeared in her field of vision that her heart, which had been silent for many years, finally began to stir, because she was sure that Gwen was the kind of good friend she was looking for, not to mention that they had many similarities.

Because there were still residual water drops on her body that had not been wiped clean, the silk nightgown on her body was somewhat clinging to her skin, revealing her delicate and fair skin, wrapping her round and plump body, perfectly reflecting What does it mean that small branches bear fruit, but the buttocks are raised and the legs are still long?

Felicia neither likes men nor those stupid women who have no brains. This also leads to Felicia not having any friends since she was a child. Although many people are surrounding her, she still doesn't like any of them.

"Holm Clint, that mysterious stinky man! I really don't understand what Gwen thinks. It's just that he has a handsome face and a better figure." Felicia frowned in displeasure. He frowned and muttered to himself.

Because she had seen many disgusting and dirty men in the past, Felicia had always been disgusted with men.

In addition to being smart enough and mentally strong enough, they also have their own special features and secrets that need to be hidden.

Such similarities will make them get better soon. Although Gwen will always be timid due to past experiences, Felicia, who is active and lively by nature, will always take the initiative to make their relationship better. The better come.

Gwen cherished this hard-won friendship, and Felicia did the same, so she scrutinized Holm strictly and gave Holm a big cross after contacting him. As a bystander, she knew very well the current state of Gwen and Holm. Gwen had obviously fallen in love with Holm, and they should have made some special progress, so Gwen asked her where the best custom-made suits were. Okay, so that's why she saw them holding hands tightly that day.

Felicia doesn't like men, but Gwen has her own hobbies, so even though she doesn't like them, she supports her in pursuing her love.

But compared to Gwen's performance, Holm's appearance really disappointed her. Although his outstanding appearance would make anyone's eyes brighten when he saw it, the words of clarification and Gwen's slightly disappointed eyes were directly related to her. Let Felicia sentence him to death.

While they were shopping in the afternoon, Felicia also asked Gwen about Holm and how they met.

Gwen didn't go into too much detail about her work. She only said that Holm was a government agent and the nature of his work was quite special.

But when talking about the process of their acquaintance, Gwen's eyes were full of memories and smiles, and she was obviously very happy.

After seeing Gwen's reaction, Felicia's disgust for Holm became even deeper, so he was determined to expose Holm's true face so that Gwen could wake up from this dazed love as soon as possible and recognize the truth. The nature of these stinky men.

"Holm Clint, I must expose you as a scumbag. Although this may make Gwen a little sad, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. I can't let you deceive Gwen's feelings anymore." Felicy As Ya thought, he clenched his fist and hammered the sofa, as if Holm was the sofa cushion underneath.

At this moment, the alarm clock placed on the coffee table also started to ring. After hearing it, Felicia reached out her hand to press it, then looked at the time and said to herself: "It's already ten o'clock. Now, I think Gwen must have started to be active in the city again."

"I'm going to go play with her. Gwen Stacy is no longer alone, and Spider-Woman can't be alone either." Felicia stood up as she spoke, crossing her slender white legs. Then walked towards the bedroom.

As she walked, the silk pajamas on her body gradually slipped off, revealing a tall, slender, plump and tempting white body. Under the cold moonlight, this body seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze, holy and charming. .

A moment later, when she walked out of the bedroom again, she had already put on a special black tights and a lace eye mask.

"The one who is going to appear now is the black cat." Felicia said as she stretched out her slender fingers to comb her hair.

As she moved, her originally pale golden hair suddenly began to change color, turning into silvery white like the rough edges on the collar and cuffs of her tights.

At the same time, her whole temperament has also undergone tremendous changes, from the original intellectual elegance and grace to a hot, sexy and extremely dangerous one.

If this scene hadn't happened continuously, no one would have thought it was the same person. After all, how could one person show such two different states?

"Well~ I like the moonlight tonight, I hope it can bring me good luck." Felicia held the railing of the balcony and looked at the bright moon in the sky, and then turned over and jumped after finishing her words.

(End of this chapter)

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